The winter puts a lot of strain on the lawn, as it cannot absorb any nutrients during the cold days and therefore requires special care. This is where the autumn lawn fertilizer is used, which provides the noble grasses with the necessary nutrients. It is particularly important when you apply it, because only when the time is right will your lawn present itself as a soft, green mat again in the New Year, which invites you to relax.


Why does it have to be fertilized?

The right fertilization before winter protects the lawn from diseases and harmful fungi and ensures vigorous growth in spring when the sun shines brighter over the lawn again. The lawn is supplied with an autumn lawn fertilizer that supplies it with the following nutrients.

  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • sulfur
  • phosphate
fertilizer for the lawn

This mix of nutrients makes it easy for the lawn to get through the winter without the short stalks becoming greasy and having a negative impact on growth. In addition, autumn fertilization provides an additional growth spurt before the onset of winter if you apply it at the right time. But when is the right time to apply the autumn lawn fertilizer? September, October or November?

Tip: Organic fertilizers are particularly suitable as autumn lawn fertilizers because they stimulate the microorganisms in the soil and thus ensure a healthier soil structure. In addition, these are mixed with the nutrients mentioned above, which provides additional protection and the necessary supply during the cold season.


The right time to apply the fertilizer is not simply related to a month or a period of time such as October to November or early to late September. The previous lawn care and the onset of winter are much more important here, because they have a major impact on the effectiveness of the fertilizer. When you apply the autumn lawn fertilizer is measured in the following order:

mowing and scarifying

The most important step before the time of fertilizing is the care of the lawn in the fall. This includes mowing in September and scarifying, which removes moss, weeds and old lawn debris from the lawn. This provides the best conditions for the grass to absorb the fertilizer and for no infectious diseases to spread over the winter.

cut the lawn


Liming is necessary when your soil is too acidic. Liming greatly delays the date of fertilization, but it must not be forgotten, otherwise your lawn will not do well over the winter, as will the soil.

Sow new lawn

This is followed by the sowing of new lawns, which is necessary in dried-up areas to close the lawn. This allows the fresh lawn to sprout immediately in spring.

All of the above points are essential to enable the appropriate date for the application of the autumn lawn fertilizer. These should all be undertaken over a period from mid-September to early October to allow time for the lawn to recover from mowing and scarifying.

This is based on the following information:

  • Fertilize without prior liming: two to three days after maintenance
  • Fertilize after previous liming: three to four weeks after maintenance

This is important because the lime has to act for a long time before the fertilizer can really work. The following components are then included in these values.

use high-quality seed when sowing the lawn

onset of winter

The earlier winter arrives in your region, the sooner you should start caring for and fertilizing. It's typically cooler in mountainous areas and northern Germany, but be sure to check your annual onset of winter to be on the safe side. Lawn stops growing at around 9°C and the sooner you hit that number, the sooner you need to start preparing.


The weather on the day of fertilization is important. High temperatures with lots of sun should be avoided, a cloudy day is recommended. The ground may be slightly damp, but it should not rain. Dry soil is ideal, but not "bone dry". This allows you to limit the time of fertilization more.

fresh patch of grass

If the above values are included, you can calculate exactly when you should fertilize your region. For example, if you live in the Swabian Alb, you should start working in mid-September and if you need to lime, you can do this by mid-October at the latest. November would definitely be too late here. In the vicinity of Duisburg, on the other hand, you can still carry out the preparations at the beginning of October and even fertilize at the beginning of November. The warmer your place of residence, the more time you can take with fertilizing.

Tip: On the day of fertilizing, be careful not to have any leaves on the lawn; collect this if necessary. Leaves carry numerous spores and pathogens that lead to problems with the lawn over the winter.
