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Ground covers are an indispensable element for an intact and functional garden. There are species for a wide variety of areas in the garden, evergreen, flowering and those that impress with their decorative leaves.

In a nutshell

  • Ground covers tend to grow in width rather than in height and green areas
  • Form closed but water-permeable plants
  • Ground covers shade the soil and prevent it from drying out
  • Protect slopes from slipping, retain moisture and nutrients in the soil

Factors relevant to planting time of ground covers

When considering when to plant ground cover, the purpose of the planting and the location must be taken into account. Depending on the amount of light available and the nature of the ground, there is a more or less high tolerance. Not to forget the time of year and the competition from other plants, especially during their main growing season.

List of evergreen ground covers

Speedwell (Veronica)

Speedwell, Veronica
  • Planting from March to May
  • Best planting time mid-May
  • Locations that are as sunny as possible
  • Well-drained, neutral soil
  • 12-14 plants per square meter

Heather family (Ericaceae)

Heather family, Ericaceae
  • Planting time depends on species and flowering time
  • Generally in September, October and November
  • Or in spring from March to May
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • In barren, nutrient-poor and if possible lime-free soil
  • Add plenty of sand to heavy soils

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor)

Small periwinkle, for example, is an excellent planting partner for underplanting Magnolia kobus.
  • Plant all year round, provided there is no frost
  • Optimal planting time March to October
  • Half-shady to shady locations
  • Soil permeable, humic, without waterlogging
  • Avoid heavily compacted substrates
  • Improve light sandy soils with potting soil
  • Planting distances of 25-30 cm

Tip: All parts of these hardy plants are poisonous.

Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)

  • Planting preferably in spring
  • Sunny and shaded, bright locations
  • Permeable mineral soil optimal
  • On humic, nutrient-rich soil, tends to rampant
  • Distances of approx. 35 cm

Snail knotweed (Persicaria affinis)

Source: Akbar Khan Niazi, Beautiful Deosi Flowers, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Best planting time in spring or autumn
  • Potted plants even in summer
  • Fresh to moist soil
  • Improve dry sandy soils with plenty of humus
  • Planting distances depend on the growth of the respective species
  • Cushion-forming species approx. 25 cm

Spindle shrub 'Emerald'n Gold' (Euonymus fortunei)

  • Can be planted in spring and autumn
  • With frost-free soil also all year round
  • Sunny, shady and fully shaded areas
  • Well drained, moderately dry to moist garden soils
  • Five pieces per square meter

Rockseed (Lithodora diffusa)

  • Plant all year round as long as the ground is frost-free
  • Location as sunny as possible
  • Lime-free, acidic soil made of humus and sand
  • Add leaf soil instead of peat
  • Planting distances of 20-30 cm
  • Winter protection recommended

Tip: The soil on which this groundcover grows should never dry out completely.

Shrub veronica 'Green Globe' (Hebe armstrongii)

  • Plant all year round, except when the ground is frozen
  • Sunny to partially shaded, warm place
  • Soil well drained, moist, humic, rich in nutrients
  • Plant spacing 20-25 cm
  • Heat protection on hot days, frost protection in winter

Medlar (Cotoneaster dammeri radicans)

Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Cotoneaster dammeri var. radicans kz02, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Can be planted in late spring and summer
  • Sunny to shady locations
  • Any normal garden soil
  • Plant in groups of five to six plants
  • Planting distances of approx. 45 cm

Carpet golden strawberry (Waldsteinia ternata)

Source: Agnieszka Kwiecień (Nova), Waldsteinia ternata 01, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Optimal planting period from August to September
  • Bright and partially shaded locations
  • Fresh, nutrient-rich soil, pH between 6.5 and 7.5
  • Fold in compost if necessary
  • Improve loamy soils with sand or gravel
  • Planting distances of 35-40 cm

Ysander/Fatman (Pachysandra terminalis)

Pachysandra terminalis, fat man
  • Planting in spring and autumn
  • Shady and semi-shady locations
  • Loose soil, fresh to moist, moderately nutritious, slightly acidic to acidic
  • Lime sensitive ground cover
  • About eight plants per square meter

Tip: The fat man is very sensitive to soil compaction

List of flowering ground covers

Blue cushion 'Winterberg' (Aubrieta x cultorum)

  • Planting in autumn, depending on the variety also in spring
  • For sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Soil well drained, humic and rich in nutrients
  • Plant spacing 20-30 cm
  • Rebloom possible after pruning

Frost Flower 'Fire Wonder'

  • Can be planted after the ice saints, from the end of May
  • Sunny to partially shaded locations
  • For dry and lean soils
  • Planting distances of 15-20 cm
  • Breeding of the ice plant

Elf Flower (Epimedium)

elf flower
  • Best planting time in autumn
  • Ground cover for semi-shady and shady locations
  • Avoid locations that are particularly exposed to the wind and open to the east
  • Well-drained, fresh to moist soil with a high humus content
  • Slightly acidic with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5
  • Planting distances of 25-30 cm

Rock Alyssum (Alyssum saxatile)

