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The aloe vera is becoming more and more popular because of its appearance and its healthy properties. In the local latitudes it is cultivated as a pot plant. If not cared for correctly, aloe vera can quickly develop root rot.

In a nutshell

  • Aloe vera very susceptible to root rot
  • likes it dry rather than too wet
  • proper watering prevents the damage
  • glassy soft leaves indicate root rot
  • if not all roots are affected, the plant can often still be saved

detect root rot

Aloe vera in particular often suffers from root rot. Anyone who recognizes this quickly can take countermeasures and possibly save the plant. The damage can be recognized as follows:

  • Watch the leaves closely
  • become glassy and soft
  • muddy over time
  • Remove the plant from the pot
  • roots soggy
  • Roots colored black


The aloe vera is a succulent. Finding the right dose of watering is important with this genus. Because if it gets too much water, this is usually the cause of the root rot. Waterlogging must also be taken into account here. So the following should be avoided during maintenance:

  • frequent watering
  • too much water at once
  • water in the catch plate
  • waterlogging

Tip: If you water the aloe vera, you should pay attention to the right time and wait if the soil is damp or wet. Succulents store water in their thick, fleshy leaves, allowing them to withstand a prolonged drought. Therefore, only water again when the soil is well dried.

revival - rescue

If root rot was found after the plant was removed from the pot, countermeasures can be taken quickly and the aloe vera can often be saved. This should be done as follows:

  • cut off damaged, mushy roots
  • leave healthy ones
  • remove all affected leaves
  • remove all soil
  • Allow the plant to air dry
  • put in new, fresh substrate

Notice: If you have been able to save the succulent in this way, then you should definitely pay attention to the right care in the near future and, above all, only water the plant moderately.


Proper care is the best prevention that helps against root rot in aloe vera. Because the plant is strengthened and can develop well. You should therefore pay attention to the following when caring for and especially when watering:

  • do not water excessively
  • it is better to let the soil dry in between
  • also hardly tolerates humidity
  • Location in a warm, rather dry room
  • Location may be sunny
  • fertilize enough
  • use suitable substrate

Notice: If you want to choose the right soil for your succulent, it should be sandy and well-drained. Nevertheless, the aloe wants a lot of nutrients and minerals. Therefore, special succulent or cactus soil is suitable for cultivation and healthy care.

frequently asked Questions

Which care mistakes lead to diseases of my plant?

The succulent is usually not very susceptible to diseases. Nevertheless, there are care mistakes that you should definitely avoid. Waterlogging or excessive humidity is the main reason why the plant gets sick. But too little light or a lack of nutrients can also affect it. Good care is therefore important so that the plant can remain beautiful and healthy for many years.

Can I also cultivate the aloe outside?

This is generally not advisable in the local latitudes, because it is too damp and wet, mostly in the summer months. However, the succulent is in good hands in a pot that can be moved from location to location and can also be placed on the balcony or terrace in a protected place on warm days.

If the aloe has lost its roots, can it still be saved?

Unfortunately, the whole plant then has no chance of surviving. However, it is possible to remove a leaf that is still healthy and let it root again. For this purpose, the leaf is placed with the underside in a pot with potting soil and watered only moderately. After some time, a new root stem will develop here, and the plant can be repotted. Proper care is important here, so that it cannot rot again.

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