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After you've laid new turf, watering is essential. In order for the lawn to grow effectively, the frequency and amount of water when watering must be right.

In a nutshell

  • new turf is watered after laying in the evening of the same day
  • water in the following 14 to 21 days depending on the weather
  • Check soil daily for moisture
  • Administer amounts of water according to the daily temperature

First watering: timing

With a new turf, the time of the first watering is one of the most important care measures of all. With this you guarantee that the grass does not dry out immediately, which would otherwise make it impossible to grow. For this reason, the rolled turf is watered the same day after it has been laid. But wait until the evening, as it can become problematic if you water in the morning or at noon:

  • Irrigation water evaporates faster
  • Turf dries out faster
  • Water on straws can cause burns

Above all, you should avoid burns, as they can really damage a new turf. In the evening, on the other hand, the water can seep away effectively and be absorbed by the turf, even if it is very hot. This gives the new lawn the perfect start.

Tip: If it is very hot, you can even water the turf while laying it. This will prevent the lawn from drying out accidentally.


The success after laying the turf is not only dependent on the first watering. You then have to water the new turf continuously for a period of two to three weeks so that the grass can establish itself in the garden. How often you water depends entirely on the weather. For example, you need to water the new turf less if it rains regularly after it has been laid. To determine when to water, do the following:

  • Select metal tool
  • Minimum length: 7 centimeters
  • e.g. wrench or screwdriver
  • put in the lawn
  • pull out again
  • check for moisture

The first 7 centimeters of the ground of the newly laid turf must be permanently moist throughout the growth phase. As soon as no moisture can be seen on the tool, switch on the watering system. It's not uncommon for you to have to water two or three times a day during periods of low rainfall. After the two to three weeks, switch to a classic watering rhythm, for example once a week.

Notice: If the blades of grass on the turf no longer straighten up after use, you have not watered enough. Make up for it as soon as possible so that the lawn does not suffer dry damage.

Right amount of water

In order to be able to water your new turf effectively, you must pay attention to the amount of water used. It doesn't matter whether you supply smaller or larger areas with your irrigation system. The required amount of water is always determined per square meter. In Central Europe, the following temperature-dependent quantities have established themselves:

  • above 25°C: 25 liters per square meter
  • 20°C to 25°C: 20 liters per square meter
  • below 20°C: 15 liters per square meter

After the first two to three weeks, the amount is reduced as the turf has established itself in the garden. With this amount of water, watering can easily last two to three hours.

frequently asked Questions

How can the exact amount of irrigation be determined?

A rain gauge is positioned at the edge of the area to be irrigated and measures how much rain has fallen during the day. This way you can see if you still need to pour more water. You can also use the rain gauge to determine how much time your system needs for irrigation. Alternatively, you can use a water meter.

Is it possible to overwater the turf?

In itself, it is difficult to overwater a new turf, as they consume large amounts of water. However, in the case of heavily compacted soil, it can happen that the water cannot seep away. In this case, waterlogging often occurs, which has a negative effect on the growth of the lawn and promotes fungal diseases.

What water should be used for irrigation?

The use of rainwater is ideal for lawns, as this is available free of charge and contains no lime. You can also supply the turf with groundwater from a well, which is also a cheap alternative to tap water.

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