- Types of poppies for the garden
- Sowing poppies - instructions
- Different times & special features
- maintenance
- frequently asked Questions
Because of the beautiful, large flowers, the poppy is a popular ornamental plant. It is easy to grow and many types of poppy, although annual, are self-seeding. How to sow by hand can be read here.
In a nutshell
- annual and perennial species
- mostly red flowers, but also pink or white
- Flowering time from May to July
- Sow in spring or autumn
- care is easy
Types of poppies for the garden
If you want to sow poppies in your garden, the following varieties are particularly suitable:
- Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas), native species, annual, red flowers
- Seed poppy (Papaver dubium), annual, flowers red, pink or white, often part of flowering meadow seeds
- Turkish poppy (Papaver orientale), perennial, large flowers in red
- Iceland poppy (Papaver nudicaule), short-lived, self-sowing, stay small, different flower colors
- Spanish poppy (Papaver rupifragum), perennial, flowers until September
Sowing poppies - instructions
choice of location
Types of poppy (Papaver) prefer a sunny, warm location. The situation is different with the Icelandic poppy, which also makes do with shady areas and prefers cooler weather. Poppies thrive better in loamy soil than in sandy soil.
Preparation of the seedbed
The substrate must be as finely crumbly as possible because poppy seeds are very small. You must therefore prepare the soil well. All weeds, roots and stones are removed. Then the surface is smoothed. When sowing for the first time, poppies can easily be displaced by other plants, so make sure there are no weeds.
The poppy seed is spread out on the surface. It is best to mix the poppy seed with sand, it is then easier to sow evenly. Instead of using sand, you can also mix poppy seeds with other flower seeds. A flowering meadow then develops. If this is only to last for one year, however, when choosing the seed, attention should be paid to annual plants.
After the seed
Press the seeds down well. This can be done with the back of a rake or a rake, but also by walking and stepping on the area. This gives the seed a better ground connection.
cover seeds?
It is important not to cover the poppy seed, as it germinates in the light. This also applies to many other annual flower seeds, which is why there is no need to deviate from this when creating a flowering meadow.
irrigation of the area
Watering is important, but not so easy with uncovered seeds. One possibility is to water the area lightly before sowing so that sludge cannot form. The second option is careful watering with the sprayer on the watering can, always making sure that the seed is not washed away and that no pools of water form.
Separation necessary?
Once the seed has germinated, you don't need to separate it. It is not worth it for annual plants, the seedlings are very delicate.
Different times & special features
fall seed
- if sown in autumn, the plants will flower earlier next year
- Frost does not harm the seeds
- Mix the soil with finely sieved compost before sowing
- not necessary for nutrient-rich areas
Sow in spring
- right time March to April
- warmer soil promotes germination
- protect the soil from drying out in late spring
perennial poppy
Perennial poppies can be grown indoors. To do this, sow the poppy seeds in small pots. After emergence, only the strongest plant remains in each pot. Plant them in their place in the garden at the end of May.
Notice: Cut off the flowers after flowering to prevent the perennials from spreading uncontrollably in the garden.
Poppy plants require few care measures, these include:
- Keep seed moist
- watering later when dry
- remove emerging weeds
- Fertilize only necessary for perennials, then in autumn with compost
- with too much fertilizer poppies are easily displaced by weeds
- Pruning measures after flowering prevent self-seeding
frequently asked Questions
Is it possible to collect seeds of the poppy plants yourself?Yes, if the flowers are not cut off after flowering, the seed inside will mature. When the capsules turn brown, they can be cut off and shaken out. Store the small seeds in a cool, dry place in a well-sealed container. The germinating power then lasts for at least a year.
How is self-seeding done?After the seed has matured, the capsules open and tilt, allowing the seed to fall to the ground, where it can be spread by ants, for example. Many types of poppies spread easily in the garden and can then become weeds.
Are the flower colors always the same?This is only relatively safe with open-pollinated varieties. Hybrids only flower correspondingly colorfully in the first generation, with self-sowing, reddish flower colors often prevail.
Are there diseases or pests?Poppy plants rarely suffer from diseases. Aphids are more common, but they rarely cause serious damage to the plant. If control is to take place, it is best to use water to rinse off the aphids.