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Repotting an olive tree is not difficult in itself if the appropriate steps are taken into account. We reveal what is important when repotting the olive tree, when the right time has come and which soil you should choose.

The olive tree is becoming increasingly popular. Outside the Mediterranean area, however, you must cultivate it in a tub, as it can only overwinter outdoors in a very mild climate. This makes substrate and planter more important and repotting is very important. The measure is simple. When choosing the time and place, you should pay attention to a few points.

timing and frequency

Smaller and young olive trees can be abrupt growth spurts experience, so that the bucket quickly becomes too small. If the substrate is used up, growth slows down. In the beginning, it makes sense to do the repotting every year. You should not only renew the substrate, but also choose a larger bucket.

In the case of older olive trees, the time interval can be increased. However, at least one earth change should take place every two years at the latest.
Late winter or early spring is the best time. Due to the change of soil at the end of the hibernation, the plant is supplied with fresh substrate at the beginning of the growth period and can therefore grow ideally.


The substrate for the olive tree must be permeable but still dimensionally stable. Compacted earth or soil that is too loose does not suit the olive trees. The right choice is therefore special olive soil or Mediterranean bucket soil. Both versions are available from specialist retailers.


When choosing the planter, not only the size counts, but above all the water drain. Olive trees are very sensitive to waterlogging, so liquid must be able to drain quickly and easily from the bucket. Drainage holes and drainage ensure this.

You should also pay attention to the weight of the container. Olive trees grow comparatively high, which shifts the focus upwards. So that the planter or cachepot is still stable, it must be made of a heavy material. Ceramic, terracotta or stone pots, for example, are ideal. With light materials, at least the floor should be weighed down with stones.

Repotting an olive tree: instructions

Repotting an olive tree only takes a few steps. These include:

1. The plant is carefully removed from the jar. If roots are already growing out of the drainage holes, the roots should be spared and the pot should be cut up instead.

2. The dry substrate is loosened from the roots. To avoid damaging the roots, you should only remove the outer layers by hand. For the inner layers it is recommended to first soak the substrate and then rinse it off with water. The roots should then be allowed to air dry for a short time.

3. A drainage layer is first introduced into the new and, if necessary, larger planter. Shards of pottery or coarse gravel are suitable for this. The drainage prevents the roots from standing in water later. A layer of the substrate is placed over this.

4. The olive tree is placed in the center of the planter and the substrate is slowly filled in. You should always shake the plant slightly so that the potting soil can be distributed better and more evenly around the root.

5. Press the substrate lightly in layers and refill again and again until the planter is completely covered with potting soil. After that, you should water the plant lightly.

Repot in an emergency

In the case of olive trees, care mistakes can repeatedly lead to the substrate being too wet, becoming mouldy, root rot occurring or becoming compacted. It is also possible that the bucket soil no longer offers the necessary support. In these cases, you should neglect the time since the last repotting, as well as the end of winter as a suitable repotting time. The olive tree is in danger in these situations and you should save it as soon as possible.

The procedure is as described above. putwaterlogging in the ground is a problem, you should pay attention to the drainage. On the other hand, it is important that you thoroughly remove damaged and dead sections of the root ball. You should rinse off the rest of the roots and, if necessary, treat them with an appropriate agent before the roots get into the fresh substrate.

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