Characteristic of this popular vegetable plant is its thistle-like appearance. It is a real asset to the vegetable garden in many ways. However, due to their lack of winter hardiness, artichokes (Cynara cardunculus) have to overwinter accordingly.

In a nutshell

  • can be cultivated for several years if overwintered correctly
  • Hibernation outdoors and indoors possible
  • Varieties also differ in frost hardiness
  • partially winter hardy only with adequate protection

Overwinter in the tub

To get the artichokes safely through the winter, you can dig up the roots in autumn and overwinter in a frost-free room. This is particularly useful in areas with particularly severe frosts.

  • Cut off leaves and shoots after harvesting in autumn
  • up to a few centimeters above the ground
  • Dig out the roots preferably with a pointed spade
  • generous and above all deep enough
  • Roughly remove the soil from the root
  • place in larger pots with moist sand
  • keep in a cool but frost-free place
  • at room temperatures of approx. 15°C
  • moisten every now and then

Since artichokes develop very long taproots, it is important to dig them as deep as possible so as not to weaken the plant. You can't avoid pruning, but you can do it as deep as possible in order to get as much of the root as possible. The best way to do this is to position the spade at a slight angle.

Tip: With this method, it is advisable not to remove all of the soil from the roots and never allow them to dry out completely.

Winter protection outdoors

Good preparation is important for optimal hibernation of the artichoke. This begins as early as autumn, around September/October, when the above-ground parts of the plants die off. Now it is important to protect the root area from cold and frost with a good cushion.

  • Remove or tie up above-ground plant parts as described above
  • Pruning can prevent pathogens from entering
  • then cover the area around the plant
  • with a 20 cm thick mixture of sand, leaves, straw and manure
  • alternatively, loosely pile with soil and sand
  • above each a 30 cm thick layer of brushwood
  • weigh the whole thing down with stones if necessary

Tip: There is also the option of putting a conventional wicker basket over the plant and then covering it with a thick layer of leaves or straw.

Prepare for spring

With artichokes from the garden that have also overwintered there, you must note the following: In spring, around the beginning to mid-April, you must remove the cover. This is especially important when the spring is very wet. If the moisture accumulates under the cover, this can promote diseases and impair the growth of the plants.

However, not everything has to be removed, because compost and manure are very good fertilizers. Excavated roots that have been overwintered frost-free can be planted out in the garden as soon as there is no longer any danger of frost or no more night frosts are to be expected.

frequently asked Questions

What temperatures do artichokes tolerate over the winter?

The frost hardness depends on the respective variety. The hardiest tolerate temperatures down to -10°C. With a winter protection made of fleece and perforated foil, sometimes even down to -12°C.

Can artichokes also be cultivated entirely in a bucket?

It is not recommended to keep them exclusively in buckets or pots. The reason for this is the taproots, which can reach a depth of 200 cm, which is usually not possible in a conventional planter.

Which varieties are a little more robust than others?

Varieties such as the large-fruited 'Green Globe', the small-fruited 'Violetto Chiogga' and the fast-growing varieties 'Imperial Star' and 'Vert de Provence' are said to have relatively good resistance to frost.
