With winter approaching and most of the plants losing their leaves, several months of darkness and snow lie ahead. To escape the dreary, cold days, there are evergreen hedge plants whose leaves and needles are not shed and thus provide a colorful aspect in the garden. Many of the hedge plants are not only evergreen, because they have to be hardy in order not to freeze to death immediately with the first frost.
hedge plants
Hedge Plants: 25 Appealing Species
Hedges are an asset to any garden. Many species bear flowers and fruits that provide a real splendor of colors and shapes in summer. In addition, they represent a perfect privacy screen for the property, as there are numerous plants that form dense hedges with lots of greenery. The species should be hardy and evergreen in order to withstand the harsh seasons in many parts of Germany, otherwise there is a possibility that the sensitive parts of the plant will suffer from the sub-zero temperatures. You don't have to rely exclusively on native species. Suitable hedge plants for your own garden can be found all over the world.
- yew
- Firethorn
- sack flowers
- medlar
- lavender heather
- liguster
- cherry laurel
- Thuja
- false cypress
- White panicle spikes
- hedge myrtle
- cotoneaster
- hawthorn
- barberries
- boxwood
- Japanese Aukube
- creep spindle
- Griselinia littoralis
- holly
- oleaster
- osmanthus
- ivy
- juniper
- Spruce
- bamboo
Notice: The hardiness of the above plants is well suited to Central Europe, even if it's a bit cooler. However, this requires good care and a location that meets the needs of the evergreen plants.
plant examples
From B to E
Bamboo is just as suitable as a hedge plant as the species described above. However, only the Fargesia genus is hardy and evergreen. It can grow to a height of up to six meters with a culm thickness of three centimetres. The growth rate of the Fargesia is typical of bamboo: at least 50 centimeters per year. With a width of about two meters and edible sprouts, the bamboo brings a touch of Asia to your garden. Fargesia bamboo does not need a rhizome barrier as they cannot form runners.

The barberries (Berberis) of the barberry family are known for their red berries, which are sweet and tasty. Due to its growth, the shrub is well suited as a hedge plant, even if it grows quite slowly. On the other hand, it is extremely tight and can therefore be pulled around your own premises as a two to three meter high privacy screen. The barberry hedge is quite compact and looks extremely appealing due to the wide range of leaf colors.
- rich light green
- Red
- dark green

The boxwood (bot. Buxus sempervirens) belongs to the hedge plants like the tulip to the spring flowers. With its growth, it is one of the densest plants in this category and is not only suitable for hedges, but also for artistic topiary reminiscent of bears, dragons or pyramids. As a hedge, it is an efficient privacy screen thanks to a possible height of up to 4.5 meters and a width of up to 3.5 meters. In addition, the fast-growing boxwood is hardy and evergreen. Characteristic are the glossy dark green leaves and the highest cutting friendliness of all hedge plants.

Who does not know him, the ivy. Whether as a privacy screen or as an artistic hedge, Hedera helix will reach considerable proportions within a few years. The climbing plant is characteristic for its rapid growth along facades or climbing aids. It is absolutely hardy, evergreen and even prefers locations with little light.

The yew (bot. Taxus) is one of the most classic hedging plants, used for horticulture in Europe for centuries. Their undemanding nature and cut compatibility make them a perfect privacy screen. It grows extremely narrow and reaches heights of two to three meters. In summer, small scarlet fruits appear on the Taxus baccata. Please note: all parts of the plant are poisonous.

From F to G
Firethorns (bot. Pyracantha) belong to the rose family and, due to their height of up to six meters, are particularly suitable as privacy screens for large properties and gardens. The fast-growing hedge can grow up to half a meter per year and features large white flowers that develop into distinctive red berries that are mildly poisonous. Be careful, the hedge has thorns.

Everyone knows and loves spruces, but did you know that you can grow the two species Picea abies (native red spruce) and Picea omorika (Serbian spruce) as a hedge. The spruce hedge is evergreen and has the well-known spruce needles. Heights between 1.5 and 2 meters are recommended for hedge trimming so that the spruce stays healthy.

These Asian hedge plants are rose plants that stand out due to their intense leaf colour. Above all, Photinia fraseri 'Red Robin' (Fraser's medlar) should be mentioned here, whose leaves appear deep red throughout the year. It reaches growth heights of up to three meters as a hedge, on average 1.5 meters, making it ideal as a privacy screen or for delimiting properties. But it can also be kept narrow and short as a hedge.

Griselinia littoralis
The fast-growing Griselinia littoralis comes from New Zealand and is one of the most sensitive hedge plants in terms of its winter hardiness. It is hardy, but only down to -10°C, but impresses with its robustness, which is particularly suitable for gardens on the coast. Wind and blazing sun cannot harm it and it grows up to 30 centimeters a year, up to a height of five meters, 2.5 meters for hedges.

From H to J
hedge myrtle
With a growth height of about 15 centimeters per year and a maximum growth height and width of one meter, it takes a few years for the hedge myrtle to develop its full potential. No wonder the branches of Lonicera nitida are as dense as in only a few plants. In addition, it is evergreen due to its compact growth, hardy and perfect for undemanding pruning. A small, pleasant honeysuckle plant for every garden, which sets a natural accent in the garden with overhanging shoots.

Japanese Aukube
No longer an insider tip, the Japanese Aukube (bot. Aucuba japonica) has become a perennial favorite in German gardens. The highlight of the hedge plant is the speckled leaves in light and dark green, which give it a unique character. This is also the reason for the nickname "golden orange", although the Aucuba has no connection to the orange. It can reach heights of up to three meters, but hangs down a little at the top as the branches become weaker the higher it gets.

