The medlar of the "Red Robin" variety is an ideal choice for an evergreen and attractive hedge planting. The beautiful ornamental wood impresses with its bright red leaves and the fruits of the same color set great accents in every garden. But anyone who decides on the Photinia "Red Robin" should first know whether it is poisonous and to what extent it could be dangerous for humans and animals. Plantopedia explains.
If you already have a photinia in the garden and don't even know it, or your children are playing in the neighboring garden, you should find them. The following identification signs and typical features of the Photinia will help you.
Optical features
- Grows bushy upright
- Can reach a height of up to 3.5 meters
- Changes its leaves from dark green to red after sprouting
- Flower color: white
- Red berries form after flowering
Generative Traits
- Grows primarily in sunny to shady, sandy and loamy soil
- Flowering period: between May and June
- After the flowering period, the seeds develop until early winter
Is the Photinia 'Red Robin' photinia poisonous?
The answer to this question is clearly yes. However, the poisonous parts of the plant are exclusively the berries that grow after flowering. In addition, the toxicity only refers to humans and various animals. Birds, for example, like to eat the fruit and do not suffer from any symptoms of poisoning. Accordingly, they do not have a toxic effect on them.
How dangerous is the poison?
This Photinia fraseri variety is classified as slightly poisonous by the Poison Control Center in Bonn. Their venom is minimal. From previous knowledge, mere skin contact with them does not lead to a skin reaction, unless you are allergic. As a non-allergic person, the poison from the pulp only has a toxic effect when consumed and can lead to poisoning.
However, the small amount of venom that is present can be enough to provoke strong body reactions under certain circumstances. It always depends on the person and the animal. Age, health and physical condition play the most important role. Of course, the amount of medlar berries consumed is not insignificant for the severity of the poisoning. But they never pose a threat to life.
symptoms of poisoning
healthy adults
As a rule, only slight symptoms of poisoning are to be expected in healthy adults, provided that large quantities of the photinia, which is classified as poisonous, have not been introduced into the body.
The classic signs of poisoning by this strain include:
- General malaise
- Abdominal and/or stomach pain
- If large amounts are consumed, vomiting
- diarrhea

Babies and small children up to the age of eight in particular should be kept at a distance from the medlar with red berries. Through their not yet fully developed immune system the possible symptoms already mentioned may develop
healthy adults show with a significantly greater intensity. In addition, other body reactions can become noticeable, especially if the fruit is consumed more extensively. Possible consequences can be:
- Stomach cramps
- Light fever
- skin rash
allergy sufferers
Although the poison can usually only have an effect on the inside of the body when consumed, the symptoms in allergy sufferers can already become noticeable with mere skin contact with the fruit pulp. Skin irritation, a slight burning sensation that sets in after a few minutes and itching are typical allergic skin reactions.
You do not have to be known as an allergic person, but a special hypersensitivity to the toxin is sufficient. Consumption/contact with allergy sufferers does not normally lead to a life-threatening situation.
If you eat the fruit, the following symptoms may occur in addition to those already mentioned:
- Swelling in the mouth and throat
- Severe abdominal and stomach pains
- stomach cramps
- Rash after ingestion or skin contact
- Difficult breathing
As already mentioned, the consumption of these photiniae fruits has no consequences for birds. They appear to be immune to the poison. The situation is different for pets such as dogs, cats and guinea pigs. In principle, the following applies here: the younger and smaller the animal, the higher the risk of poisoning, which can be assessed as low. By the way, cats tolerate the berries better than dogs and rodents.
Possible signs that can indicate poisoning are:
- diarrhea
- Quiet wheezing because of abdominal and/or stomach pain
- Lively beings stand out because of their unusual need for rest and cannot be encouraged to play
- refuse to eat
- Drink a lot or nothing at all
- Rarely vomiting in adult animals - more often in young animals
First aid
What to do after eating berries?
water and charcoal tablets
Basically, there's not much you can do other than drink plenty of water. This should be free of additives. It ensures that the poison from the stomach gets into the intestine. There it is thickened with the rest of the contents and excreted in the stool. Any abdominal pain will then subside a short time later. The administration of is ideal charcoal tablets. These promote the thickening of the intestinal contents with the poison in order to prevent the poison from entering the bloodstream.
When to consult a doctor?
For vomiting and strong body reactions to the poison of the medlar "Red Robin" as well as for Babies and toddlers, a doctor should be consulted or informed about the situation by telephone. He will initiate appropriate measures or instruct you to carry out certain measures. He can prescribe medical treatment for persistent and/or severe symptoms. The symptoms of poisoning automatically subside as the body breaks down the poison. In addition to the doctor, the nearest poison control center also offers help. A list of poison control centers in Germany can be found here.
Poisoned Pets
As a rule, an independent recovery can be expected in animals in the case of mild poisoning. Depending on the amount of Photinia poison consumed and its age, it can take half a day to two days before your pet feels better and plays, eats and drinks as usual. If there are any worrying conditions, you should contact the veterinarian as a precaution. As with humans, medications can be given to relieve symptoms. The veterinarian must know that the fruits of this medlar variety have been swallowed.
notice: Please note that this article is by no means a substitute for a doctor's visit. There is no guarantee of the correctness of medical statements.
Detailed information on first aid in the event of poisoning and important information on the poison control centers can be found here.