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Basil is one of the most important Mediterranean kitchen herbs. For generations it has been used to flavor dishes and in natural medicine. With our tips, you can also grow basil on the balcony.

In a nutshell

  • popular kitchen herb
  • related to sage and rosemary
  • Lamiaceae with white or pink flowers
  • more than 60 species known
  • bright, sunny location on the balcony or terrace

The plant

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) comes from tropical areas of Asia, South America and Africa. The plant is slightly hairy in part. Like most lamiaceae, Ocimum basilicum has a square stem. The leaves are green and oval. White or pink lipped flowers are arranged around the stem. Each flower forms a fruit with a seed.

The basil plant quickly grows into a small bush.

Alternative names are

  • royal herb
  • basil
  • brainweed


Many kitchen herbs can be perfectly cultivated on the balcony. You don't need a lot of space to grow basil either. Choose a bright, sunny spot on the balcony, patio or windowsill.

Sowing instructions

Source: User:Amada44, Ocimum basilicum sprouting 003, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  1. Sow basil seeds in shallow trays filled with nutrient-poor potting soil.
  2. Prick out the plants when about four leaves appear.
  3. Plant the strongest plants individually in plastic pots with herb soil.
  4. After the ice saints, you can transplant the basil plants into beds or containers and place them outdoors.

Tip: We recommend growing basil plants indoors. This makes the spice plants more robust and the harvest is more plentiful.

To harvest

You can harvest basil all year round. Cut off some stems as needed. Cutting off stimulates new growth.

In the fall, you can cut off all the stems, dry them or freeze them.

Basil thrives best in fresh air.

Tip: Always put a vase of basil sprigs in your home. The herb exudes a pleasant scent. The aroma has a calming effect and can help relieve headaches.

fertilizing and watering

The herb needs nutrient-rich soil. Give the plant some compost to get it off to a good start. Fertilize every four weeks with commercial fertilizer.

Basil needs sufficient moisture to grow vigorously on the balcony. When watering, be careful not to wet the herb with water. Especially on cooler days, damp leaves are the entry points for fungal diseases. Only water potted plants from below.

planting partner

Suitable planting partners for basil are tomatoes and cucumbers. The plants influence each other very positively and have similar demands on care. If plants are well combined on the balcony or in a bed, they protect each other from diseases and pests.


Potted plants should spend the winter in the basement or in the garage at around 15 degrees Celsius.


Fungal diseases are a problem of basil. Avoid waterlogging. Keep the leaves dry, only water from below.

Outdoor basil plants are a popular food for snails. Basil is safer in a pot on the balcony than in a bed.

Brown spots are usually a sign of incorrect lighting conditions. The herb needs warmth and brightness, but reacts with sunburn to direct sunlight.


More than 60 different types of basil are known. In addition to the shrub basil, more and more other types are finding their way into German cuisine.

are popular

  • anise basil
  • lemon basil
  • Small-leaved basil
  • cinnamon basil
  • Thai basil

frequently asked Questions

Is tulsi herb related to basil?

Even the botanical name of Tulsi, Ocimum tenuiflorum, indicates a relationship to basil, Ocimum basilicum. Tulsi is known as Indian basil. In India it can be found on many house entrances. Tulsi is considered a sacred herb in Hindu teachings. People expect divine protection from the plant on their house.

Are the basil leaves or the sprigs harvested?

Always cut individual stems from the plant. You can then pick off the leaves in the kitchen. Basil stems stay fresh for a few days in a vase.

Are basil flowers edible?

Basil flowers are edible and tasty. They can be eaten fresh. If you want, you can put them in oil or prepare herbal salt with the aromatic flowers. In summer, prepare basil water as a zero-calorie soft drink. To do this, place a branch in a carafe filled with water.

What size should the planter be?

Use a pot with a diameter at least equal to that of the basil bush. We recommend choosing a larger vessel rather than too small.

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