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Blue rain, also called Wisteria, always impresses with its flowering power and its enormous growth. Wisteria are in and of themselves very robust plants that can grow up to 30 meters high. Therefore, it is hard to imagine that even a light frost will freeze the wisteria buds. Since late frosts are now also to be expected in April, you should be prepared for frozen buds every spring and be aware of the appropriate measures to be taken.


location and winter protection

Choose a sheltered location for the wisteria. A spot in front of a south-facing wall is ideal, as it radiates additional warmth. Winter protection for the hardy climbing plant is also recommended for the first few years at the new location.


If the flowers or buds of the wisteria are frozen, patience and a pampering program for the plant will help so that it can recover.

  • regular supply of nutrients
  • provide enough water
  • Wait until the flowers have completely dried up


Cut off dried flowers

Then it is best to give the plant its time. As a rule, it recovers and drives out again. In any case, give her until next year before taking any more drastic action.


Frozen shoots

Frost can freeze not only the buds and flowers of the wisteria, but also the shoots. They die off and then form so-called dead wood on the plant. Since at first glance it is often not so easy to see the extent of the damage, you can wait a while before removing the frozen shoots. Once the situation has been clarified, the dead wood is simply cut off.

The plant itself then decides how to proceed with the plant. If it is satisfied with the location and care, it will sprout again. The expulsion is very strenuous for the plant, so you should give it a few weeks to do it. After all, she has to recover from the cold shock first.

Tip: Never tear off frozen shoots. This practice inflicts long wounds on the plant. They take longer to heal and are a gateway for fungi and other pests.

Frozen Leaves

If the afterfrost comes late in spring, with a bit of luck only the leaves of the wisteria will be affected. Although the frozen leaves don't look very attractive, you should leave them on the plant for now, because every cut is a wound for the plant that needs to heal.

If you leave the blue rain alone for the time being, it can recover from the cold snap. Once he has regained his strength, the frozen leaves can be removed. If they're already dry, so much the better. This makes them easy to remove if they haven't already fallen off. At this point in time, when the weather is favourable, new shoots can often be seen on the leaves.

Tip: Help the wisteria with a little pampering.


Overwinter Wisteria in a bucket

Despite its possible dimensions, wisteria can also be cultivated in a bucket. Since the roots in the bucket in particular are not as protected as in the ground, the plant should move to winter quarters for the cold season:

  • cold house
  • garage

The plants can also stand in the dark. It is important that the substrate does not dry out completely. From February you should put the wisteria back into the warmth. This will allow him to get used to the mild spring temperatures. But be careful, there is a risk of late and night frost if you bring the container plant back inside so that the plant or parts of the plant do not freeze to death.

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