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Planting a garden can be an exciting and exciting affair. Or simply a job that needs to be done. It's up to you what you make of it then. If the garden or part of it is on a slope, the task is a little more difficult and interesting, but with a little planning it can be mastered. Ideally, you choose the planting so that you can manage the subsequent care without much effort.


According to which criteria do I choose a slope planting?

Before you buy the first plants for your slope, you should not only think about future care, but also about which plants feel comfortable there and can thrive well. Perhaps the planting on the slope is intended to solve a problem at the same time. In addition, every garden owner has different preferences. Some important questions to ask when planning are:

  • How steep is the embankment?
  • Is the embankment fixed or should it also be fixed by planting?
  • Is the slope in the sun or in the shade?
  • Should the planting also serve as a privacy screen?
  • Do you prefer certain colors or plants?

tip: The steeper a slope, the more important it is to have good fastenings. Start by planting ground cover that takes root quickly and well to limit soil erosion.

Low-maintenance ground cover

The ground cover fulfills two functions at the same time. They prevent soil erosion because over time they will cover and stabilize your entire slope. But at the same time they give little space to wild herbs. This eliminates weeding altogether or at least keeps it within manageable limits and your bed is easy to care for.

Ground cover from D - K

fat man

  • Synonyms: Japanese Ysander, Shadow Green
  • botanical name: Pachysandra terminalis
  • Growth height: up to 30 cm
  • preferred location: semi-shady to shady
  • Flower: small, white or pink
  • Flowering time: from February
  • leaves: coarsely toothed, leathery
  • Special features: evergreen, poisonous, spreads quickly, therefore well suited for the first planting on a slope

Small periwinkle

  • Synonyms: Small-leaved Periwinkle
  • botanical name: Vinca minor
  • Growth height: about 10 to 30 cm
  • preferred location: sunny to semi-shady
  • Flower: white, blue or violet
  • Flowering period: April to May and August to September
  • leaves: elliptic
  • Special features: grows rather slowly, evergreen, flowers twice a year, also tolerates shade, but flowers and grows less luxuriantly there

creep spindle

  • Synonym: climbing spindle shrub
  • botanical name: Eunymus fortunei
  • Height of growth: 10 cm to about 10 m, depending on the species
  • preferred location: semi-shady to shady
  • Flower: about 5 mm in diameter, white to greenish
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Leaves: green, elliptical, acuminate, serrate
  • Special features: evergreen climbing plant with adhesive roots, therefore suitable for planting on slopes and walls

Ground cover from P - Z

Whitsun Violet

  • botanical name: Viola sororia
  • Growth height: up to about 15 cm
  • preferred location: semi-shady to shady, likes slightly damp
  • Flowers: mostly light blue, but also white possible
  • Flowering time: March to June
  • leaves: heart-shaped, with fine to woolly hairs
  • Special features: very robust, dense growth, dies in in winter

Carpet St. John's Wort

  • botanical name: Hypericum calycinum
  • Growth height: approx. 30 cm
  • preferred location: sunny to semi-shady
  • Flower: golden yellow
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Leaves: grass green, evergreen
  • Special features: particularly easy to care for, tolerates drought very well, strong urge to spread


  • Synonym: rock medlar
  • botanical name: Cotoneaster praecox
  • Height of growth: approx. 15 to 20 cm for creeping species, 10 m possible for other species
  • preferred location:
  • Flower: white to pink
  • Flowering time: from May
  • Leaves: small, glossy dark green
  • Special features: spreads very quickly, small yellow or red fruits, popular winter food with birds, flowers attract insects, but are slightly poisonous to humans

Cypress Spurge

  • botanical name: Euphorbia cyparissias
  • Growth height: approx. 15 to a maximum of 40 cm
  • preferred location: sunny and dry
  • Flower: lemon yellow
  • Flowering time: April to June
  • Leaves: acicular, 2 to 3 cm long, yellow-green to blue-green
  • Special features: plant sap is poisonous, spreads very quickly, but does not need pruning, popular insect and bee pasture, intense honey scent

Colorful accents on the embankment

You can set colorful accents in your hanging bed with different perennials. If you like it colorful, then choose plants with different flower colors. Limit yourself to three to four colors, otherwise the bed will quickly appear restless or chaotic. Tone-on-tone plants, on the other hand, have a harmonious and calming effect on the viewer. Attention should also be paid to easy care and similar location and care needs.

Perennials from B - G

Colorful Crown Vetch

  • Synonym: Poison Vetch
  • botanical name: Coronilla varia
  • Growth height: 30 to 80 cm
  • Preferred location: preferably sunny
  • Flowers: crimson, umbels of up to 20 individual flowers
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Leaves: short-stalked, imparipinnate
  • Special features: unfortunately poisonous, enriches the soil with nitrogen

Real bedstraw

  • Synonyms: sweetheart, yellow forest straw
  • botanical name: Galium verum
  • Growth height: 20 to 70 cm
  • preferred location: preferably dry
  • Flower: yellow in varying intensity from lemon to golden yellow
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • leaves: grooved, acicular
  • Special features: intense honey scent, is edible, branched and long roots

Common coneflower

  • Synonym: Luminous coneflower
  • botanical name: Rudbeckia fulgida
  • Growth height: 60 cm to 1 m
  • Preferred location: full sun to half shade
  • Flower: golden yellow with a dark brown centre
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • Leaves: Alternate on the stem, basal rosette, smooth or toothed margins, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous or pubescent
  • Special features: long-lived, should be divided every four to five years, also suitable as a cut flower
Coneflower, Rudbeckia

