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Pumpkins are easy to grow in your own garden. They grow even better if they are brought forward in good time. This article tells you how to properly prepare pumpkin.

In a nutshell

  • Growing pumpkins from seed is pretty easy
  • One plant per pot makes pricking out unnecessary
  • Germination time only a few days
  • young plants can go outside from May

advantages of preference

Pumpkin plants are not frost hardy and only grow well when the weather is warm enough. That is why they are usually preferred in the house. The preference gives the plants a growth advantage compared to no-till. They are also more robust against pests and adverse weather conditions.


  • Seeds of the desired type of pumpkin
  • Plant pots (10 cm)
  • Potting soil or other substrate
  • some kitchen paper
  • water (preferably in a spray bottle)
  • cling film, a freezer bag or similar. (alternatively a room greenhouse)

Notice: If pots with a diameter of 10 cm are used, there is no need to repot the young plants again.

It will be some time before you can plant your young plants in the bed.


The best time to grow pumpkins is mid-April. Rather, it makes no sense because the young plants then grow poorly. They need a lot of light after germination and the strength of the sunlight is not sufficient earlier in the year.


The right temperature is essential for a good germination result. The pumpkin likes it warm, but doesn't need it particularly bright to germinate. 25 degrees or normal room temperature is sufficient. A very good place to germinate thermophilic seeds is under the cover of an aquarium if it is still lit by tubes that generate heat.


  1. Pumpkin seeds can, but do not have to be pre-treated. Usually it is enough to let them soak in water for 24 hours.
  2. To save yourself the pricking out, you can plant each seed in a separate pot.
  3. Place a layer of kitchen paper in the pot to cover the drainage holes. This prevents the earth from falling out. Later, the kitchen paper rots completely.
  4. Fill the pots with soil. Leave 2 to 3 cm free to the edge.
  5. Moisten the soil. To do this, pour water until it runs out of the pot.
  6. Place the seed(s) on the substrate, press down slightly and cover with more soil.
  7. Now moisten the top layer of soil again. Better to use a spray bottle for this.
  8. Germination is faster if the pots are covered with foil. Use either cling film or a freezer bag. Simply slip the latter over the pots.
  9. Put the pots in a warm place. Light is only necessary when the cotyledons are visible.

Prefer pumpkin - alternative

A particularly good germination climate is achieved in a mini greenhouse. It is filled with soil, the seeds are sown and then the soil is kept moist. Place the greenhouse in a bright, not too sunny place, otherwise it will quickly get too hot. As long as the seeds germinate, it does not need to be aired. After that, the ventilation makes it easier for the plants to breathe.

Notice: In the greenhouse, do not water too much, excess water cannot run away.

Separating the pumpkin plants

The cotyledons become visible after about 7 days. If several seeds have been sown in a pot, later separation is essential.

  1. Pull out and discard very weak plants together with the roots.
  2. Carefully loosen the strong plants from the soil with your finger or a special prick stick. Treat the young roots very gently.
  3. Plant the young plants freshly in slightly larger pots and then set them up in a light and slightly cooler place.
  4. Water regularly, possibly even fertilize a little, especially with lean growing soil. Don't forget to harden before planting.
These young plants are ready to be separated.

frequently asked Questions

Can pumpkins be grown from self-collected seeds?

This is theoretically possible, but will rarely lead to the desired success. Most squash varieties are hybrid varieties that are not open seed. They pass on their characteristics to their offspring indiscriminately. Collecting seeds is therefore only worthwhile for special hardy varieties.

What to do if the advance is unsuccessful?

Pumpkins can also be sown directly from mid to late May. Then they have no growth advantage, but usually succeed anyway. The gourds may not be quite as large as those of pre-grown plants.

Does it absolutely need certain soil?

There is special potting soil on the market. This has some advantages over normal garden soil, but it is not absolutely necessary. Seeds germinate in any soil.

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