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Pruning clematis is not difficult in itself. However, there are a few factors to consider. Among other things, this includes the flowering period. Our guide gives you the right help and guidance. Pruning clematis should be done regularly to maintain beauty. If parts are dried out or withered, you have to use scissors. You can find out when the best time is here.

In a nutshell

  • Prune clematis after flowering
  • Cut off withered and dried plant parts
  • regular pruning promotes growth and flowering
  • use sharp, disinfected cutting tools

Clematis species

The clematis is basically divided into three different types. These are:

  • early flowering varieties
  • summer bloomers
  • twice bloomer

Early flowering varieties

Early blooming varieties of the plant only require pruning if you want to shape them up. Other reasons are:

  • Infested with parasites or diseases
  • dried plant parts
  • withered flowers and shoots

If the plant becomes too big or shows damage, it can also be shortened. The blend is only carried out when there is a corresponding need. If possible, avoid removing bud-bearing branches. After flowering, you can cut back a little harder to create a topiary.

summer bloomers

These variants are an exception to the blend. Because the buds are only formed in late spring and not in autumn, as is the case with the early-flowering varieties. The blend can and should therefore be radical. All shoots are cut off a hand's breadth above the ground. They shouldn't be longer than ten centimeters.

Notice: It is important that pruning takes place after the last frost. Because these varieties of the decorative flowering plant are very sensitive to temperatures below zero degrees.

twice bloomer

These plants also require a sure instinct and a careful approach. Because the flowers in spring come from buds that form in autumn. But if these are blended, new buds form again. So that a second flower can actually come about, part of the older shoots must be removed. Choose the branches that have the fewest buds.

After flowering

If the flowers of the clematis have withered or dried up, you should cut them. This not only has an optical advantage. Pruning also reduces the risk of disease or pest infestation. In addition, the plant can sprout again and grow more densely. In the case of early bloomers, the shoots can be trimmed more after flowering.

Withered and dried parts of the plant should be cut off.

cutting tool

It is particularly important when pruning the plant to choose the right cutting tool. Eligible:

  • secateurs
  • knife
  • scissors

Secateurs should be used for woody shoots. They ensure that even lignified branches can be cut through without much pressure. For green shoots, a knife or simple scissors will do. In any case, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • good pressure distribution
  • clean utensil
  • sharp blades

Sharpening and sanitizing the blades is vital. Sharpening ensures that the shoots are not crushed. In addition, there is a smooth cut surface. This can dry faster and is therefore less susceptible to diseases and pests. In addition, disinfecting prevents germs from being transferred to the fresh sections.

when to cut

In addition to spring and after flowering, it is also necessary to pay attention to the respective day. Because the timing should meet various factors. These are:

  • Frost free
  • no blazing sun
  • dry

So it is better to choose the morning or evening and not the midday hours. Do not trim on rainy days or when night frost is expected.

Post-cut care

If dried or withered plant parts are cut off, no special care is required. Because these have already died off, the chlorophyll and thus the photosynthesis performance are not reduced any further. If such problems occur more frequently, however, the site conditions and care should be checked. However, after the radical pruning of the summer bloomers and the thinning out of the double bloomers to stimulate a second flowering, fertilization should take place. Because there are fewer leaves, the plant is initially weak and can only look after itself poorly. So that this condition does not lead to problems, the administration of appropriate nutrients is necessary. Suitable as clematis fertilizer are:

  • balcony fertilizer
  • flower fertilizer
  • horn meal
  • mature compost
  • special clematis fertilizer

Make sure that the chosen agent is distributed evenly. You should either dissolve it in the irrigation water or water it abundantly after the dose. This also avoids chemical burns, among other things. However, make sure that there is no waterlogging. An alternative to this is diving. Here, the planter is placed in a filled bucket of water. It is only removed again when no more air bubbles rise from the substrate. The soil should then be able to drain thoroughly.

frequently asked Questions

Does the clematis need a climbing aid?

Due to the climbing growth of the clematis, a climbing aid is definitely advisable. That way she can develop better.

Do twice blooming clematis need double pruning?

Twice flowering varieties form their first flowers from the previous year's shoots. These bloom until about the end of June. Then the first cut should be made. It is advisable to cut the clematis again in late autumn after the second flowering.

Which pruning errors on the clematis are conceivable?

The biggest pruning mistake is not to cut the clematis at all. Flower formation suffers and the plant ages. If you cut back the plant shoots too late in the year, there is a risk of freezing.

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