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Mullein belongs to the figwort family and is found in large parts of Eurasia with around 300 species. With regard to toxicity, there are large differences between the individual subspecies.

medicinal plant

The mullein as a medicinal plant

Most people are familiar with mulleins as medicinal plants. Very often, tea drinks are brewed from the leaves and flowers. The tea is said to be effective against various ailments, including the following.

  • bronchitis
  • colds
  • Sore throat
  • cough
  • asthma
  • gastrointestinal catarrh

In addition, mulleins are processed into extracts, which are then marketed in the form of creams. The plant is said to have healing powers against bacteria and viruses on the skin. Mullein is also a popular choice for dry skin.

plant parts

What parts of mullein have healing properties?

There are two ways in which mullein exhibits its healing effects on bronchial diseases. On the one hand, there is a soothing effect on coughs that is achieved through the use of flowers. On the other hand, the plant is also said to have an expectorant effect, which in turn is triggered by other flower extracts, the triterpene saponins.

Attention, note: Pregnant women should avoid consuming teas with mullein extract.


For the people

Are Mulleins Poisonous to Humans?

There are different types of mullein, not all of which have toxic effects. The most commonly used, yellow cotton flower, is non-toxic, while black mullein is dangerous. It is significantly smaller (maximum height 120 centimeters) and has stamens in a strong purple color.


The herb of the plant contains verbacin and aucubin, both toxins that are toxic to both humans and animals. However, while there is no significant danger to humans, the animal can experience numbing effects.

According to legend, Aristotle made it easier for himself to catch fish by using the seeds of the plants. Since these are not only poisonous but also anesthetic, he threw mullein seeds into water to stun the animals. That way they were easier to catch.

First aid

In animals

What to do if you accidentally eat it?

If a human has accidentally consumed parts of mullein, no further action is required. Symptoms of poisoning are not to be expected. The situation is different when animals came into contact with the plant. The first thing to do is call the poison control center to describe the symptoms and effects. If these are severe, contact the veterinary emergency service. Treatment usually consists of the administration of medicinal charcoal and fluids. Medication can be given to treat symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Notice: Many animals react to consumption without significant symptoms. According to tradition, the flowers and leaves of the plant were even used as animal feed in the past.

The toxicity usually does not come from the leaves, but mainly from the seeds of the plant. These are not consumed by humans either, but still have no harmful effects. However, they have an effect on animals and even in small doses.


Alternatives for the mullein

If animals live in the household or garden, mulleins are only suitable as plants to a limited extent. Despite pets, the health effects do not have to be foregone. Well-stocked pharmacies sell the flowers and leaves of the plant under the name Verbasci flos. Teas and tinctures can be made from these extracts without having to set up a plant in the home.

There are a number of green plants that are non-toxic to animals and therefore suitable for the home. These include green lilies, fuchsias, herbs such as basil and thyme, and lavender. Even if the cat or dog eats parts of these plants, no reactions are to be expected.

Mullein as a substitute for tobacco

Not only the use in the form of tea, but also the consumption in pipes and cigarettes has become established. Mullein herb is often used as a substitute for tobacco. Smoked as a herbal mixture, mullein develops a fine, spicy taste that is perceived as very pleasant. It is not uncommon for the herb to be offered in nicotine-free smoking mixtures, which are also used when not smoking cigarettes. The resulting smoke is finer than from a cigarette, the burning time of a mullein cigarette is longer because the tobacco substitute burns off very slowly.

Knowledgeable plant lovers can make their own mixtures, but you can also buy them ready-made in well-stocked health food stores.

Attention: Herbal mixtures containing mullein extract can also be poisonous to animals.


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