Succulents are extremely robust due to their succulent leaves and are therefore popular with many plant enthusiasts. Easy to care for and in many cases undemanding, they offer a wide variety of design options in your own home, terrace or balcony. Species that grow flowering or hanging are particularly popular with people. If you are still looking for a suitable succulent, you will find a good overview here.
30 types of flowering and hanging succulents
The purchase of one or more types of succulents for the home environment or the garden is sometimes a bit confusing due to the great variety. In addition, a large part of the plants is not known to everyone, especially when it comes to the numerous varieties that hide behind a species. Many of the plants listed below are flowering and some of them are even hanging. The individual plants differ in the classic types of succulents:
- leafy succulents
- stem succulents
- root succulents
Although there is only a single root succulent of the species and varieties mentioned below, the variety is extremely extensive. This is exactly what makes this type of plant so popular. The following list introduces you to 30 succulent plants that are either flowering, trailing, or both:
Succulents from A - C
monkey tail
The monkey tail (bot. Cleistocactus colademononis) is a popular cactus whose shoots can reach lengths of 2.5 meters. They hang down and are completely covered with white spines. These are soft and can therefore be touched without any problems.
This Echeveria (bot. Echeveria 'Afterglow') is known for its flowers, which make it the prettiest of the entire genus. These have an elegant shape and a color that is reminiscent of lavender.
In the case of begonias (bot. Begonia), only a few species are succulent. These include the wax begonia (bot. Begonia cucullata) and maple-leaf begonia (bot. Begonia dregei), which develop the typical flowers and leaves of the genus. If you've always been a fan of begonias, be sure to check out these taxa and add them to your collection. The maple leaf is native to Brazil, while the wax begonia comes from the forests of South Africa.
leaf cacti
Leaf cacti (bot. Epiphyllum) are recommended as succulents due to their large selection of varieties and species.
Calico kittens
The highlight of these pretty, hanging succulents with the botanical name Crassula pellucida subsp. marginalis 'Variegata', are the heart-shaped leaves. These are a mix of four different colors that vary from specimen to specimen: green, pink, purple and cream. The shoots also become darker or lighter depending on the location.
Christ thorn
The shape of these flowering succulents alone immediately catches the eye. The fleshy leaves with the rounded flowers are characteristic of this species, along with the thorn-armed shoots. Due to the numerous varieties, Christ's Thorn (bot. Euphorbia milii) is often kept on the balcony or windowsill.
Succulents from F - K
Flaming Katie
The Flammende Käthchen (bot. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is a classic in Germany. The numerous varieties allow different combinations in relation to the design of your own windowsill.
money tree
The money tree (bot. Crassula ovata) is another classic known for its succulent foliage. With good care, it can reach a considerable size.
Hanging ragwort
The hanging ragwort (bot. Senecio herreianus) forms shoots that are up to 90 centimeters long, which hang downwards and also have thickened leaves, but they are oval in shape. These look very elegant and are particularly attractive when hanging.
Hindu rope plant
The Hindu Rope (bot. Hoya compacta) is native to India and features waxy leaves held in the shape of a star. The individual shoots, which can grow into thick ropes and are equipped with twisted leaves and pretty, white flowers, are particularly striking.
Kenya Hyacinth
This bow hemp is a succulent that is flowering and hanging at the same time. Although the small, white-pink flowers are not very conspicuous, the leaves, which can reach a length of 45 centimeters and therefore hang downwards, are even more so. Don't be surprised: the Kenya Hyacinth (bot. Sansevieria parva) grows upright at first.
Small-flowered western aloe
An aloe that produces attractive flowers that are small and red, known by the botanical name Hesperaloe parviflora.

Succulents by L - P
Life Saver Cactus
The Lifesaver Cactus (bot. Huernia zebrina) features star-shaped flowers that are zebra-striped and almost hypnotic.
Little pickles
The daisy family Little Pickles (bot. Othonna capensis) is a species of the African genus Othonna, which grows creeping and is therefore often used in hanging baskets. The fleshy shoots grow about 30 centimeters in length and bear golden-yellow flowers that blend in well with the ambience.
