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A beautiful green carpet of lawn is the focal point of any garden plot. In order for the green area to become and remain nice and dense and green, the supply of additional nutrients is necessary. This is usually done by fertilizing with a special lawn fertilizer that has been tailored to the needs of the lawn. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to deployment. The widespread opinion is that you should only fertilize when it rains. Does it really have to rain to be able to fertilize?

fertilize lawn

As a rule, a lawn should be fertilized three times a year:

  • in March/April
  • end of June
  • mid-October

When fertilizing in spring, the use of a long-term lawn fertilizer is recommended. This slowly releases the nutrients to the grass plants for up to six months. Application after the first mowing is ideal.
Autumn fertilization should be done with a potassium-rich fertilizer. This makes the grass hardy.

notice: A good lawn fertilizer must be optimally tailored to the needs of the lawn. It should contain the main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Apply fertilizer correctly

The fertilizer must always be applied evenly to the lawn. There must be no overlaps. Liquid fertilizer can be easily distributed with a watering can or by means of an automatic irrigation system. It is important that the dosage is observed. Otherwise it can quickly lead to over-fertilization, because the plants only take in as much nutrients as they need. Not only would the lawn be damaged, but the remaining fertilizer then simply gets into the groundwater, not exactly very environmentally friendly. Furthermore, it should be noted

  • Application only on dry lawn
  • Fertilizer granules stick to stalks on damp lawns
  • burns may occur if fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used
  • Fertilization in the evening hours is ideal
  • Fertilizer should not be left on plants
  • watering recommended

tip: A spreader or spreader basket should be used to spread the fertilizer. This guarantees an even spread.

Fertilize but no rain - what to do?

Experts always advise fertilizing the lawn when rain is in sight. Unfortunately, the weather doesn't always play along here, especially during the hot summers of recent years. However, no problem. Watering the lawn can help quite simply.

  • recommended to water the area for 20 to 30 minutes after fertilization
  • Watering should be repeated after a day or two
  • This allows plants to form deeper roots
  • particularly advantageous during dry periods
  • Irrigation with watering can, garden hose or automatic irrigation system possible

However, the situation is different when using lawn fertilizer with weed killer. The lawn should already be wet, so water it first. The best effect is achieved when the fertilizer is left to adhere to the plants, including the weeds, for a day or two. Watering should only take place two to three days after application.

notice: A healthy 250 m² lawn provides the daily oxygen needs for a family of four during their growth period.

fertilize lawn

Why is it irrigated?

All plants, including grass plants, can only absorb nutrients in dissolved form. By watering after fertilization, the fertilizer is washed into the turf. The nutrients are released, get into the soil more quickly and can be absorbed by the plants unhindered. In other words, the fertilizer can take effect more quickly, which is then quickly visible.

tip: However, watering after fertilizing the lawn is not essential. However, you should keep in mind that prolonged dry weather will delay the effect of the fertilizer.

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