Millipedes (Myriapoda) have been around for 400 million years. The animals have a lot of legs, but are there really a thousand? Find out in our article.

In a nutshell

  • Millipedes don't have a thousand feet
  • usually only a two-digit to low three-digit number
  • great biodiversity with more than 13,000 species
  • 115 known species in Germany
  • General: largest species up to 30 centimeters long

number of feet

The scientific name of the centipedes, which comes from the Greek, means something like "10,000 feet" (myria = 10,000, poda = feet), whereby myria can also be interpreted as "uncountable". Only colloquially the millipedes or centipedes are called that, in German they are actually called myriapods. But whether German or Greek: the animals do not have a thousand or even innumerable feet. Depending on the species, a "centipede" has between eight and a maximum of 340 pairs of legs, which is why most myriapods only have a number of legs in the two-digit to low three-digit range. Lone record holder is a specimen of the species native to California Illacme plenipes with a total of 750 legs.

Illacme plenipes. Source: Marek, P.; Shear, W.; Bond, J. (2012), Female Illacme plenipes (MIL0020) with 618 legs - ZooKeys-241-077-SP-6-left, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 3.0

Notice: Centipede or Centipede? Sometimes there is a dispute about the correct name of the myriapods in German. According to Duden, both names are correct.


Centipedes live almost everywhere in the world, with most (and the largest) of the current approximately 13,000 species found in the tropics and subtropics. How many species can be specifically assigned to this species group is unknown - researchers are constantly discovering new varieties. 115 species are known in Germany, most of which are endemic. This means they only occur in a limited area. The number of legs varies not only between species, but also from one developmental stage to another:

  • epimorphosis: Larvae hatch from the egg with the final number of legs.
  • hemianamorphosis: The larva molts several times and gets new segments and thus new legs with each molt. A species-specific maximum number of legs is reached.
  • Euanamorphosis: Larva and adult molt throughout life, each time gaining a new segment and then a new pair of legs. No apparent limitation in the number of legs.
From the Platydesmida family. Source: Gabriele Kothe-Heinrich, Platydesmida millipedes Costa Rica, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

In some species, the animals have more legs the older they are. These species include the record holder mentioned above Illacme plenipes and various species from the Platydesmida family. However, these are not native to Germany.

Centipede in Germany

The largest centipede in Germany was up to three meters long and had a total of 64 feet. However, Arthropleura, whose fossil remains were found mainly in Saxony, Thuringia and Saarland, died out around 300 million years ago. The largest living species is the giant cord-footed fish (Archispirostreptus gigas), which can grow up to 30 centimeters long and is then often kept in terrariums. Species native to Germany remain rather small in comparison:

SurnameScientific namelength in mmpairs of legs
sand-laced wormOmmatoiulus sabulosus between 15 and 58 107
Summer Tapefoot Polydesmus denticulatus between 10 and 1740
Common Dark Cordfoot Julus scandinavius between 15 and 3845 and 55 segments
with two pairs of legs
Black Corded Foot Tachypodoiulus niger between 19 and 45up to 56 segments
with two pairs of legs
Knife-tailed Cordopods Allajulus nitidu between 12 and 32up to 62 segments
with two pairs of legs
Red-brown ribbon foot Polydesmus angustus between 17 and 2420 segments
with about 30 pairs of legs
Rimmed Juice BallGlomeris marginatabetween 7 and 20females 17 pairs of legs,
males 19 pairs of legs
Spotted CordfootCylindroiulus punctatusbetween 14 and 27up to 56 segments
with a total of up to
Common CordfootCylindroiulus caeruleocinctusbetween 18 and 37up to 53 segments
with two pairs of legs
Common Lesser Tapefootbrachydesmus superusbetween 8 and 10around eight pairs of legs
Large seedfootMycogona germanicabetween 13 and 1630 body segments

The species presented here are common centipedes that can be observed in forests as well as in fields and meadows.

Black lace-foot (Tachypodoiulus niger)

Notice: Centipedes prefer dark and damp environments, which is why they are usually found in humus-rich forest soils - for example under leaves, pieces of wood or stones.


Millipedes belong to the arthropods (Arthropoda). Your body is divided into two sections:

  • Head capsule composed of several fused segments (legless)
  • two to three mouthparts on the head (mandibles)
  • a pair of antennas
  • Trunk composed of a species-typical number of body segments
  • flattened or round
  • one pair of legs per segment
  • Exception: bipeds (Diplopoda) with two pairs of legs per segment
Marginated juice ball (Glomeris marginata)

Many species are black or brown in color, but there are also varieties that are reddish or light-colored in appearance.


The term "millipede" is often used colloquially as a synonym for the generally vegetarian bipeds (Diplopoda). This is the largest group within the myriapods with around 10,000 species currently known worldwide. Scientifically, however, also fall

  • Centipede (Chilopoda)
  • Pauropoda
  • and worms (Symphyla)

under this generic term.

Spider runner (Scutigera coleoptrata) & spotted lace worm (Cylindroiulus punctatus) (from left to right)

In favorable conditions, pygmypods in particular can occur in large numbers and then become a problem in gardens or greenhouses. Some other centipedes also occasionally reproduce in large numbers and then become a nuisance.

frequently asked Questions

Are millipedes poisonous?

In fact, many millipede species secrete a toxic and often foul-smelling secretion that is then used as a defense against predators. This secretion is not dangerous for humans, at best unpleasant. However, one should beware of a centipede bite, which can be very painful. Exotic specimens are even so poisonous that they can kill rabbits or small monkeys.

What is the difference between centipedes and centipedes?

Colloquially, centipedes are vegetarian arthropods, while centipedes are predatory. Scientifically, the centipedes are just a class of animals that belong to the generic term millipedes.

What helps against millipedes?

Basically, all centipedes are useful animals that (like earthworms) support the formation of humus or, in the case of centipedes, hunt for pests. In some years, however, the animals appear in large numbers and can become a problem. Silica then helps well. Then mix the powder with water to form a solution and spray the floor with it.