Japanese holly
Holly is often used as a privacy screen. Likewise the Japanese holly (bot. Ilex crenata), which could be considered a Japanese variant of the boxwood. It is not only suitable as a privacy screen, because the dense growth provides the best conditions for use in horticulture and numerous topiaries can be used. It grows to a height of about two meters and is extremely insensitive to pruning measures.

From K to L
cherry laurel
The cherry laurel (bot. Prunus laurocerasus), also known as the laurel cherry, is just as popular as a hedge plant as the privet. However, it grows less tall than wide and is therefore less suitable for small gardens. Fast-growing laurel cherries are not uncommon, and they are hardy down to -20°C. The glycosides in all parts of the plant, especially in the leaves and fruits, are extremely toxic and therefore no parts of the plant should be eaten. Cherry laurel exudes an intense almond scent.

creep spindle
Euonymus fortunei is immediately recognizable by the leaves, which have a light-colored edge. This dwarf shrub is narrow and only grows to a maximum height of 30 centimeters or two meters if given a climbing aid. The plant is ideal for small gardens, as it does not necessarily grow that much in width.

lavender heather
The shadowy bell is an extremely popular, slow-growing plant that presents itself in the garden without the typical hedge trimming. With its light pink flowers in the shape of an urn, it inspires anew every year and the growth height of Pieris varies between one and three meters. Please note that all visible parts of the heather lavender plant are poisonous and can lead to respiratory arrest if taken in excess.

Fast growing, branched and lots of mass. These attributes probably best describe Ligustrum. Not all privet species are evergreen, with the exception of Ligustrum vulgare, the common privet, which is also the only European representative of the genus. The flowers are white and the whole plant undemanding, except for the cut. Privet grows so quickly from the second year that several prunings a year are needed to keep it in check. Heights of 2.5 to 5 meters and widths of 1.5 to 2.5 meters are reached.

From O to S
Olive willows (bot. Elaeagnus) stand out because of their intense dark green foliage. With a growth of 60 centimeters a year you will have a state-of-the-art hedge in a short time, which is used as a robust property division. Oleasters are among the robust hedge plants that can withstand salty soil, wind and weather without any problems. Unpretentious and uncomplicated, it adjusts to a height of 100 centimetres.

Osmanthus, also known as osmanthus, has a similar effect on bees and humans due to its pleasant smell. Between June and October, when numerous white flowers unfold on the small hedge at a height of 120 centimetres, the scent of osmanthus will delight your nose. The flowers stand out strongly from the deep green leaves, which grow close together. The leaves are reminiscent of holly.

sack flowers
Hempflowers (bot. Ceanothus) are fast-growing hedge plants from North America and Mexico that remain slender and reach a maximum height of one meter. After just one to two years, it can shine to its full height and has beautiful flowers that are kept in a rich shade of blue. The shape of the flowers is reminiscent of lilac panicles. Extremely popular with insects of all kinds.

false cypress
False cypresses have been used for hedges for centuries, although the hedge acts as a cluster of numerous cypresses. Chamaecyparis can reach heights of up to 25 meters as a single tree, but are left at a maximum of six meters for hedges. The width of the hedge plants is up to 175 centimeters. Fast-growing cypresses never cease to amaze gardeners as they can reach state proportions within a few years while displaying their green, scaly leaves year-round.

From T to Z
Thuja, the botanical name for trees of life, belongs to the conifers and is particularly valued because of its small height. They come from North America and East Asia and come in only five species. They grow dense and narrow, work perfectly as a privacy screen and do not require much pruning care because they grow quite slowly, a maximum of ten centimeters per year. It can reach heights of up to eight meters. It even has flowers, but they look quite inconspicuous.

Juniper is not only popular in the kitchen, because Juniperus is just as popular as a hedge and privacy screen. Achievable heights vary between 12 and 19 meters, with the juniper hedge usually moving at shorter heights. Undemanding, robust and with the characteristic berries, the juniper always looks good in any garden.

The hawthorns closely resemble the firethorns. They differ mainly in the original distribution area. While firethorns mainly come from Asia and Southeast Europe, hawthorns (bot. Crataegus) are mainly found in North America and Central Europe. They grow up to eight meters, but are often trimmed to two or three meters as hedge plants. According to legend, elves live in these bushes and keep evil spirits away. There is a little truth to this legend, as hawthorns are extremely popular with many birds as a nesting place. As the name suggests, hawthorn has thorns that are quite long and hard.

White panicle spikes
Should it be an aesthetic privacy screen that presents a veritable sea of blossoms of bright white panicles over the summer? Then you have found the right hedge plant with the white panicle vine (bot. Spiraea cinerea). From April to the end of May, the numerous flowers can be seen, which protrude slightly from the leaves and give an almost wild expression. Its unique feature is its width of about two meters, which is excellent for hedges. The height, on the other hand, varies from one to two meters.

The cotoneasters are sometimes grouped together with the medlars, but differ in their growth and natural range. The cotoneasters are also found in Europe and reach heights of 15 to 200 centimeters as hedge plants. As a result, they can be used as a bed border, but also as a privacy screen. A special highlight of the cotoneaster are the numerous colors from white to pink, which inspire in gentle color gradients. Also pay attention to the low toxicity of the parts of the plant, especially the berries.