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Looks like a slug, but not all slugs are created equal. The tiger slug is closely related to these and even likes to eat them. More on that below.

In a nutshell

  • Tiger Slug has eye-catching leopard pattern
  • Size between 13 and 20 centimeters
  • Mollusk is nocturnal
  • not poisonous
  • useful garden helper against slugs

Characteristics of the tiger slug

Tiger slugs (Limax maximus) are also known as tiger slugs, greater slugs, and large slugs. Even if they are related to the harmful slugs, the slugs, they are easy to distinguish from them. The following features are typical for the tiger snail:

  • Body length 13 to 20 cm
  • slim, cone-shaped body shape
  • posterior third of body known as keel
  • at the end of the keel ejection of defensive mucus in the event of danger and threats
  • light grey, light yellow or light brown ground colour
  • typical leopard pattern
  • composed of dark spots
  • Spots merging into stripes at rear end
  • different number of spots present
  • single-colored copies are also possible
  • Mantle shield present over one third of body
  • serves to protect the internal organs
  • 13 to 15 mm long limestone included in the shield
  • is remnant of ordinary snail shell
  • on the right side of the body, in the rear part of the shield breathing hole with a dark border
  • 21 to 26 furrows visible between midline and edge of shield
  • strong antennae with eyes at the end
  • Soles cream colored
Source: Christian Fischer, LimaxMaximus, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

The tiger snail is hermaphrodite, i.e. each animal has male and female sex organs. These snails are hardly visible during the day, they hide in damp hiding places under stones, piles of leaves and wood or in compost. They are nocturnal and do not leave their homes until midnight. Only on rainy days can they sometimes be seen during the day. To move, they secrete colorless, viscous mucus, just like other snails.

Notice: The tiger snail can live between 2.5 and 3 years.

eggs & hatchlings

Each tiger snail lays eggs twice during its lifetime. Once in July/August and then again in June/July the following year. The eggs are distributed over two to four clutches, each with 100 to 300 pieces and are

  • crystal clear,
  • spherical to oblong in shape,
  • 4 to 5 mm in diameter.

Depending on the ambient temperature, the young hatch after three to four weeks. Typical features are:

  • tiny
  • initially whitish in color and
  • first spots and bands appear after a week

However, not all eggs and hatchlings survive. They often fall victim to parasites such as flies, nematodes or mites. The animals are sexually mature at 1.5 years.

Source: Lokilech, Tiger slug laying eggs, edited from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Notice: Tiger slugs should not be touched. While they are not toxic, they can destroy the mucus layer on the body. It serves to protect and ward off bacteria and germs. In addition, the animals only have unnecessary stress.

Toxic or not

The tiger snail poses no danger to humans or pets. On the contrary, they are very useful in the garden as they are real snail hunters. They need protein-rich food to become sexually mature, so they prefer to eat slugs and their eggs. Their diet also includes:

  • carrion
  • feces
  • Lichens and Fungi
  • dead plants

They not only decimate the dreaded slugs, but also decompose organic, dead waste and fertilize the soil with their excrement. It should therefore be considered not to kill or scare off these mollusks, but rather to lure them into the garden.

frequently asked Questions

Where can you find the tiger snails in winter?

Tiger slugs are cold-blooded animals. During the cold season, the snails reduce their metabolism. The heartbeat and breathing slow down, so the snail uses less energy until the coming spring. In this hibernation, these animals then hibernate in compost heaps or under leaves, piles of wood or stones, also in damp cellars. Eggs laid in autumn can survive the winter in this way. In spring, when temperatures rise, they become active again.

Which enemies can these snails be dangerous to?

Slug pellets can kill these mollusks. But dusty and sandy environments are also dangerous for tiger slugs. You need moisture. Then there are natural enemies like chickens, ducks, crows and songbirds. However, their beaks can stick together due to the tough and foul-tasting mucus. Hedgehogs only eat these snails in an emergency when no other food is available.

Is it possible to breed tiger slugs yourself?

Yes, in terrariums. However, these should then have a height of at least 50 centimeters, since the animals mate hanging on a slime thread about 40 centimeters long. The vessel should be lined with leaves of oak, chestnut or beech. They also need a humidity of 90%, room temperature and protein-rich food such as moss, algae or potatoes, carrots or pieces of kohlrabi.

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