Sedum plants are considered to be the most species-rich plant genus in the succulent family. In rock gardens, on green roofs, or in decorative planters, it enjoys great popularity as an easy-care, exotic-looking plant. Below we introduce popular types of sedum and explain simple steps to care for them.

Sedum species

Depending on the source, the number of individual Sedum species varies between 420 and around 600 species. Of course, not all of them have established themselves for use in the home garden, but there is still a large variety of varieties that can be used:

Golden Stonecrop (Sedum floriferum)

Photo by David J. Stang, Sedum floriferum Weihenstephaner Gold 0zz, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Growth height up to 15 centimeters
  • mating
  • evergreen
  • Flowering time June and July
  • golden yellow flower color

Gold Tripmadam (Sedum reflexum)

Photo by David J. Stang, Sedum reflexum 4zz, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Growth height up to 20 centimeters
  • ground covering growth
  • yellow flower color
  • Flowering period June to August
  • impressive fall foliage
  • Can be used as an aromatic herb for salads, etc

Caucasian stonecrop (Sedum spurium)

Jerzy Opioła, Sedum spurium a1, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Height of growth only 10 centimetres, but rapid growth in width
  • evergreen and mat-forming
  • vigorous and particularly easy to care for
  • well suited as ground cover

Purple sedum (Sedum telephium)

  • Growth height of 20 to 30 centimeters
  • forming groups
  • feeding in winter
  • characteristic crimson flower colour

Beautiful stonecrop (Sedum spectabile)

Marc Ryckaert (MJJR), Sedum Spectabile R01, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY 3.0
  • Growth height up to 45 centimeters
  • thriving in groups
  • late flowering from July to September
  • pink, star-shaped flowers
  • feeding in winter

Snake Stonecrop (Sedum morganianum)

Hungda, Sedum morganianum in Dalat, crop from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Growth height or tendril length up to 90 centimeters
  • suitable for hanging baskets due to the extreme development of shoots
  • pink flowers
  • not hardy

hybrid varieties

In addition to these widespread, original types of stonecrop, hybrid breeds in particular have become widespread in domestic gardens. The common hybrids all go back to the type of purple sedum Sedum telephium and are very similar to it in rearing and care. Examples of common hybrids are:


  • Growth height: 45 centimeters
  • Growth form: upright
  • Flowering period: August to September
  • Flower color: light pink
  • Foliage color: blue-green, later purple

Bertram Anderson

Photo by David J. Stang, Sedum Bertram Anderson 1zz, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Growth height: 25 centimeters
  • Growth form: creeping
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Flower color: pink-violet
  • Foliage color: dark purple

Beth's Special

  • Growth height: 50 centimeters
  • Growth form: upright
  • Flowering period: August to October
  • Flower color: brownish pink
  • Foliage color: blue-green

Joyce Henderson

Gordon Joly, Sedum 'Joyce Henderson', crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Growth height: 80 centimeters
  • Growth form: upright
  • Flowering period: August to September
  • Flower color: pale pink
  • Foliage color: violet

Carbuncle Stone (Xenox)

Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Sedum telephium 'Karfunkelstein' kz01, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Growth height: 50 centimeters
  • Growth form: upright
  • Flowering period: August to September
  • Flower color: brownish pink
  • Foliage color: dark purple


Photo by David J. Stang, Sedum Matrona 11zz, crop from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Growth height: 60 centimeters
  • Growth form: upright
  • Flowering period: August to September
  • Flower color: pink
  • Foliage color: olive green

Red Cauli

  • Growth height: 30 centimeters
  • Growth form: compact
  • Flowering period: August to September
  • Flower color: red
  • Foliage color: blue-green, later dark red

The care

Once you have decided on a type of stonecrop, the right care is important for lasting enjoyment of this interesting plant. Overall, all varieties of this genus are very easy to care for and uncomplicated.

The site

With regard to their preferred location, the sedum plants are very versatile and broadly based. A wide variety of areas are suitable, from full sun to almost shady locations. From dry, barren soils to moist, nutrient-rich locations, the plants do well in almost all locations. Only a very compact, compacted soil makes it difficult for the roots to penetrate into the depths. Even this shortcoming can easily be remedied with simple measures such as adding sand, grit or other mineral additives.

