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They usually sprout overnight. As if out of nowhere, small mushrooms appear individually or in small groups, the so-called witch rings in the lawn and spoil the well-kept green area. Usually these are different types of cap mushrooms. As a rule, however, they do not pose any danger to the lawn. Their appearance is only an optical problem. There are various measures to permanently remove the fungi and prevent new growth.

Mushrooms in the lawn

The sudden appearance of fungus in the lawn can have different causes. Most of the time it is Boviste or hat mushrooms such as poisonous fertilizers, various types of dizzy mushrooms, field egerlings or meadow mushrooms. They can appear individually or in groups. Normally, they do not pose a serious threat to lawn plants. Sometimes, however, so-called witch rings, circular or semicircular formations of fungal fruiting bodies, appear.

The mushrooms sprout preferably in late summer after heavy rainfall and persistent waterlogging in the soil. They love moisture and a warm, shady climate. Fungal spores often get onto lawns with the wind. If they then find good conditions there, rapid growth is the result. Fungal spores are also commonly found in dead wood. With compost or plant substrate, residues can end up on the ground. Old tree stumps at the edge of green spaces are also perfect breeding grounds for cap fungi.


Not only unfavorable site and weather conditions, but also care mistakes can make the lawn susceptible to fungal growth. The most common causes are

  • permanent moisture in soil and air
  • lack of light
  • matted patches of grass
  • insufficient ventilation
  • acidification of the soil


Waterlogging is usually the cause of the growth of fungi in the lawn. In addition, there are usually warm, humid sections with stagnant air in summer. Particularly prolonged temperatures between 20 °C and 30 °C, drizzle or damp weather in winter offer mushrooms optimal conditions for their growth. Irrigation also plays a crucial role. The lawn needs moisture, but too much water can quickly cause too waterlogging lead, especially when the ground is compacted.

lack of light

A lack of light does not directly promote the spread of fungal bodies, but the lawn is permanently weakened and is then extremely susceptible to fungal growth. Especially under trees with a very dense tree crown, no strong turf can form. The lawn is thin and permeable, good conditions for the growth of fungi, moss and weeds.


Especially when the care of the lawn has been neglected for years, a dense thatch of lawn forms very quickly. The lawn plants then get no more air. Eventually they become weakened and are no longer competitive. A matted lawn and the associated lack of ventilation offers fungi good growth conditions, because thatch and moss store moisture

soil too acidic

If, despite good aeration, irrigation and fertilization of the lawn, mushroom fruiting bodies still shoot out of the ground, the soil can only be over-acidified. If the pH value is below the limit of 5.8, it is necessary to take countermeasures. Liming the soil can usually help.

notice: Mushrooms have no chance to grow on well-drained, well-aerated and nutrient-rich soil.

Turf particularly vulnerable

Fungi find ideal conditions for good growth, especially on freshly laid turf. Because the lawn has to be watered a lot so that it can take root properly. The lawn roots are not yet fully developed. Watering must be done regularly, but this should be less frequent but more penetrating. Another reason for the appearance of fungus can be the substrate on which the lawn was grown. This may contain wood components that decompose over time. Mushrooms appear on the lawn surface when it is sufficiently moist and warm.

Permanently remove cap fungus

As already noted, cap mushrooms usually represent no danger for lawn plants They cannot penetrate grass plants with their subterranean mycelium (mushroom network) or their fruiting bodies. It's more of a visual problem. It usually takes care of itself when the lawn dries properly. Normally there is no need to worry, but you should be careful when forming witch rings.

Care must be taken when removing the fungi to prevent the spores from spreading. Otherwise the number of fungi will increase rapidly.

  • Cut off individual mushrooms above the ground
  • Disposal in household waste
  • not on the compost, otherwise it will spread
  • better to cut out mushrooms with earth
  • Fill holes with fresh soil or sand

It is always important to first remove the above-ground fruiting bodies before further control measures are taken.

notice: Under no circumstances should the mushrooms be mowed off with a lawnmower. The spores on the underside of the hat would spread over the entire lawn and multiply. The mushroom mycelium also remains undamaged and the mushrooms continue to sprout diligently.