Rock Alyssum, Alyssum saxatile
  • Planting in spring and autumn
  • Goldbasket needs a lot of sun
  • Well drained, humic, sandy loamy soil
  • At best, calcareous and poor in nutrients
  • Planting distance approx. 35 cm

Winged broom (Genista sagittalis)

  • Can be planted from spring to autumn
  • Stone and open spaces in full sun
  • Warmth-loving and heat-tolerant
  • Slightly acidic, nutrient-poor, dry and well-drained soil
  • Avoid calcareous substrates

Tip: All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Spring gentian (Gentiana verna)

Source: Tbc (Tim Bekaert), Gentiana verna griespass, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Can be planted all year round, in frost-free periods
  • Preferably sunny locations
  • Calcareous, slightly acidic soil
  • Mixture of rhododendron soil and sand
  • Also tolerates stony subsoil
  • Planting distance 20 cm

Common Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)

Source: AnRo0002, 20220619 Saponaria officinalis1, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Can be planted from spring to autumn
  • Very bright, full sun locations
  • Well drained, sandy, slightly moist substrates
  • Planting distances of at least 30 cm, depending on the variety
  • Common soapwort is poisonous

Tip: The soapwort is a ground cover that is particularly prone to spreading and can easily displace other plants.

Canadian dogwood (Cornus canadensis)

Source: Jason Hollinger, Bunchberries (3599531983), Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 2.0
  • Planting in spring and autumn
  • Location semi-shady to shady
  • Moist, loose, slightly acidic peat and humus soils
  • Sensitive to lime
  • Six to eight plants per square meter

Cushion or carpet phlox (Phlox subulata)

cushion phlox
  • Best planting time in spring
  • Container plants can also be planted in summer
  • Locations in full sun, semi-shade impairs flowering
  • Subsoil well-drained, dry to fresh, moderately nutritious
  • Prefers lime-free soil
  • Planting distances of 30-40 cm

Roman chamomile 'Plenum' (Chamaemelum nobile)

Source: Karelj, Anthemis nobilis prg 1, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Can be planted in spring and autumn
  • Prefers sunny locations
  • Well drained, dry, humus and nutrient poor soil
  • Eight to eleven plants per square meter
  • Distances 30-35 cm

Foam flower (Tiarella cordifolia)

Source: Cbaile19, Tiarella cordifolia growing in Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, 02, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Planting time all year round in frost-free soil
  • Partially shaded to shaded areas
  • Loose, permeable, humus-rich and fresh soil
  • About eleven plants per square meter
  • Planting distances of 25-30 cm recommended

Tip: This densely filled groundcover with its fragrant white flower balls is well suited as a scented lawn.

Cranesbill (Geranium species)

In terms of location, the cranesbill proves to be extremely undemanding.
  • Plantable in spring
  • Sunny, semi-shady to shady locations
  • Moderately moist, nutrient-rich, permeable substrates
  • Partially shaded and moist, sunny and dry, shaded and dry, depending on the variety
  • Planting distances also depend on the variety

Carpet bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana)

Campanula portenschlagiana
  • Can be planted from spring to autumn
  • Sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Thrives in any well drained, dry to moderately moist garden soil
  • Up to 17 pieces per square meter
  • Planting distances of 20-30 cm

Tip: Dried shoots should be removed in spring.

White Periwinkle 'Alba' (Vinca minor)

  • Planting possible all year round, provided the soil is frost-free
  • Does well in shady and sunny positions
  • Well-drained and humus-rich soil
  • Planting distances of 10-25 cm
  • Several reblooms in summer

Species with attractive foliage

Partridge berry (Mitchella repens)

Source: HalpaughUploads), Mitchella repens, berries, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Can be planted in spring and autumn
  • Half-shady to shady locations
  • Well-drained, slightly humus-rich soil
  • About 12-16 plants per square meter
  • Dark green leaves, light veins, purple stems

Spotted Deadnettle 'Beacon Silver' (Lamium maculatum)

Source: Photo by David J. Stang, Lamium maculatum Beacon Silver 4zz, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Planting time in spring and autumn
  • Locations in partial shade and shade
  • Soil loose, calcareous, loamy, fresh, nutritious and humic
  • About 15 plants per square meter
  • High leaf decoration value, good frost tolerance

Caucasus forget-me-not 'Jack Frost' (R) (Brunnera macrophylla)

  • Plantable in spring
  • Partly shaded to shaded areas
  • Also sunny when the soil is moist, no blazing midday sun
  • Moderately moist to moist, humus rich soil
  • Slightly alkaline to slightly acidic, tolerant of lime
  • Six to eight plants per square meter

Small Hosta - Hosta sieboldii 'Bianca'

  • Planting from mid/end of May
  • Partly shaded to sunny location
  • Well-drained, humus-rich garden soil with sufficient moisture
  • Five to eight plants per square meter
  • Distances of 30-40 cm

Purple Bells (Heuchera)

  • Ideal planting time in August and September
  • Sunny to semi-shady locations
  • Fresh to moist, well-drained, sandy-loamy substrate
  • Neutral to alkaline pH
  • Planting distances of 35-40 cm

Variegated Creeping Spindle 'Variegatus' (Euonymus fortunei)

  • Planting in spring and autumn
  • Location sunny to shady
  • Normal, fresh, nutrient-rich garden soil
  • Six to eight pieces per square meter
  • Planting distance 40 cm

List of walkable ground cover plants

feather pad (cotula)

Source: Penarc, Cotula coronopifolia 04, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Can be planted in early spring or autumn
  • Sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Well-drained, not too humus-rich, slightly moist and well-drained soil
  • About 15 plants per square meter
  • Fine feathery foliage

Tip: The feather cushion is very suitable as a lawn replacement. If it is too dry, it also turns brown, but recovers relatively quickly after watering.

