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Strawberries are usually commercially available as plants, but they can also be grown from seed. Even before sowing and later pricking out, however, a few points must be observed so that healthy and high-yielding plants can develop from the seed. We explain what is important and provide important information about cultivation.


Strawberry seeds are available both in brick-and-mortar stores and online. Keepers of old strawberry varieties also give them away occasionally. It can therefore be worth asking private breeders.

There is also the option of harvesting the seeds directly from the strawberries. The so-called "nutlets" can be removed from the fruit in the following way:

1. Choose very ripe strawberries that are already soft but not moldy.
2. Grate the fruit in a very fine, close-meshed tea strainer using light pressure. Keep adding small amounts of water to help separate the pulp from the seeds.
3. Thoroughly wash the strawberry seeds with water until there are no fruit residues left.
4. Place the nuts on an absorbent cloth to dry.

Alternatively, the seeds can also be collected individually from dried or fresh fruits. They can be removed with tweezers or your fingernails. However, this variant requires a little more patience.

tip: In the case of fruit from the trade, it is not always guaranteed that the seeds will germinate at all and that high-yield plants will develop from them. If you want to be sure that the cultivation is successful, you should use appropriate seeds from breeders, from a nursery or from the trade.

germination time

Strawberries have a comparatively long germination period of four to six weeks. The cultivation should therefore take place between mid-February and the end of March in order to be able to harvest as early as possible in summer. Earlier growth is only possible with appropriate lighting from plant lamps.


In order to successfully grow strawberry seeds, you first need one cold spell. In technical jargon, this process of seed preparation by cold is called "stratification".

Stratification can be done in two ways. On the one hand, the nuts can be packaged dry for one to three months in the fridge are given. On the other hand, the seed can simply be placed in a slightly sheltered place into the open placed, for example on the window sill. The winter is thus imitated to a certain extent.

Preparing strawberries from seed: instructions


In order to prepare for the cultivation, planters, location and substrate must first be selected. When vessels small pots or shallow bowls are suitable. Subsequent pricking is simplified if the vessels are already divided into several small sections.

the location should be bright and not subject to large temperature changes. A normal room temperature between 18 °C and 20 °C is sufficient for the strawberry seeds to germinate.

When substrate can either use potting soil from the trade or make your own potting soil. For your own production, a mixture of one part each is recommended:

  • garden soil
  • well rotted compost
  • sand or gravel

In addition, some rock flour and crushed charcoal can be added. The flour provides mineral nutrients while the charcoal reduces the risk of mold growth.

Sow step by step

Preponing is quite easy if you follow the steps below:

1. Soak seeds

Soak the nuts in lukewarm water the night before or at least a few hours before sowing.

2. Fill in the substrate

Fill the potting soil into the containers and moisten slightly.

3. Spread seeds

Put the strawberry seeds on the ground. Depending on the size of the planters, put one to five nuts per pot on the substrate.

4. Light germinator

You should only cover the strawberry seeds very lightly with the potting soil. Since they are light germs, they need brightness. The layer of soil on the nut should therefore only be about three millimeters.

5. Location

The vessels are placed in a bright and sheltered place where the temperatures are as constant as possible. This shortens the germination time. To further protect the strawberry seeds and to reduce the effort involved in watering, you can cover the planters with foil or a pane of glass or plexiglass.

6. Keep soil moist

The soil is always kept slightly moist, but should not be wet. If you use a cover, you should remove it briefly every day or two to reduce the risk of mold growth.


When the seeds have germinated and reached a height of about two to three centimetres, you can prick them out. On the one hand, the young plants are planted at a greater distance from one another and, on the other hand, the specimens that only grow very weakly or even wither and wither are sorted out.
However, if you only put one strawberry seed in each planter when sowing, you can do without this measure.

plant out

Once the strawberries have reached a height of five centimeters and late frost is no longer to be expected, you can move the plants outdoors.

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