It is necessary for permanent control

  • to deprive the fungi of their food source
  • tear open the mushroom mycelium and
  • replace soil if necessary

Continuous cutting and scarifying care

Regular mowing is required to permanently remove cap fungus from the lawn. It should catch basket be used. Otherwise, the clippings should not remain on infested areas for long. The disposal takes place in the household waste. Existing lawn thatch must be torn up. For this purpose, a grid-like scarifying takes place. Additional loosening and aeration of the soil is recommended.

scarify the lawn

Remove mushroom mycelium

The mycelium is very extensive and can grow to a depth of 30 cm in the soil. With the digging fork, the fungus-infested areas are repeatedly poked into the ground and slightly lifted. In this way, the mycelium can be torn open and it gradually dies off. It will then be largely removed.

top layer of earth change

If the mushroom areas are clearly defined, the top layer of soil is removed up to a depth of 30 cm once the mycelium has been cut out. The holes are then filled with fresh soil. Only high-quality lawn seeds should then be used for the new sowing.

notice: Control with fungicides should not be carried out. Normally, chemical agents against cap fungi in the lawn are not permitted anyway. In general, fungicides and herbicides should not be used in the garden, as the biological balance is disturbed and the environment is permanently damaged.

Phenomenon witch rings

Witch rings are one of the lawn diseases. The mushroom fruiting bodies stand together in a circle or semi-circle. The mycelium grows equally fast in the earth from the center in all directions. Over the years, these witch rings will only get bigger if no action is taken. The fruit bodies are very often lined with dark green grasses. The growth of the culms is very good due to the secretion of ammonium compounds by the cap fungi. These serve as a source of nitrogen. Witch rings form when there is a lack of nutrients and compacted soil. If it is not combated, it can lead to dry damage and discoloration of the lawn. Again, it's important

  • to completely remove the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms in the lawn
  • then rip up the mushroom network with a digging fork
  • additional loosening of the soil

prevent fungal growth

A strong lawn is hardly susceptible to fungal growth. This requires regular and proper maintenance. This strengthens the lawn plants, makes them resilient and they form a dense growth and are competitive with other plants.


Aerating or aerating the soil can prevent the formation of waterlogging. A special aeration device is used for this. Alternatively, lawn aerator shoes or a digging fork also fulfill this function. The best time is in spring from March to May and in autumn from September to October.


This is where an electric scarifier comes in handy. The knives penetrate the soil vertically and loosen it up. A grid-like scarifying combs out existing lawn thatch and prevents it from forming. This measure can also be taken if there is an existing fungal infestation. Scarifying takes place once a year, either in March/May or September/October.

nutrient supply

Fungal growth is always a sign of nutrient deficiency. It is best to use long-term nitrogen fertilizer. This strengthens the grass and the green area is resistant and robust. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Fertilization is carried out in spring and late autumn. In autumn, however, you should use potassium-rich fertilizers to prevent snow mold infestation in winter.


Cap mushrooms love acidic soil. Liming the soil can help. This raises the pH. However, this requires a soil analysis. A simple soil test is available at the hardware store. Liming is only carried out if necessary:

  • pH below 5.5 (light, sandy soil) 150 g lime per m²
  • loamy soils 300 g lime per m²
  • pH above 6.9 no lime application


On the one hand, water is necessary for health and growth, on the other hand, the grasses are susceptible to fungi if the soil is too wet. Regular watering should be done during prolonged dry periods. The best time is early in the morning or in the evening when there is no longer any direct sunlight. The lawn plants should be allowed to dry out between blasting. It is better to water less frequently, but more penetratingly.

notice: Of course, regular mowing is also necessary. The mowing intervals should be short. You should also rake off the area at intervals with the fan rake.

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