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Although the black cherry aphid is common, it can be combated quite effectively with a wide variety of home remedies. Here you will find an overview of the natural means of combating aphids as well as helpful tips on how to prevent them!

Cherry trees are often attacked by aphids. Especially with young trees, an infestation can cause great damage and even to growth retardation to lead. It is therefore advisable to act as quickly as possible in the event of an aphid infestation. However, the hobby gardener does not have to resort to chemical agents for this! Because the unwanted pests can also be successfully combated with simple home remedies!

Control black cherry aphid


If the lice have only recently spread on the cherry tree, the number of pests is usually still low. In this case, it is worth simply planting the cherry tree with one hard water jet to spray and to spray the aphids off the leaves. This method can also be repeated without hesitation.

nettle manure

Nettle manure is not only used by hobby gardeners as a fertilizer deployed. Because it has proven to be effective against pests such as the black cherry aphid. For this purpose, the entire tree is sprayed with nettle manure. The manure ensures that the leaves become harder and can no longer be eaten by the aphids. It is important that the tree is sprayed in its entirety and not just individual leaves. Otherwise, the lice would simply migrate to untreated leaves. Nettle manure is easy to make yourself, but requires a little patience:

  • 1 kilo of stinging nettles in around 10 liters of water
  • both dried and fresh nettle leaves
  • leave to soak for several days
  • stir every now and then
  • when there are no more bubbles, it's done

soapy water

Another home remedy for aphids is a simple soapy solution, which can also be prepared in just a few steps. The soapy water forms a film on the leaves and prevents the lice from breathing. Around 50 grams of curd or soft soap, 50 milliliters of spirit and one liter of water are required to produce the soapy water. The natural control agent can then be prepared from these ingredients as follows:

  • mix ingredients
  • Spray the cherry tree generously with it
  • repeat if necessary
  • at intervals of about 2-3 days

notice: Soapy water is not only effective against lice, but also against ants.


Tobacco contains numerous substances that are not only toxic to humans, but also to the black cherry aphid. In order to fight the aphids with the help of tobacco, tobacco brew must first be made. This requires either 50 grams of tobacco or cigarettes or cigarette butts. It is also advisable to use an old pot for the preparation:

  • Put ingredients in boiling water
  • leave for a few hours
  • until a brown broth forms
  • Then filter the tobacco stock
  • Also remove remains
  • Spray the tree with the tobacco brew

notice: Alternatively, the cigarettes can also simply be soaked in a bucket of water for several days.

garlic broth

Garlic is part of the standard repertoire in the kitchen in many households and is a popular ingredient for a number of dishes. In addition to the typical smell and taste, garlic is also characterized by its cleaning and disinfecting effect. Garlic broth not only strengthens the cherry tree's resilience, but also fights unwanted lice. It is practical that the home remedy can be prepared quickly and easily:

  • Crush 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • Fill the pot with about a liter of water
  • Bring the garlic pieces to a boil
  • filter out bits
  • Spray the tree with the garlic broth
  • repeat several times

notice: To make garlic broth, simply pour boiling water over the garlic chunks. However, the mixture then has to steep for about an hour.

neem oil

If you are looking for a biological, but still strong remedy, neem oil is a good choice. The oil, which comes from Asia, is one of the most popular home remedies for pests and can easily remove aphids. However, the cherry tree is not sprayed with pure neem oil for this purpose, as this would be too strict for it. It is better to use the neem oil as follows:

  • Mix 5 ml of neem oil with 1 liter of water
  • spray the tree with it
  • repeat every 2-3 days
  • never spray directly onto the substrate

Prevent black cherry aphid

Although aphids can be combated with a wide variety of home remedies, it is better to avoid an infestation from the outset. The use of predators is not only natural, but also effective! In order for the predators of the black cherry aphid to settle in the garden, it must be managed as naturally as possible. For this it is important that the garden offers both a large variety of plants and mixed cultures.


There are numerous insects in the garden, which can be valuable for the hobby gardener. In the fight against the black cherry aphid, ladybirds, hoverflies, lacewings and parasitic wasps have proven to be particularly effective. If these do not find their way into the garden naturally, they can also be bought in specialist shops:

  • insect hotels
  • fly boxes
  • deadwood corners
insect hotel


Birds are also natural enemies of lice and can prevent an infestation. In order for birds to settle in the home garden, it must offer both retreat and nesting opportunities for them.


The cherry tree likes to be fertilized, but caution is required here. Because the choice of fertilizer can definitely favor an infestation with aphids! If you want to prevent aphids, you should avoid excessive fertilization nitrogen dispense. There are two reasons for this: On the one hand, the black cherry aphid benefits from nitrogenous fertilization. On the other hand, it harms its natural enemies. If you fertilize the cherry tree excessively with nitrogen, you create the ideal conditions for an aphid infestation.

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