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Pigeons are not popular with everyone. Especially in the city they are considered a plague. However, anyone who deals intensively with the bird species also gets to know its positive sides. How long do pigeons actually live?

In a nutshell

  • Pigeons (Columbiformes) belong to the pigeon bird family
  • 42 different genera with more than 300 pigeon species known
  • very small and very large species
  • attainable age depends on the species and its habitat
  • domestic pigeons with a life expectancy of a little over 10 years, exception: city pigeons do not get that old

Life expectancy of domestic pigeon species

Pigeons (Columbiformes) are found almost all over the world. Many people love the graceful creatures, others despise them as pests and disease vectors. The way of life and the attainable age of the different types of pigeons differ. While the city pigeons that are widespread in our country usually only live to be two or three years old, the crowned pigeon (Goura cristata) living in New Guinea even reaches an age of 25 years. We've compiled the average life expectancies of the most well-known native species.

city pigeon

  • scientific name: Columba livia f. domestica
  • not a separate species in the true sense, but descendant of from the rock pigeon (Columba livia) bred feral domestic and carrier pigeons
  • Habitat: inhabited areas in towns and villages
  • Characteristics: not shy, perfectly adapted to life with humans, formerly used as a carrier pigeon
  • Life expectancy: 2 to 3 years (in the wild, in the supervised loft up to 15 years)

Notice: Since the city pigeon is actually not a wild animal and therefore mainly moves into the city in the hope of food, there are now many city pigeon aids that bring the animals back to a loft and provide them with food there.

stock dove

  • scientific name: Columba oenas
  • Habitat: city parks, forests
  • Characteristics: very shy, slightly smaller than city pigeons, nests in tree cavities
  • Life expectancy: ten years

wood pigeon

  • scientific name: Columba palumbus
  • Habitat: Cities, villages, gardens, forests
  • Characteristics: gray-blue with a white and turquoise throat patch, breeds in conifers, makes loud flight noises
  • Life expectancy: 15 years

Notice: The largest pigeon species is the New Guinea fan pigeon. It weighs two kilograms and is up to 73 centimeters tall. The smallest species is the little pigeon. She only grows as big as a sparrow.

collared pigeon

  • scientific name: Streptopelia decaocto
  • Habitat: cities, villages, parks
  • Characteristics: originally from Asia, grey-brown plumage with a black nape band, avoids forests
  • Life expectancy: 12 years


  • scientific name: Streptopelia turtur
  • Habitat: Forest edges, light forests
  • Characteristics: blue-grey to rusty plumage, red eyelids, softer voice than other pigeon species
  • Life expectancy: 12 years

Notice: The turtledove was named bird of the year in 2022. It is considered an endangered species and is on the Red List.

frequently asked Questions

What factors influence how old a pigeon gets?

How old wild pigeons get depends on many factors. They are threatened by their animal enemies, as well as by hunting and poaching, disease, parasites, a lack of habitat and the reduction in food supply due to industrial agriculture.

What animals hunt pigeons?

The pigeon is on the menu of eagle owls, falcons, sparrowhawks, magpies, martens, raccoons and corvids.

What do wild pigeons eat?

Pigeons are mainly vegetarian. They eat herbs, acorns, nuts, seeds, berries and buds. From time to time they also eat snails and worms. City pigeons have adapted their diet to being close to humans. They eat scraps and baked goods.

What role do wild pigeons play in nature?

The native pigeon species have an important influence on the ecosystem. They eat seeds and disperse them so that new plants can grow. They serve as an important source of food for rare birds of prey such as kestrels and peregrine falcons.

What danger do city pigeons pose to humans?

According to many scientists, the danger posed by street pigeons is overestimated. Pigeons, like other livestock and wild animals, can transmit diseases. However, most pigeon diseases are host-specific, so they do not pose a threat to humans. However, city pigeons produce a lot of droppings, which leads to pollution and damage to buildings.

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