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The boxwood grows relatively slowly, but moving it is sometimes necessary and even recommended. Read here how you can move the tree in just a few steps, both in the garden and in the pot!


If you want to ensure that the box tree grows extensively, you should move or repot it every few years. But be careful: With this care measure, a lot can go wrong and the tree can be damaged. Read the instructions below to find out how best to move the boxwood!


Boxwood can basically be transplanted all year round, regardless of whether it was cultivated in a pot or outdoors. However, it should not be forgotten that this care step represents a high stress factor for the box tree. By choosing the optimal time, however, the burden can be significantly reduced and at the same time the chances of success can be increased many times over. It is therefore advisable to move the boxwood on one of the following dates.

  • in March or September
  • dry as well as cloudy day is ideal
  • Avoid frost and drought
  • Transplanting during flowering in April is not advisable
boxwood in the garden


Transplanting the boxwood is not recommended until it has reached its basic shape. Because until then it is better to regularly subject the Bux to a shape cut. Then transplanting is possible about every two to five years, whereby the following should be observed in principle.

  • Always combine transplanting with root cutting
  • Do not place Bux too close to other plants
  • because Buchs is a shallow rooter
  • it is best to only implement solitaires

Convert in 4 steps

Before the box tree is repotted, its new location should first be determined. A semi-shady spot and calcareous, loamy soil are best suited for this. Next it is advisable to shorten the box by a few centimetres. The box tree can then be transplanted as follows.

1. Dig up the boxwood

The easiest way to dig up the boxwood is to use a spade and a winch. Because the spade is needed to cut out the root ball and the winch is usually used to remove the tree. If the necessary equipment is available, the box tree is best dug up as follows.

  • cut out the root area with a spade
  • Circumference: about 1 meter
  • Depth: depends on the size of the plant
  • small Bux: at least 20 cm deep
  • large Bux: at least 60 cm deep
  • if necessary, take out the tree with a winch

Tip: The root ball should be about the same width as the boxwood itself.

2. Root pruning

Transplanting the boxwood is also the ideal time to check and cut the roots. This step is particularly recommended for older box trees, because they often have extremely long and sometimes stunted roots. In addition, cutting back the roots promotes the formation of new, fresh root mass. However, the roots must not be cut indiscriminately, as this could damage the tree. It is therefore advisable to pay attention to the following when cutting the roots.

  • is cut with a sharp pruning shears
  • the cut surface should always point downwards
  • cut back older, thicker roots
  • cut off dead roots
  • do not cut small, fine roots
  • these serve to absorb water
Boxwood is an evergreen plant

3. Dig a planting hole

In order to move the box tree in the best possible way, a sufficiently large planting hole is essential. The size of the new planting hole depends on the size of the root ball. This can of course be estimated with the naked eye or measured with a tape measure to be on the safe side. The planting hole is then dug, but the following should be taken into account.

  • Width: about 15 cm wider than the root ball
  • Depth: at least the length of the root ball
  • However, do not plant the tree deeper than before
  • Enrich excavated material, especially in sandy soils
  • Compost, powdered rock or horn shavings are suitable for this

4. Insert tree

The boxwood can now be planted vertically in the middle of the new planting hole. It is essential to ensure that the root base and the soil are approximately at the same height. Now the tree is stabilized, for which a helping hand is certainly an advantage. The remaining work steps are described as follows.

  • Fill the planting hole with substrate
  • Tread the earth carefully
  • water extensively
  • this connects roots and soil


The evergreen boxwood can be cultivated both outdoors and in pots. If the tree is kept in a pot, repotting is necessary every three to four years. Because the bigger the box tree gets, the higher its nutrient requirements. However, the supply of nutrients is significantly restricted in a pot that is too small. It is therefore advisable to place the box tree in a larger container every few years. It is important that the new planter meets the requirements of the boxwood.

  • a glazed ceramic bucket is ideal
  • Size: a few centimeters larger in diameter than the old pot
  • There must be an opening in the floor
  • if not, then drill holes in the bottom of the pot
  • unglazed clay pots dry out faster - water more often
  • Metal/iron pots prevent nutrient uptake

Tip: If an unglazed clay pot or a bucket made of metal/iron is used, it should be lined with plastic foil on the inside. Alternatively, the use of an inner pot made of plastic is also possible.

Repot in 3 steps

The repotting of the box tree in the pot differs only minimally from moving it outdoors. First of all, it is advisable to clean the new container and, if necessary, to cut back the boxwood. The tree can then be repotted as follows.

1. Prepare planter

Ideally, the new planter has holes in the bottom so that excess water can drain away. To prevent the water drain from clogging, a drainage is first created. As a rule, potsherds are used for this, but pebbles or expanded clay are also suitable. If the bottom of the pot is equipped with a drainage, proceed as follows.

Boxwood in a pot
  • Spread garden fleece over the drainage
  • this must be water and air permeable
  • fill the pot with loose, nutrient-rich substrate
  • about halfway up the bucket
  • The root base should be covered by around 4-6 cm

Tip: In order to promote rapid growth, it is advisable to always use good quality potting soil.

2. Check roots and insert tree

After the new pot has been prepared, the boxwood can be removed from the old container. It is important to ensure that it is removed carefully and not pulled out by force. The root mass is then checked for damage and rotten and puny roots are cut off. The further procedure is described as follows.

  • trim the roots if necessary
  • but only older, thick roots
  • Place root ball in a bucket of water
  • leave it in until no more air bubbles rise

3. Insert tree

As soon as no more air bubbles rise in the bucket, the tree has sucked up enough water. This is the ideal time to move the box tree to the new pot. The tree is also placed in the middle and as upright as possible in the new planter. The following steps ensure that the box quickly takes root in its new pot.

  • Fill pot with substrate
  • press the earth in between
  • this avoids cavities
  • leave a small pouring edge
  • pour copiously
boxwood in the garden

Care after transfer

Regardless of whether the box was transplanted outdoors or in a pot, it then requires increased attention. In particular, an adequate supply of water and nutrients is essential for the health of the tree after transplanting. The box would therefore like to be watered plentifully, whereby it is important to ensure an adequate water supply, especially on sunny days. The supply of nutrients, on the other hand, depends on several factors.

  • Fertilize the boxwood in the pot with liquid fertilizer
  • Alternatively, chopsticks are also suitable
  • Fertilize boxwood outdoors in April and July
  • a long-term fertilizer is suitable for this
  • or fertilize with compost from March to September
  • at intervals of 2 weeks

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