Perennials from K - V

Carthusian carnation

  • Synonym: stone carnation
  • botanical name: Dianthus carthusianorum subsp.
  • Height of growth: up to about 40 cm
  • preferred location: sunny, likes dry and gravelly-sandy
  • Flower: purple
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Leaves: narrow
  • Specialties: lime-loving

Candle Palm Lily

  • Synonyms: yucca, yucca lily
  • botanical name: Yucca gloriosa
  • Growth height: 50 cm to 2.5 m
  • preferred location:
  • Flowers: Inflorescences in panicles up to one meter long, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers, white to cream-colored, up to about 3.5 cm in diameter
  • Flowering time: autumn
  • Leaves: Sword-shaped, blue-grey to grey-green, smooth to slightly toothed margin, sharp tip
  • Special features: forms a trunk very late, previously only a basal rosette of leaves, sensitive to moisture, only partially hardy, but an extravagant plant on slopes


  • Synonyms: beak herb, crane beak
  • botanical name: geranium
  • Height of growth: 15 cm to 1 m depending on the variety
  • preferred location:
  • Flower: white, pink, red, blue or violet
  • Flowering time: between May and November, depending on the variety
  • Leaves: depending on the variety, red or yellow in autumn
  • Special features: extremely easy to care for, fast-growing, aromatically scented foliage

steppe sage

  • botanical name: Salvia nemorosa
  • Growth height: 30 to 60 cm
  • preferred location: sunny
  • Flowers: white, pink, blue or violet, individual flowers arranged like spikes
  • Flowering period: June to September, twice a year
  • Leaves: Lanceolate serrated leaves, covered with fine short hairs, basal rosette
  • Special features: lime-loving, very undemanding, holds onto the soil well because of meter-long roots

Many-leaved lupine

  • Synonym: perennial lupine
  • botanical name: Lupinus polyphyllus
  • Growth height: 60 cm to 1.5 m
  • preferred location: sunny and open
  • Flowers: from the second year, inflorescences up to 50 cm long with 50 to 80 individual flowers in numerous color variations, also multicolored
  • Flowering period: (late) May to August
  • Leaves: Alternate, pinnate leaf blade with 9 to 17 lanceolate pointed leaves
  • Special features: forms rhizomes, poisonous, also grows on poor soil, particularly easy to care for, great cut flower

Shrubs and trees on the hillside

The steeper your sloped bed, the smaller the plants should be on it. In addition, trees need a fairly large area both to grow and to have a good effect. Shrubs can often be integrated well if the embankment is large enough overall and the slope is not too steep.

Shrubs from B - G


  • botanical name: Cytisus scoparium
  • Growth height: 1 to 2 m
  • Preferred location: preferably in full sun
  • Flowers: mostly yellow, but new varieties also in white, yellow-red, orange-brown, red or pink
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • leaves: lanceolate, threefold
  • Special features: poisonous, deep roots, sensitive to lime, spreading or creeping forms ideal for planting on slopes


  • botanical name: Potentilla fruticosa
  • Growth height: depending on the variety, around 50 cm to around 1.5 m
  • preferred location: full sun
  • Flowering: June to October
  • Flowering time: simple cup flowers, for example in white, yellow, orange, red or pink
  • Leaves: elongate, pinnate, 3 to 7 in number
  • Special features: cut regularly, otherwise it will shed, also tolerates drought

Common mock orange

  • Synonym: false jasmine
  • botanical name: Philadelphus coronarius
  • Growth height: 2 to 3 m
  • preferred location: sunny to semi-shady, sandy to loamy soil
  • Flowers: white to cream-colored, with a strong scent
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • leaves: ovate to (pointed) ovate, serrate margin
  • Special features: attracts aphids, strong roots and equally good soil penetration

Shrubs from R - Z

Red Dogwood

  • botanical name: Cornus sanguinea
  • Growth height: about 3 to 4 m
  • Preferred location: sunny to semi-shady, with stony/gravelly/loamy soil
  • Flowers: white umbrella panicles
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • Leaves: ovate, pointed, 4 to 8 cm long, dark green, then bright red in autumn
  • Special features: robust and easy to care for, dense and bushy, red bark, therefore also decorative in winter


  • Synonym: butterfly bush
  • botanical name: Buddleja
  • Height of growth: 1.5 m to 4 m depending on the variety
  • preferred location: sunny to semi-shady
  • Flowers: from white to pink and rose-red to dark violet, depending on the variety
  • Flowering time: from July until the first frost
  • Leaves: Narrow and elongated, grey-green with grey-felted underside
  • Special features: cut regularly, gets along with almost any soil, attracts butterflies

Tamarisk Juniper

  • botanical name: Juniperus sabina "Tamariscifolia"
  • Growth height: approx. 80 cm
  • preferred location: sunny
  • Flower: inconspicuous
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Leaves: needle-like, pointed, short
  • Special features: shallow growth, deep roots, also very frost hardy

ornamental quince

  • Synonym: bogus quince
  • botanical name: Chaenomeles
  • Growth height: up to 1.5 m
  • preferred location: sunny to semi-shady
  • Flower: white pink or orange
  • Flowering time: from mid-March
  • Special features: sparse growth and thorny shoots, but needs a lot of water in a sunny location, edible fruits

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