Marble buttons
Marble Buttons (bot. Conophytum calculus) is a small plant with leaves that form into spherical balls and have a smooth surface. The highlight happens during the flowering period, because the flowers only appear at night.
Peanut Cactus
As the name suggests, this species' shoots are reminiscent of peanuts, which grow into long, pendulous snakes with age. The orange-red flowers of the peanut cactus (bot. Echinopsis chamaecereus) sit between the shoots like in a bed.
whip cactus
The whip cactus (bot. Disocactus flagelliformis) is a classic that grows pendulous and flowering. While the individual shoots can reach lengths of up to three meters after several years, it develops beautiful pink flowers quite early on, which will definitely captivate you.
string of beads
Like Ceropegia woodii, the string of pearls (bot. Senecio rowleyanus) is ideal for hanging. The individual tendrils have numerous, pea-green and spherical leaves, which resemble a string of pearls in shape. It is particularly easy to care for and therefore all the more popular.

Pincushion cactus
This small, round cactus with its pretty flowers needs at least four hours of direct sunlight per day. This is how Pincushion Cactus (bot. Mammillaria crinita) inspires with its abundance of flowers and thorns.
Succulents with R
Smoke colored geranium
This beautiful flowering succulent with the botanical name Pelargonium luridum is available in several varieties and seduces with the shape of the picturesque flowers. Although the color of the flowers is paler, it is pleasantly eye-catching. It is not recognizable as a succulent at first glance, as it is a root succulent. Therefore, you only notice the fleshy roots as soon as you repot them.
Rock purslane
The flowers of the Rock Purslane (bot. Calandrinia spectabilis) resemble small wild roses and only bloom for one day, but in large numbers. It forms dense succulent cushions in the garden.
ruby ball
Another type of cactus whose flowers are in the foreground is Ruby Ball (bot. Gymnocalycium mihanovichii). Because these grow directly on the top of the cactus and shine in an intensely magnificent red.
Succulents with S
columnar cacti
This genus (bot. Cereus) is ideal if you are looking for flowering succulents. The number of species and varieties is quite large and you should therefore take a little time when choosing.
snake sedum
Species of the genus Sedum are known in Germany under the more common name Mauerpfeffer. The snake sedum (bot. Sedum morganianum) is called the monkey swing because of the shape of its downward-hanging, light shoots clad in blue and grey-green. This species is extremely drought tolerant once established in its site and provided with a well drained substrate.
Cobweb houseleek
Cobweb houseleek (bot. Sempervivum arachnoideum) is a succulent popular for its rounded shape, persistence, and beautiful blooms.
Perennial Ice Plant
These ice plants (bot. Delosperma cooperi) are a popular addition to the garden due to their fleshy leaves and pretty, rounded flowers in a variety of colours.
string of hearts
String of Hearts (bot. Ceropegia linearis) is a dreamy succulent that stands out for its light green heart-shaped leaves. The succulent tendrils grow up to four meters long and for this reason they are often kept hanging so that they can fall down. Ceropegia woodii has unique flowers and the leaf color changes with the light.
String of nickels
String of Nickels (bot. Dischidia nummularia) is another succulent that features long stems that develop leaves the size and shape of an American nickel. The light grey-green color catches the eye immediately and the plant develops a large number of leaves, which intensifies the effect.
Succulents with W
Christmas cactus
The Christmas cacti (bot. Schlumbergera) have drooping shoots that, in shade of green, perfectly match the flowers that the different varieties of the species produce. The color variations range from a lovely pink to red to a light violet.
desert rose
The desert rose (bot. Adenium obesum) is one of the flowering succulents that develop numerous flowers. These are kept in pink or light red tones and thus stand out from the green of the other parts of the plant.
You must be wondering why so many of the above succulents have English names? Many of the hanging and flowering species and varieties come from non-European countries and for this reason often do not even have a German name. Therefore, in the list above you will find numerous English names that give an interesting insight into the thought world of the respective cultures that named the plant.
tip: Getting your succulents to bloom isn't all about care and location. Before flowering, succulent plants need a cold stimulus, which is extremely important as a trigger for this process.