Variegated goose cress (Arabis Ferdinandii coburgi)

Source: Averater, Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi 05, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Can be planted in spring and late summer
  • Sunny, semi-shady and shady locations
  • Well-drained, dry to fresh, moderately nutrient-rich soil
  • Plant spacing of 10 cm
  • Enjoyed in moderation, edible

Hazel root (Asarum europaeum)

Asarum europaeum, hazel root
  • Planting ideally from March to May
  • Well-drained, very humus-rich, calcareous substrates
  • Sunny, partially shaded, evenly moist places
  • 15-17 plants per square meter
  • Plant spacing of 25 cm

Tip: All parts of hazel root are poisonous. Thanks to the shape and coloring of the leaves, it is also very suitable as a decorative leaf plant.

Creeping Carpet Verbena (Phyla nodiflora)

Source: Forest & Kim Starr, Starr 070815-8048 Phyla nodiflora, Edited from Plantopedia, CC BY 3.0
  • Can be planted in spring and autumn
  • For sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Well-drained, dry to fresh soil
  • Three to six pieces per square meter
  • Good lawn substitute

Tip: A fixed demarcation is recommended to avoid uncontrolled spread.

Pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia)

Source: AnRo0002, 20221031Lysimachia nummularia1, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Plant in spring or autumn
  • Location sunny to shady
  • Avoid blazing sun
  • Moist, loamy-sandy, nutrient-rich soil
  • Eight to ten pieces per square meter
  • Planting distance 35 cm

Tip: Pennywort is a good ground cover for the edge of a pond, wooded areas and open spaces.

Lemon Thyme (Thymus citriodorus)

Lemon Thyme, Thymus citriodorus
  • Can be planted for almost the entire season
  • Full sun, warm, sheltered spots
  • Well drained, dry, loamy-sandy, calcareous soil
  • Distances of at least 25 cm
  • Protect from winter wet


  • Planting time in winter between October and May
  • Sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Heat and short-term drought are no problem
  • Waterlogging will not be forgiven
  • Humic, loose, permeable, calcareous and nutrient-rich substrates
  • Planting distances depending on desired density
  • At least 50 cm

Tip: Due to its content of hydrocyanic acid, especially in the decorative fruits, the cotoneaster is considered slightly poisonous.

List of groundcover grasses

Yellow Hakonengrass (Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola')

Source: Cillas, Hakonechloa macra 'Alboaurea', Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Best planting time in spring
  • Sunny, semi-shady locations
  • Fresh to moist, humic, nutrient-rich soil
  • Avoid waterlogged and calcareous substrates
  • Plant spacing 30-40 cm

Golden Fescue 'Golden Toupee' (Festuca glauca)

  • Planting time from March to October
  • Sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Well-drained, dry soil
  • Make more permeable with sand or gravel, lose weight
  • Distances of 20-30 cm

Tip: On loamy, nutrient-rich soils, fescues lose their characteristic appearance.

Japanese sedge (Carex morrowii)

Carex morrowii, Japanese sedge
  • Can be planted from spring to autumn
  • Location semi-shady to shady
  • Soil fresh to moderately moist, rich in humus and nutrients
  • Plant spacing 30-50 cm
  • Tolerates root pressure of old trees

Snake Beard (Ophiopogoan)

Source: Photo by David J. Stang, Ophiopogon intermedius 11zz, Adapted from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Plant preferably in spring
  • Light to partially shaded areas
  • Moderate temperatures, sheltered from the wind
  • Soil well drained, rich in humus, slightly acidic
  • Plant spacing 20-30 cm

Wood Marbel (Luzula sylvatica)

Source: Wildfire, 2007-04-01Luzula sylvatica02, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • planting in spring
  • Partially shaded to shaded areas
  • Soil fresh to moist, well-drained, poor in nutrients
  • Plant spacing of 30 cm
  • Seven to nine grasses per square meter
  • Tolerates competition from larger plants

frequently asked Questions

What should the subsoil for ground cover be like?

In order to achieve freedom from maintenance, it should be even and weed-free. It is best to dig up thoroughly beforehand.

Which ground covers are suitable for grave planting?

Suitable are e.g. B. crawling bugle, prickly nut, fat man, elf flower, cat's paw and the foam flower.

Do ground covers have to be mowed as a lawn replacement?

Mowing is not necessary. However, the mats can be trimmed if desired, but this is not necessary.

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