A well-tended, lush green lawn is the hallmark of a garden. The whole thing is encouraged, among other things, by regular lawn mowing, provided the seed used is of good quality. A regular cut also has the advantage that competition from weeds is contained. So that freshly sown lawns can meet these requirements, lawn mowing comes into focus. It is important to pay attention to a number of things, especially when it comes to the right time and the cutting height.

Right time to mow the lawn

In order to create the best conditions for a dense lawn, you should sow in late summer. The temperatures are not that high anymore and the ground is still warm. You should allow some time before the first mowing of a freshly sown lawn. The growth height of the grass as well as the prevailing weather conditions and the soil conditions serve as a meaningful orientation for when the best time is.

influencing factors

height of the grasses

When you mow for the first time depends on various factors. You should never cut a freshly seeded lawn too early the first time. The young seedlings must be strong enough and well anchored in the ground. Otherwise it can happen that they are not cut off when mowing the lawn, but are torn out of the ground together with the roots. But when should you mow for the first time?

  • Neither mow too early nor wait too long
  • Do not exceed the maximum growth height of the grass
  • Otherwise, the vegetation point will be shifted upwards
  • It would be injured during the cut or even removed with it
  • Grasses then need much longer to sprout again
  • This would result in patchy growth
  • Plant heights of at least 7-10 cm are recommended
  • When this height is reached, it can be cut down to 5-6 cm
  • Desired height adjustable on most mowers
  • Minimum growth heights before the first cut can vary depending on the type of lawn
  • Normal sports and play turf 7-7.5 cm
  • Decorative lawn 8-8.5 cm
  • Shade lawn 10 cm
  • Shaded lawns should generally stay a little longer

tip: The optimal height before the first cut can only be estimated by pure eye contact. However, since this first cut lays the foundation for an even and uninterrupted turf, you should not be afraid to use a folding rule if in doubt.

weather and soil conditions

Even if the growth height of the freshly sown grass plays a key role in choosing the perfect time, it is not the sole criterion. No less important are the prevailing weather and the condition of the soil. If you have sown after the winter, growth will progress well on warm days in spring. If the sowing took place in autumn, the stalks need much more time to gain height.

  • When mowing a freshly sown lawn for the first time in spring, take delayed ground frosts into account
  • The first frost in autumn should also be a long way off at the time of mowing
  • If the optimal growth height is not reached before the onset of winter, stop mowing the lawn
  • Then postpone the first cut until spring
  • Grasses stop growing in winter anyway
  • Always choose dry and cloudy weather for the first mowing operation
  • Wait for days without intense sunlight
  • The lawn should be dry

If it is wet, the mower could not cut it cleanly, the clippings would clump and clog the mower. In addition, the turf can be injured due to the mower sinking more heavily due to its weight or simply by slipping on the wet ground. In addition to a largely dry lawn, the minimum night-time temperature should not fall below five degrees.

tip: An unmown lawn should not be walked on before the lawn is cut. The trampled-down stalks only straighten up again very slowly, so that the mower cannot catch them and the result is an uneven cut.

Lawn mowing according to the 'rule of thirds'

The first cut that as cupping cut is called, promotes the formation of clumps and runners and thus contributes to the formation of a dense, closed turf. It should not be too deep and should be based on the 'one-third rule'. This states that the current growth height can be reduced by a maximum of one third per mowing pass.

When the lawn has reached a height of 8 cm, set the mower to a cutting height of 5 cm. Again, the cutting height varies depending on the type of lawn. In shady areas you should never cut shorter than 4-5 cm.
Otherwise, when making the first cut, make sure not to mow with heavy equipment, which would leave marks in the fresh green. The mower blades should be sharp so that the grass is cut cleanly and not torn off. Frayed interfaces serve as entry points for a wide variety of pathogens. The clippings are carefully removed after mowing, unless you use a mulching mower. The easiest way to do this is with a rake that has rubber tines. If you pay attention to these things, nothing stands in the way of a lush green and dense lawn.
