A beautiful pond in the garden makes the idyll perfect. Not only is it the ideal place to rest and relax, a garden pond has an undreamt-of attraction, especially for children. The splashing of the water and life in the pond with fish, dragonflies, snails and small animals is interesting for children. But how do you manage to make the pond safe for children?

Fascinating garden pond

The water and the unique habitats by the sea, by the lake or by the garden pond exert a special attraction on people. This is one reason garden ponds are growing in popularity. More and more hobby gardeners and property owners are creating a pond. When planning, in addition to the site conditions for pond plants and fish, the safety aspect must also be taken into account.
Even when there are no small children left in the house, ponds can become a source of danger when children come to visit or when the neighborhood children climb over the fence. Garden ponds can even pose a danger to animals such as cats, hedgehogs and rabbits.

child protection

When children live on the property, safety issues are a high priority. A shallow garden pond represents an enormous danger for small children under five years of age. A pond safety device is indispensable. Schoolchildren can judge shallow ponds quite well. Larger and deeper ponds are also a danger for school children, especially if they can't swim yet.
There are various ways to make the garden pond safe for children. Here is an overview:

  • pond nets
  • pond grid
  • fences
  • walls
  • high ponds

We explain the security measures and present the advantages and disadvantages.

pond nets

The simplest variant of a pond cover are nets. These hardly disturb the appearance. Nets promise security when children play in the garden unsupervised and have access to the pond.

The advantage of pond nets is that they can be used quickly and easily. Pond nets are intended for private use, but high-quality nets meet the same requirements as safety nets on construction sites. These networks must professionally installed to protect children from drowning. They must be adjusted to the child's age so that they do not give way too much. A great danger is that children cannot find a footing and become entangled in the net. This shows that covering the pond with a net can even pose an additional hazard for small children.

  • Safety for children: low
  • Cost: low
  • Decreased attractiveness: no
  • Impairment of habitat development: no
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: partially

notice: Rain barrels are also a great danger for children. Small children like to climb. Note this. Place water butts where children cannot climb in and be sure to cover the water butt.

Solid pond covers

A fixed pond cover made of wood, glass, metal or stable plastic is safer than a net. These covers are usually roof-shaped and are placed over the pond to protect the children. They can be completely closed or perforated in such a way that children cannot slip through under any circumstances. Pond covers are available in specialist shops that not only have a protective function, but are artistically designed and look very attractive. Fixed pond covers can be permanently installed. Flexible assembly is also possible.

Rigid pond covers are more complicated to handle than pond nets, but offer significantly higher protection. It is worth the extra effort to disassemble if the pond needs to be cleaned.

  • Safety for children: high
  • Cost: low to medium
  • Decreasing attractiveness: depending on the model
  • Impairment of habitat development: partial
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: yes

pond grid

Pond grids are an excellent solution. They offer protection for the children in the garden and hardly affect the appearance of the pond.

Commercially available pond grids are made of robust steel. They are installed just below the water surface or directly above it. Pond grids are firm and stable. When installed professionally, they do not wobble and cannot break. Children can even walk over the pond grating without anything happening.
Pond grids ensure the protection of children without disturbing their development in the pond. Good models allow plants to grow through the trellis and thrive just as they would without the trellis. A disadvantage of the grids is the difficulty in maintaining and cleaning the pond.

  • Safety for children: high
  • Cost: low to medium
  • Decreased attractiveness: no
  • Impairment of habitat development: no
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: yes


An alternative to nets, grids and fixed pond covers are fences around the pond. You can choose between wire mesh fences and plug-in fences. Chain link fences provide a good level of protection. Because small children are safely prevented from falling into the garden pond. Chain link fences can be purchased in various dimensions, the height should be chosen to ensure the safety of children.

The downside to a chain link fence is the look. He is quickly perceived as annoying. It does not need to remain this way. If you manage to combine the pond planting with the fence, fences are very safe and maintain the attractiveness of the garden pond.

  • Safety for children: very high
  • Cost: low
  • Desirability: yes
  • Impairment of habitat development: no
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: no

Plug fences are an alternative to chain link fences. They are commercially available, for example, with ropes between the plug-in elements. Plug-in fences can be easily installed and do not disturb the development of the water biotope. However, plug-in fences are only childproof if your children cannot climb over or penetrate them.

  • Safety for children: depends on the size of the children
  • Cost: medium
  • Decreased attractiveness: no
  • Impairment of habitat development: no
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: no

tip: Just like a fence, plants that form dense hedges can perform a protective function.


Walls around the garden pond are very safe and equally complex. Because walls offer the opportunity to be integrated into the design of the pond and to give off a harmonious appearance with attractive planting. However, the disadvantage is that impenetrability of walls for small animals. Alternatively, dry stone walls can be designed.

Walls don't have to be very high to protect children. They safely prevent children from falling into the pond and hardly affect the maintenance of the pond.

  • Safety for children: very high
  • Cost: high
  • Decreased attractiveness: no
  • Impairment of habitat development: little
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: no

notice: Walls and fences that cannot easily be climbed by adults must be equipped with a gate to ensure pond maintenance.

high ponds

If you are still planning your garden pond, include the installation of a raised pond in your considerations. Elevated ponds offer reliable child protection without reducing the attractiveness and development of the unique habitat. They are designed with containers placed and designed at the desired height. A wide range of tanks for raised ponds are available from specialist retailers.

  • Safety for children: very high
  • Cost: medium
  • Decreased attractiveness: no
  • Impairment of habitat development: no
  • Difficulty in pond maintenance: no

tip: An easy-to-implement alternative to covers, grids and fences is to fill up the garden pond with gravel just below the water surface. The view of the pond is only minimally impaired. Nothing can happen to small children and when the children are big enough, simply remove the gravel again.

If you have children or grandchildren, you don't have to do without a pond in your garden. Specialist shops have numerous options for child protection. Get professional advice to ensure the greatest possible safety in your garden.

Protective measures do not have to disturb the appearance. With a little creativity, you can create the optimal combination of safety and attractiveness in your garden.
