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The single leaf, also known as the sheath leaf, blooms twice a year and enchants with its creamy-white flowers. The air purifiers are extremely low maintenance and only require a suitable location, making them ideal for beginners who want to keep an attractive tropical plant in their own four walls. However, due to mistakes in care, the unicorn may not flower, which is always an indication that the plant is under stress from some cause.


Wrong location

The single leaf is permanently dependent on a suitable location for a rich flowering. Many owners of Spathiphyllum put the plant in a place where it does not receive enough light or is exposed to cool drafts. The location is therefore essential so that the sheath leaf can bloom twice a year. The location for the plant should have the following characteristics that correspond to the tropical home of the plant:

  • bright
  • does not tolerate permanent, direct sunlight
  • normal room temperature
  • Growth slows significantly below 18°C
  • minimum temperature: 13 °C
  • below 13 °C no flowers are formed and the plant is damaged
  • no draft
  • high humidity is required

The humidity is not necessarily decisive for whether the single leaf flowers or not, but the temperature and light requirements are even more so. Since Spathiphyllum is a tropical plant that receives little direct sunlight, it needs to be in a bright spot but with as little sun exposure as possible. It is often stated that the plant can cope with shady areas without any problems, which is true. However, Spathiphyllum forms no flowering on shady and even partially shaded places out. So just choose a new location that gets light all year round, but protects the single leaf from too much sun.

casting error

In addition to the location, it is important to water the single sheet properly so that the plant can effectively absorb and distribute nutrients from the soil. It is not a problem in itself if you water a little too much, since Spathiphyllum is used to a lot of moisture as a tropical plant. Underwatering can be a problem, but this has little impact on bud formation. The biggest problem with watering, which happens to many people, is using the wrong irrigation water. As a tropical plant, the single leaf is not used to cold and hard water. It must be poured in the following way:

  • regularly so that the bale never dries out
  • use warm water
  • no tap water, as this contains too much lime
  • filtered water is recommended
  • also stagnant water

If you have always watered with cold tap water up until now, you shouldn't be surprised that your vaginal petals are no longer blooming. You can cause a lot of damage, especially in winter, because the cold lime water stresses the plant and no rest phase is possible. It is sufficient if the water is lukewarm and if you do not have filter water available, let the lime water stand for a while before administering it. Alternatively, you can boil the water and let it cool for an extended period of time, although that's not a permanent solution. The tropical plants simply do not tolerate lime, which you have to keep in mind so that it blooms.

tip: In addition to watering, you can keep the humidity at the location high because the plant also absorbs water from its plant parts above ground. As a result, it dries out more slowly and, together with the right watering measures, can easily produce a large number of flowers.

Mistakes in fertilization

If the single leaf does not bloom, it may be due to incorrect fertilization. Because fertilizing is just as important as correct watering. Many people make mistakes here, especially if they don't fertilize enough. Most of the tropical plants needs a lot of nutrients, to allow flowering, which is ignored by many owners. Single leaves are fertilized in the following way:

  • use fertilizer for flowering plants
  • these contain higher amounts of nitrogen, which are good for the single leaf
  • fertilize every two weeks

tip: You can give your specimen some coffee grounds in between, because this has a positive effect on the distribution of nutrients and thus directly on the flowering power.


You should also repot at regular intervals, ideally yearly. Unileaves are extremely hungry plants and will, on average, consume the nutrients in the substrate within a year. In addition, as the soil compacts over time, the roots can suffer, the health of which is important for plentiful flowering. When repotting, pay attention to the following points:

  • Time: February to March
  • Carefully remove the plant from the pot to prevent damage to the roots
  • check old roots
  • damaged roots can restrict flowering
  • don't forget the drainage
  • Single leaves love a well drained substrate with good drainage
  • continue fertilizing normally
  • wait six weeks for pre-fertilized soil

Tricks for a rich flowering

If you want to do something good for your healthy one-leaf and enjoy a rich flowering, there is a measure that works particularly effectively. Proceed as follows:

1. Reduce the frequency of water additions over a period of several weeks during the winter break. Do the same with the fertilizer additions.

2. As soon as the single leaf has been drooping for a while, water again sufficiently so that the entire root ball is moist.

3. After this waiting time, increase the amount of fertilizer so that the plant has plenty of nutrients available. Spathiphyllum will produce many flowers in spring.

This method mimics the natural cycle of the single leaf, because it dries out a little over a certain period of rest in the rainforest and thus receives fewer nutrients. As soon as the rain increases again, it blooms significantly.

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