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Conifers make wonderful hedge plants. They are evergreen, grow quickly and densely and thus serve as a privacy screen and decorative border all year round. In addition, they are comparatively easy to care for and thrive even with hobby gardeners without much experience or green thumbs. However, there is a potential downside, as many conifers are poisonous to animals and humans. Information on the popular hedge plants and safe alternatives for children and pets can be found here.


Conifers as hedge plants

Conifers popular as hedge plants include:

  • yew
  • Norway spruce
  • Japanese larch
  • Tree of Life - Thuja
  • Leyland Cypress
  • false cypress
  • primeval sequoia
  • juniper
Leyland cypress

They are often found as screens to create privacy in the garden. But also as a marking of the property line or to separate different areas from each other. However, attention is not always paid to the fact that the conifers can be poisonous and thus pose a danger - especially for pets and small children. Because they can tear off and swallow parts of plants while playing or be tempted to snack on colored berries. To be on the safe side, it should at least be known whether the plants are poisonous and, if so, avoided.


For a long time, yew trees were not allowed to be planted along streets, and even today they are not found in children's playgrounds, nor too often in parks. The reason for this is the high toxicity of the yew. Ingesting parts of plants can be deadly for both humans and animals. Even small amounts are sufficient.

Yews are particularly dangerous for small children and the like because of their bright red fruits. They look like fruity treats, but due to the taxine they contain, they can quickly lead to severe symptoms of poisoning.

Yew with yew fruit

Norway spruce

The spruce stings, the fir does not - is a common saying. Even if the Norway spruce is a stinging matter, it is non-toxic and therefore a completely harmless hedge plant. In addition, it is very cheap to buy. However, the spruce is not too pruning compatible. If it is cut too radically, holes can be left that never grow back. Appropriate caution is therefore required when caring for it.

Spruce with green and brown pine cones

Japanese larch

Without pruning, the Japanese larch grows into a large tree that can reach heights of 25 to 30 meters. With a regular trimming, however, it is wonderfully suited as a hedge plant. They are also ideal for gardens where children and pets play - because the Japanese larch is not poisonous.


tree of life

The tree of life - also known as thuja - is particularly popular as a hedge plant. It is quite resilient and tolerates pruning well, grows densely and is evergreen. However, the tree of life is also poisonous in all parts and is therefore not the best choice for gardens where small children and pets stay and play.

Thuja, tree of life

Leyland Cypress

The Leyland cypress is best suited for dense, high hedges. It can keep out looks and wind, provide shade and also grows extremely fast. Unfortunately, the Leyland cypress is dangerous due to its poison content. It should therefore only be used as a hedge plant where it is really safe to keep pets and young children away.

Leyland Cypress

false cypress

Like the Leyland cypress, the false cypress is one of the conifers that are wonderful for creating a hedge. It quickly becomes tall and opaque, tolerates clippings well and also has an extremely decorative look to offer. However, the toxicity of the leaves, fruits and bark is also a potential danger for her.

false cypress

primeval sequoia

The primeval sequoia is usually not poisonous, but larger amounts can be problematic and cause symptoms of poisoning. The plants do not pose a great danger to small children and pets who accidentally tear off parts of the plant only once. However, pets such as guinea pigs, rabbits, goats, horses and sheep should be consistently kept away from the greenery.

primeval sequoia


Juniper is one of the evergreen plants, it grows densely, is adaptable and has a high level of resilience. Together with the aromatic fragrance and its easy-care nature, it is ideally suited as a hedge plant. Unfortunately, leaves and berries are also slightly poisonous. Sensitive creatures can therefore already react strongly to small amounts. Symptoms of poisoning are possible if larger amounts are ingested.

Small children and pets should therefore not have unhindered access to these plants. However, brief contact with the plant parts is usually harmless.

Juniper bush with juniper berries

Non-Toxic Alternatives

Even if conifers have many advantages as a hedge - the plants are often poisonous. As such, they should be handled with caution or avoided altogether unless small children and pets can be safely kept away from them.

The following species are available as alternative and non-toxic hedge plants:

  • alpine currant
  • bamboo
  • beech
  • field maple
  • garden hibiscus
  • hornbeam
  • wild roses
  • red spruce
  • sloes
  • hawthorn
  • ornamental apples
Bamboo as a hedge plant

Our tip: It doesn't always have to be a hedge. A green fence - for example with ivy - also provides protection against unwanted looks and requires very little maintenance.

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