TIP: Depending on the type of sedum, individual locations may be more or less suitable. First, determine the characteristics of the site you are considering and then select cultivars that match.

The planting

The easy handling of the sedum is already apparent when planting. In just a few steps, you can move the individual plants from the transport container to their final location:

  • Loosen up compact soils and add mineral components if necessary
  • Take the plants out of the pots and soak them well with water
  • Make a planting hole about 1.5 times as wide and deep as the root ball
  • IMPORTANT: In the case of compact soils, place a drainage layer of gravel, sand or broken clay in the bottom of the hole to protect against waterlogging
  • Set plants in planting hole
  • Fill in the soil on all sides and press down lightly
  • Water the soil well for optimal growth

ATTENTION: Depending on the type of sedum, the planting distance can vary. Therefore, inquire about the individual distances of the variety you have chosen.

the casting

Like all succulent plants, the fat hen also stores enough water in its leaves to survive even long-lasting drought phases without any problems. Only in the first three to four weeks after planting should you always keep the soil moist. This stimulates root growth and optimally prepares the future self-sufficiency of the plant. After this growth phase, sedum hens can safely be removed from the watering schedule and left to their own devices.

Sedum isidae

The cut

The plants do not require regular pruning and can basically be left to their own devices. However, over time, aging shoots may become unsightly and develop bare areas. Then the plant can be rejuvenated simply and easily by removing it. For this purpose, the affected shoots are ideally removed directly at the base. Depending on the thickness, several methods are suitable for this:

  • Cut off with garden shears
  • Cut off with a sharp knife
  • Clip off with your fingernail

ATTENTION: Always make sure to disinfect the tools used. Otherwise, pathogens can be introduced into the plant in this way, which can quickly spread throughout the entire plant via the unprotected interface.


A general statement about the hibernation of the sedum hens can hardly be made. Because depending on the species, there can be complete winter hardiness, while other plants can only survive as indoor plants. It is therefore important to have comprehensive information about the available varieties. Even with hardy plants, you should not forget to protect the pot from intense frost when keeping them in pots or tubs. Otherwise the sedum plant, which is actually hardy, can still die because of the freezing pot and soil.


Sedum plants are considered to be very frugal. Nevertheless, they cannot do completely without nutrients. Since they are able to populate a location for a very long time, the soil can become emaciated over time and no longer provide a sufficient basis for growth. Regular but not excessive fertilization with:

  • universal complete fertilizers
  • cactus fertilizer
  • compost
  • Damn
  • horn shavings
  • other universal "home remedies"

During the growth phase, a moderate application of fertilizer can be done every 8 weeks. In the resting phases, however, the plant should be left completely to itself.

The propagation

Despite the high longevity of the plants, it can always happen that you want to populate a new location or replace old plants. The procedure is very simple and can be done in two ways:


The root ball of a plant is exposed and pricked with a spade or sharp garden shovel. The separated part can then be settled in the same way as a new planting already described.

TIP: By the way, cutting off can also reduce a sprawling sedum culture.


Sedum plants are considered to be so vigorous that even severed shoots can easily root in moist soil or sand. When used as a flat green roof, for example, detached rungs are simply thrown onto the moist substrate and slightly pressed in. Whole new carpets of plants are created within a short time.

Sedum sediforme

diseases and pests

The sedum is considered to be extremely robust and resilient. Even slugs and other common parasites avoid the diverse plants. Only two problems can occur again and again with Sedum:

Infestation by the thick-mouth weevil

Circular feeding spots are evidence of the presence of this parasite. But the larvae also attack the plants and eat their way through the inside of the leaves. Intensive infestation can therefore even lead to the death of the plant. Insecticides or the use of nematodes, i.e. roundworms as natural enemies of the beetles, promise a remedy.

root rot

Waterlogging promotes putrefaction bacteria in the root area, as a result of which the plant dies due to the destruction of the roots and the associated lack of supply. This can be remedied by a drainable floor. Once the rot has set in, damaged areas should be removed and the plant relocated to a drier location.
