There is a lot to do for a beautiful green and dense lawn in the garden. The foundation for this is already laid by proper soil preparation and sowing. How long it takes from seed to germination of the lawn depends on various factors. The most important information about the germination time of the lawn can be found here.
Of course, regular care should not be forgotten during the germination period of lawn seeds. Even mistakes when laying out a lawn can quickly shatter the dream of a green idyll.
Even choosing the lawn seed can easily become a challenge. A wide variety of mixtures are commercially available. Good seed germination is also required. It is important that the so-called primary dormancy (natural dormancy) that every grass seed has is overcome. There are various things to consider.
germination time
influencing factors
The length of dormancy varies between different types of grass. For this reason, all seeds do not germinate at the same time. Of course, the germination time of lawn seeds also depends on the variety. In addition, however, various factors can also influence the length of the germination time, such as
- water
- oxygen
- temperature
By watering the seeds swell before germination. Not only is their volume significantly increased, but enzymes such as diastase are also activated. This enzyme is responsible for converting starch into sugar. The stored nutrients are then available to the seedling. In other words, the germination process can begin.
Of course, after sowing, regular watering is a prerequisite for the development of the seedlings. The germinating seeds must always be prevented from drying out, otherwise the germination process will be interrupted and the seedling will gradually die.
A light rolling of the soil after the seed has been sown can also be helpful. The seed thus has good contact with the soil and can draw water out of it more quickly. A slotted film can be laid out to protect against drying out and to ensure good germination. Due to the existing air slots, there is a greenhouse climate under the film. The film is permeable to water and thus ensures that the area can be watered.
tip: Alternatively, a normal cover fleece can also be used. It works on the same principle. It's just made out of a different material.
Like all living things, plants need oxygen for growth and development. The lawn seedlings take the oxygen they need from the soil, so it is necessary that there is enough. If the soil is hard and solid, the seedling is not able to absorb oxygen. Aeration of the soil is essential. The soil must be well loosened and finely crumbly, then there is no lack of oxygen. However, care must be taken when watering. Too much moisture can quickly result in the soil becoming blocked.
The prevailing temperature is also crucial for optimal germination. When sowing, the soil must have a minimum temperature of 10 °C. It should not be sown in spring when temperatures are rising, as the soil needs a little longer to warm up. Then there would be no growth. Temperatures between 16 and 23 °C would be ideal. It becomes critical when temperatures rise, for example a soil temperature of 40 °C can delay seed germination. At even higher temperatures from 45 °C there is a great danger for the seedlings, a large number can then die off, especially if the heat period lasts for a longer period of time. The best time for sowing is in
- Spring in the months of May to June and
- Autumn from mid-September to early October
Lawn seeds usually consist of many different varieties, so that the lawn is really resistant and robust later and can withstand all hardships. The germination time can therefore also be quite different. It depends not only on the water, oxygen and temperature, but also on the grass type. Even within a variety, the seed can develop at different speeds. The germination period is usually between 6 and 28 days. Of course, even under good conditions, the first blades of grass can appear after 8 to 9 days. Delays can occur in shady areas, but also in areas with a lot of sunlight.
tip: To control the germination time, some grass seed can be placed on a damp kitchen towel. This is watered at the same time as the seed in the garden. The lighting conditions must also match, then it can be roughly determined when the first cotyledons will appear. Shortly after germination on the kitchen towel, the seed will also sprout in the garden.
Optimal conditions
In order to enable good germination of the lawn seed, a few things should be considered before laying out a lawn and also after sowing:
- choose the right time for sowing (spring, autumn)
- 14 days before sowing, dig up the soil one or two spades deep
- Remove weeds and old roots
- Work compost or horn meal into the top layer of soil, thereby enriching the soil with nutrients and ultimately reducing the germination time
- Work in a layer of sand on heavy soils such as loam or clay
- Roll and water the soil, then leave to rest
- One day before sowing, scrape the surface of the soil with a rake until the soil is finely crumbly
- Use of high quality seeds
- Lawn seeds germinate in the light, so work them into the soil at most only 1 cm deep with a rake
- then roll the seeds in a checkerboard pattern, this creates an optimal connection to the ground
- Water the lawn with a fine spray and then four to five times a day for 10 minutes for the next three weeks
- do not water too much, otherwise the soil will be compacted
- Do not step on the lawn
- Set up nets or scarecrows to protect against birds
tip: The seed can be covered with a seed helper vermiculite (fine silicate plates). This is translucent, stores water and offers protection from voracious birds.
Turbo seed shortens germination time
Many manufacturers offer a so-called turbo seed. The lawn seed is provided with a germination accelerator. The first plants should appear after 7 days. Of course, only under the condition of regular watering and the presence of sufficient nutrients.