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Growing your own garlic is easy. However, the question arises whether the cloves can still be eaten after flowering. We clarify.

In a nutshell

  • Garlic flowers do not need to be cut off
  • flowering garlic is edible
  • Bloom is intended to reduce intensity of the toes
  • Bulbs next to the flower are used for propagation

Garlic Blossom

During the growing season, garlic, bot. Allium sativum, flowers from. The inflorescence stem is erect and 50 to 100 centimeters long. This bears a spherical pseudo umbel with some flowers. The color of the flowers is greenish, white, pink or reddish. Since they are sterile, these flowers do not serve to propagate the plant. For this purpose, the garlic develops around ten to twenty brood bulbs (bulblets) in addition to the flowers, which grow in a pointed, paper-like leaf pod, the so-called spathe.

Notice: When winter garlic blooms in June.

Flower of a garlic plant

quality and edibility

Unlike other crops, garlic flowers are harmless in every respect. Because these do not make the toes poisonous or inedible.

It is controversial whether the flowers or the formation of the bulbils have a negative effect on the quality, i.e. the aroma and size of the cloves. For example, some "garlic experts" claim that the cloves of garlic plants that have not flowered have a more delicate aroma. Commercial garlic growers find that because the cloves of flowering garlic plants are smaller, the flowers reduce yields. In any case, the garlic cloves are edible.

To cut or not to cut

Whether or not you stop Allium sativum from flowering is up to you. Nevertheless, there are considerations that will help you make the decision.

The formation of flowers or bulbs costs the plant energy. This expenditure of energy is at the expense of the garlic bulb underground. Therefore, at the end of the day, the harvest is smaller and the garlic cloves don't taste as intense. However, this idea has not been scientifically proven. Therefore only a blind tasting with the harvested garlic cloves helps here.

The bulbils speak for the preservation of the flowers, since they serve the propagation, if this is desired. By harvesting the onions, you can multiply your garlic and make yourself independent of garlic suppliers.

cut flowers

Regardless of whether you want to leave some garlic flowers or not, you should prune the flowers properly. The ideal time to remove the flowers is when the first bulges are forming at the top of the stem. This is to be expected in May or June depending on the weather. When cutting, proceed as follows:

  • position the cutting tool a few centimeters below the curve
  • make an oblique cut so that water and moisture can drain off better

frequently asked Questions

Do the garlic cloves have to be harvested before they bloom?

No. You can also harvest and eat the bulb after flowering.

Is the garlic flower itself edible?

Yes. It is mainly used in cooking in Asia.

When is the best time to cut garlic flowers?

The ideal time for the cut is before the garlic blooms, when the first bulges form at the top of the stem.

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