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If rhubarb shrubs are to be planted, then attention should be paid to the right location. If this fits, then the first and the coming harvest in the following years are guaranteed to be very rich.

In a nutshell

  • Rhubarb is perennial (up to eight years)
  • can remain in the same place for years
  • sunny to semi-shady bed ideal
  • deep and humus soil because heavy feeders
  • plenty of surrounding space of about one square meter per plant to grow

Rhubarb: Ideal location

The ideal place for the tasty rhubarb is a sunny bed. It can also be partially shaded. Because the perennials have the following properties:

  • little sun allows only thin stems
  • therefore avoid too much shade
  • Harvest is lower
  • too much sun may lead to premature flowering
  • Harvest is over faster

Notice: Even though rhubarb is mostly used in sweet dishes such as compote or sweet pancakes, botanically it does not belong to fruit, but to vegetables.

Enough space

Rhubarb shrubs require sufficient space at their location so that the individual plants can spread well. Because offshoots are formed over the roots and the individual perennials are very wide as a result. So here is a sufficiently large bed to choose if the vegetables are to be planted:

  • at least one square meter for one plant
  • for small varieties such as "Holsteiner blood"
  • large varieties require more space
  • "Goliath" grows up to 90 cm high
  • choose a pitch of about 1.5 square meters or larger

Tip: Since the rhubarb perennials spread very widely and even a single plant brings a good harvest in a short time, it is often sufficient to plant only two to three perennials in the bed if there is not enough space.

Soil quality is important

Rhubarb perennials are so-called heavy feeders that need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, in addition to the ideal location, the soil quality is also crucial for a rich harvest.

  • deep and humus rich soil
  • Water must be able to be held well
  • Soil always slightly moist
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • loamy-sandy soil ideal
  • always fertilize with compost
  • Fold in compost before planting
  • mulch regularly
  • provides additional nutrients
  • not suitable for every plant in mixed cultivation

Notice: If the rhubarb is to be cultivated in the vegetable patch together with other plants, then it is important to ensure that not all plants get along. However, kohlrabi, lettuce, spinach, beans or peas are ideal.

frequently asked Questions

When should I plant my rhubarb bushes?

If the right bed has been found in partial shade or the sun, then the ideal time to plant the rhubarb is autumn. This is quite unusual, but the plants can usually be harvested as early as next year. If the vegetables are not planted until spring, you will have to wait a year before the first harvest.

Is Rhubarb a Perennial Plant?

Yes, the vegetables can stay in one and the same place for up to eight years if the soil has been well prepared and fertilized over and over again. Only then will the plant lose its strength and the harvest will slowly fail to materialize. However, you can always plant new plants in the bed between the old rhubarb bushes and thus continue to harvest the vegetables for years to come.

Does a rhubarb plant require a lot of care?

As a rule, rhubarb perennials are very easy-care plants. You should fertilize sufficiently in spring and during the growing season until the last harvest in mid-June. After that, you can let the bed rest until next spring. Even if the perennials are hardy, they can be protected against drying out in winter by mulching.

Do I have to change location in between?

A change of location in the garden is usually not necessary, because the vegetables can produce yields for up to eight years. However, there may be a change if the chosen place is not well suited. It is possible that the stems of the plants remain too thin and the harvest is reduced as a result. Then the selected bed in the garden is too shady for the rhubarb plants. If flowers form too early in the year, it is too sunny and the plants should be placed in more shade. In this case, too, there is no rich harvest because flowering rhubarb plants are no longer edible.

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