The grain harvest in this country depends primarily on the weather. For the right time, however, the most important thing is the moisture content of the grains, which should be less than 15 percent. Today, harvesting is usually done with combine harvesters.

In a nutshell

  • The most important cereals in Central Europe are barley, rye, wheat, oats, maize and triticale
  • Harvesting time is largely dependent on the weather and the moisture content of the grains
  • Harvesting usually takes place from mid-June to the end of August
  • For us, the order of when to harvest traditionally begins with spring barley
  • Combine harvesters that mow and thresh the grain at the same time are almost exclusively used today

barley / spring barley

Spring barley is usually sown between late February and early April. It is mainly grown as animal feed or later used as so-called malting barley. A distinction is made between summer and winter barley. After sowing, the spring barley ripens within a period of less than 100 days and can then usually be harvested in the summer months. The grain harvest in Germany therefore traditionally begins with this grain. However, as with all types of grain, the exact time when spring barley can actually be harvested depends on the moisture content of the grains, which must be below 15 percent.

Notice: Barley must not become damp during storage and must be stored as dry as possible.

Winter barley is of course harvested much later, as it naturally ripens later. Winter barley needs more heat to ripen than spring barley. It is harvested when it is yellow or fully ripe.


Rye follows in the order of harvest of the types of grain. It usually reaches its fruit maturity in the months of July to August. Here in Central Europe, this so-called winter roe is grown almost exclusively. The reason is its advantages:

  • hardy grain
  • withstands temperatures down to minus 25 degrees Celsius
  • Sowing can take place as early as mid-September to mid-October
  • The fruit ripens after 280 to 320 days
winter rye


Wheat places significantly higher demands on the climate and soil than all other types of grain. On the other hand, it also copes quite well with dry, very warm summers.

  • in Germany, winter wheat is predominantly cultivated
  • Sowing takes place in the autumn of the previous year from the end of September to mid-December
  • Harvest the grain in midsummer of the following year

Wheat is perhaps the most important type of grain in our latitudes. As ground flour, it is a central component in most types of bread and for this reason alone it is of paramount importance as a staple food.

winter wheat


Oats, also known as seed oats, are grown in Germany primarily as animal feed and as human food (oat flakes). The harvest of this grain can usually be from mid-August. It has usually been around six months since sowing.

Notice: Oats are considered a so-called healing fruit, since many grain pests cannot multiply in them.


With the maize harvest, the grain harvest usually ends in our annual cycle. Maize is of enormous economic importance and is not only consumed directly as grain maize, but is also regarded as an important feed for animals and as a supplier of raw materials. It also forms the basis for the operation of our biogas plants, so it also serves to produce electricity. In Germany, corn is growing

  • 62 percent used as feed corn and
  • 38 percent as energy corn for the biogas plant.

Corn is not considered a renewable raw material for nothing. Sweetcorn and sweetcorn should normally be harvested at the milk ripening stage, which is reached between the months of July and September. However, the main harvest time for May is usually the month of August.


Triticale is a relatively new crop that is not well known to date. It is a cross between wheat and rye. Where the grain is grown, the harvest usually takes place in midsummer.

frequently asked Questions

How is the correct harvest time of grain determined?

The experience of the respective farmer plays the central role. He knows the interaction between climate and soil very well and can therefore usually tell when it is time to harvest by simply feeling it.

What role does the weather play?

A hugely important one. In principle, farmers want the weather to be as dry and sunny as possible for the grain harvest. There are two reasons for this: On the one hand, the grain can be brought in as dry as possible, on the other hand, there is no risk of the shearing agricultural machines (combine harvesters and tractors) getting stuck in the mud on the fields.

Why is it mainly harvested with combine harvesters?

Because it is the most efficient harvesting method to date. The great advantage of the combine harvester is that it mows the grain and threshes it at the same time. The two most important work steps are therefore completed at once. That saves time and money.
