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Various varieties of privet are very popular as hedge plants. The privet is easy to care for and fast-growing. Due to its cut resistance, a compact, opaque hedge can be used. However, in order to support the privet hedge in growing, you have to consider a few things.

growth of privet

How fast the privet grows and what height it can reach depends on the species.

average values

Privet plants that are 2 to 3 years old reach a height of between 50 cm and 80 cm. After 4 to 5 years, the hedge has already reached a height of around 100 cm to 150 cm.


The common privet (Ligustrum vulgare) reaches a height of 200 cm to 450 cm. The Ligustrum vulgare 'Atrovirens' variety, which is particularly popular as a hedge plant, grows even higher. This privet variety can grow up to 3 m high.

However, hedges often remain smaller than solitary plants because they are then easier to keep in shape. The average annual increase in length is around 40 cm. However, the plants need good ones for this growing conditions. If the annual growth remains lower, you should look for care errors.

The dwarf privet

The small variety Ligustrum vilgare 'Lodense' is popular as a bed border. It only grows between 50 cm and 100 cm high and is one of the slow-growing varieties. The growth in length per year is lower than that of the larger privet species.

Sprout and bare the bushes

Privet has two growth spurts per year, each occurring in early spring and early summer. The first shoot is stronger than the second. In order to stimulate growth in length, the shrubs should be pruned beforehand.

The faster and taller the plants grow, the easier it is for the hedge to begin to bare in the lower area. Therefore, privet hedges should cut regularly will. As a result, the plants form many new and branched shoots that quickly grow in length.

accelerate growth

You should consider these points if you want to accelerate the growth of the privet:

  • choose optimal site conditions
  • correct planting
  • adequate fertilizing and watering
  • carry out necessary cutting measures regularly
  • Avoid or fight pests and diseases

site conditions

For optimal growth, choose a sunny or partially shaded, well-ventilated spot. The soil should be nutrient-rich, loose, permeable and calcareous. If the latter is not the case, lime can be added. You should also avoid locations that tend to waterlogging, as well as places that are too dry and full shade.


Do not choose the plant spacing too narrow, otherwise the plants would hinder each other while growing. You can plant any gaps that arise later.
You should dig the planting hole big enough for the root ball, mix the soil with fertilizer and, if necessary, lime. However, you must not damage the roots of the bushes when inserting them. Press the soil down well and water vigorously. Then mulch the area around the plants to suppress weeds and ensure nutrient supply over time.
Then the privet plants are cut back, which stimulates growth and the bushes grow denser.

fertilizing and watering

A sufficient supply of nutrients is important for the privet to grow faster. The plants are fertilized once a year, preferably in spring. Organic fertilizers such as compost or artificial fertilizers such as green plant fertilizers are suitable for this. Continuous mulching of the plants reduces water evaporation and also fertilizes the soil.

Liming is necessary if the soil and water are low in lime.
However, privet does not require a lot of water. However, even moisture supports the growth of the plants. Therefore, it makes sense to water the privet from time to time in dry summers. Drought does not harm the plant, but it stops growing.

cutting measures

The annual maintenance cut

The privet hedge will twice cut annually. Shoots that are too long are removed and the entire hedge is shortened. This encourages healthy new growth. The right times are in spring and early summer.

The radical cut

If the hedge becomes misshapen or bare, you should cut back the plants close to the ground. The same applies if old plants do not show strong new shoots in spring. Because the vigorous pruning stimulates plant growth, the shoots are more branched, the hedge grows denser. You should cutin the winter, when the bushes are dormant.

For all cutting measures, the following must be observed:

  • Cut off diseased or dead branches completely
  • use clean, sharp and suitable tools
  • pay attention to smooth cutting edges

Avoid pests and diseases

Another important point for optimal privet growth is the avoidance of pests and diseases. Aphids and various herbivorous beetles hinder the growth of the privet hedge. You can simply pick up larger pests, and in the case of a very heavy infestation with aphids, combating them with a product from a specialist store can also make sense. Treat fungal diseases by cutting off affected branches or using an antifungal agent.

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