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They are known and loved for their white, sometimes red, filled and unfilled flower heads, the marguerite. She tirelessly presents them from spring to autumn in such abundance that one can hardly count them. The daisy is a garden classic and particularly popular as a daisy stem. However, the stems are not hardy, but can be cultivated for several years with appropriate overwintering, provided that the location and temperature meet your needs.

daisy trunk

Leave out as long as possible

The daisy stem goes out of the shrub daisy and becomes more and more beautiful over the years with appropriate care and overwintering. They are not hardy, i.e. they do not tolerate low temperatures and therefore have to hibernate frost-free. Even if the daisy trunk is not hardy, it should stay outside as long as possible, because even late autumn still has a few warm days to offer.

in the late autumnIf light night frosts are to be expected, you can put them outside during the day and bring them back inside in the evening. In this way, the outdoor season can be significantly extended. As long as the temperatures are above freezing, daisies should definitely be outside. This hardens them and makes it easier for them to hibernate. By the end of October at the latest, daisies must finally move to their winter quarters.

Marguerite trunk with flowers

Prepare for the winter

In order to get the daisies fit for the winter, initial preparations must be made in late summer.

  • Stop fertilizing completely at the end of August/beginning of September
  • this allows shoots to mature before the first frost
  • Prune daisies before moving into winter quarters
  • cut off withered shoots, leaves and flowers
  • then shorten the entire crown by about a third or at most half
  • only healthy shoots should be preserved
  • Pruning reduces evaporation and encourages branching next spring

Suitable winter quarters

In contrast to daisies in the bed, which are usually hardy, a stem in the bucket needs a suitable place to overwinter. Rooms that are bright and frost-free but cool are ideal as winter quarters for this perpetual bloomer. Rooms with plenty of daylight, e.g. unheated ones, are ideal conservatories, slightly heated greenhouses, flooded with light stairwells as well as unheated rooms within the apartment such as the bedroom or bright storage rooms.

greenhouse in the garden

Rooms without sufficient daylight such as garages or windowless cellars are not suitable as winter quarters, nor are heated living rooms. The latter are not only too dark, but also much too warm. If the daisies are too dark in winter, thin, lifeless shoots will develop, which can be easily recognized by their light green colour. These shoots are not viable, nor will they form flowers. Consequently, they should be cut off.

Optimum winter conditions

The best possible conditions during the winter keep the plant healthy and protect it from diseases or pest infestation, which can severely affect it, especially in winter.

  • Overwinter daisies bright and frost-free or cool
  • Avoid direct sun, especially in the midday hours
  • ideal temperature for wintering is between five and ten degrees
  • It shouldn't be warmer than 15 degrees
  • Avoid severe temperature fluctuations as much as possible
  • Temperatures should be neither too high nor too low
  • both extremes could cause lasting damage to the daisies
  • in addition to the temperature, attention must be paid to good ventilation
  • accordingly ventilate the winter quarters regularly
  • make sure that the daisy trunk does not get a draught
  • just as important is higher humidity
  • optimum humidity is at least 60%
  • therefore spray the crown of the trunk two to three times a week
  • Water should preferably be soft or lime-free
  • if necessary, set up additional room humidifiers


Care during hibernation

Appropriate care is also part of the right hibernation. the water demand of the daisy trunk is significantly lower in winter than the rest of the year. The colder the winter quarters, the more sparingly it has to be watered. The substrate should be kept as dry as possible, but not completely dry out. It is best to only water enough so that the plant does not dry up.

water sprayer

This is to prevent the daisies from growing further in winter. Depending on the room temperature, it is usually sufficient to give a little water about every two weeks. What should be avoided at all costs is waterlogging. Despite all care, it is quite normal in winter when a large part of the leaves turn yellow or brown and fall off. If possible, you should not leave them on the substrate, but remove them.

Tip: If the marguerite still looks good in early spring, the worst is over and you can slowly prepare it again for the forthcoming outdoor stay.

In the spring

When spring approaches

As the end of winter approaches, it's about time daisy trunk prepare to move outside. To do this, you first have to get it used to warmer temperatures by placing it in a bright and warmer place in the house from around March and watering it a little more frequently. Budding should be slowly stimulated again and early flowering encouraged.

Depending on the temperature and weather, the plant can be moved to a sheltered spot during the day at the end of March/beginning of April outdoors be asked. In the evening she has to go back into the house. Before the trunk can finally go outside again after the ice saints from mid-May, you should cut it into shape and repot it in fresh substrate if necessary.

To cut

In the spring, when the daisies start to sprout again, it is advisable to trim their crowns into shape. To do this, the shoots are shortened accordingly without cutting down to the old wood. Shoots that may be below the crown are removed. Withered shoots and flowers should also be cut out regularly so that the marguerite can sprout new flowers again.

use sharp tool for cutting

Tip: If the tree grows too much over the course of the summer, it can easily be pruned into shape again.


If the tub is heavily rooted after the winter, it is advisable to repot the plant before wintering out. Incidentally, the first time you should repot them immediately after purchase, because commercially available plants are in most cases in an unfavorable substrate for them.

Depending on the size and age of the plant, the new bucket have a capacity of at least 5 liters and 10 liters for older specimens. Before removing it from the old pot, water the plant and its pot until no more air bubbles rise. You can then take it out of the pot and remove the old soil. Not only the above-ground parts of the plant, but also the roots should be shortened a little.

fresh and nutrient-rich substrate

Now put in the bucket as the bottom layer drainage material in the form of gravel, potsherds or expanded clay. Then there is a breathable fleece and about a third of the fresh substrate on top of the fleece. A high-quality compost-containing potting soil is suitable as a substrate, which can be made more permeable by adding perlite, lava granules or quartz sand. For older specimens, additional clay should be mixed in for a better hold. Now you put in the daisy tree, fill the bucket up to 3-5 cm below the edge with substrate and water the whole thing well.

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