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Chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) is a popular winter vegetable that can be prepared in a variety of ways. In this article we will clarify whether chicory can be eaten raw.

In a nutshell

  • Chicory can be eaten raw and is non-toxic
  • goes very well with salads
  • can also be fried or steamed
  • loses most of the bitter substances through further processing

Interesting facts about chicory

Chicory was discovered as a food in the mid-1800s and has been a popular salad for many years. In local regions, chicory is available all year round, but its actual season extends from October to April. The winter salad is very popular thanks to its hearty taste and is also very healthy. It contains just 15 calories per 100 grams and provides a lot of important nutrients:

  • Vitamins B1 and B2
  • carotenoids
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • calcium

Notice: Chicory is also suitable for diabetics and rheumatics.

Chicory edible raw?

Raw chicory is great in a salad. To do this, simply cut it into fine strips and then mix it with the ingredients of your choice. Chicory harmonises very well with hearty cheeses such as blue mold, feta cheese or gorgonzola. Fruits also go very well with the winter salad, as they balance out its bitterness. The following fruits are suitable for this purpose:

  • citrus fruits
  • apples
  • pears
  • bananas
  • Grapes

Tip: Most of the bitter substances are in the chicory stalk. If you prefer a milder taste, simply cut out the chicory stalk.

Alternative preparation options

Chicory can be eaten raw without hesitation, but it is also suitable for further processing. By frying and steaming, the lettuce not only loses most of its bitter substances, but also acquires a slightly sweet and nutty aroma. Chicory is particularly mild if you add a little sugar to the water when steaming. The following dishes with chicory are particularly popular:

  • casseroles
  • soups
  • Chicory stuffed with minced meat
  • Finger food with dips
  • topped with cheese and ham

Tip: To avoid the chicory turning greyish during steaming, mix some lemon juice into the water.

frequently asked Questions

What to look out for when buying chicory?

When buying, make sure that the chicory is firm and has no brown or wilted spots. You can also tell from the appearance whether it contains a lot of bitter substances. The larger the chicory bulbs and the greener the leaves, the more bitter it tastes.

How long does chicory keep?

Raw chicory can be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for a few days.

What is the difference between red and white chicory?

Red and white chicory differ not only in color but also in taste. The white variety tastes tart and has a slightly bitter-sweet note, while red chicory is a bit milder but spicier.

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