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Strawberry planting time differs depending on the seedlings you choose. Planting out in summer is common. But there is also the possibility of planting strawberry plants in the spring.

Planting time of strawberries

Pot and frigo plants

Potted goods were pulled by strawberry runners last year. The cuttings were able to grow into strong young plants in a culture medium because they were supplied with all the important nutrients. Such young plants can be kept for a while before planting until the right time comes. These plants give good yields from the following spring. The so-called frigo plants are obtained by runners, which are then separated from their mother plant in winter. At this point the fully developed young plants have enough vigor for a good start into the coming growing season. After separation, the foliage is removed and the young plants are stored at about 1.5 degrees.

Planting time for summer planting

The ideal time for planting strawberries is in summer, when the harvest of the previous year's strawberries is in full swing. If you plant the plants between the end of July and mid-August, they have enough time to grow in. They can develop a dense root system by the onset of winter and create flower buds for the following year as early as September. The later you plant the roses in the bed, the more you risk a missed harvest in the first year. This is what your planting calendar looks like:

  • July: Start of planting young plants in pots
  • August: carry out the last summer plantings
  • September: Plantings are still possible in regions with mild temperatures

Spring planting as an alternative

If you missed the summer planting, you can switch to alternative dates. The quality of the purchased pots and pans is increasingly coming to the fore. You should choose strong young plants with a heart bud and at least three healthy leaves. Such strawberries grow quickly and sprout in the year of planting. Spring planting is only recommended for fast-growing frigo plants and extends over these months:

  • March: beginning of spring planting when summer planting has been missed
  • April: planting of strong young plants that survive light frosts
  • May: Last planting time for Frigo plants that are supposed to bear fruit in the same year

Tip: In order to promote the growth process, you should not shorten the roots of frigo plants.

Plant bare-root strawberries

You can grow new strawberry plants yourself by separating stolons from the mother plant in August. Unlike potted plants, these young plants do not yet have roots. Therefore, it can be stored for a maximum of two weeks in a plastic bag that is regularly moistened and stored in the refrigerator. You should not leave the separated plants for too long, because without roots the strawberry plants are quickly damaged. The ideal planting time for self-cut planting material is in August. Similar to potted goods, the greenery continues to grow until winter and bears the first fruits in the following year.

Tip: Mix compost into the planting hole, as this will ensure ideal conditions for rapid growth.

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