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An effective rat trap is the ideal tool for catching unwanted rodents. In this guide you will find detailed instructions for live traps and information on suitable, non-toxic bait.

In a nutshell

  • easy implementation
  • reusable
  • regular controll
  • various foods suitable as bait

Classic: bucket rat trap

This rat trap is one of the most popular ways to quickly and easily catch a rat in the garden. In this variant, the rat is caught by a falling container from which it can no longer escape. For this you need:

  • container (min. 10 l)
  • Chopsticks or similar wooden skewers
  • bait

That's all you need for this effective rat trap. Choose a solid bait that is easy to spear, otherwise the trap will not work. For the containers, you can use buckets, pots or boxes as long as they are not too light. The weight ensures that the rat is caught if it takes the bait. The following guide explains how to build the trap:

  • Impale bait with chopsticks
  • Lean chopsticks against the wall
  • The bait must be near the bottom
  • Lay the container down with one side on the top of the chopstick

Now the trap is complete. Since you have speared the bait, the movement of the stick will cause the container to fall when the rat tries to take the lure food with it.

Notice: To safely transport the caught rat, slide a sturdy piece of cardboard under the bucket. Then you can carefully pick up the bucket and rat from below by holding the cardboard.

platform trap

In this trap, you rely on a completely different principle. You don't catch the rat by a falling container. In this variant, the rat falls into the bucket itself and cannot get out. Best of all: the trap is set up quickly and is effective against the annoying rodents. For this you need:

  • tall container
  • elevated platform
  • wooden strip
  • bait

When choosing the material, you should make sure that it is a light wood. The bar should also not be too thick. The thinner the better. As an alternative to the wooden strip, you can also use a ruler or a piece of solid cardboard that you cut to size. The platform means tables, chairs or similar variants. The platform should be about two inches higher than the container. As a result, the rat falls easily into the collection container. The following instructions describe how to build the trap:

  • Position containers in front of the platform
  • Distance: 10cm
  • Place the wooden strip on the platform
  • 10 cm of the wooden strip must rest on the platform
  • The end of the wooden strip must reach over the edge of the container
  • 5 to 10 cm is ideal
  • Place bait on the end of the bar

When positioning the wooden strip, make sure that the rat's weight causes it to rock as it approaches the bait. The rat then falls into the container together with the bait and the bar and can be easily transported.

Tip: If you cannot find a suitable surface for the trap, you can build a staircase to open the container. For example, books, catalogs or similar objects with which a staircase can be implemented are suitable.

bottle trap

Another effective rat trap makes use of a simple plastic bottle. The trap uses the bottle to drop the rat into the container as well. For this, a plastic bottle is stretched into the container and coated with a bait. In order for the rat to get the bait, it has to climb onto the bottle. Since rats can weigh between 100 and 500 grams, the bottle moves when you step on it. She turns and the rat falls into the container. The biggest advantage of this method is the fact that the rat cannot save itself at the last moment. For this reason, this variant is particularly effective, but more complex to tinker. For this trap you will need the following items:

  • high container (min. 10 l capacity)
  • 300 to 500 ml plastic bottle
  • 3 to 5 mm metal or wooden stick (length corresponds to container diameter)
  • scissors
  • wooden slat
  • bait to swipe

The wooden slat should be long enough to lean against the bucket like a ramp. The width doesn't matter. As with the traps already described, the container should not be too light to prevent it from suddenly tipping over. Once you have the necessary supplies, follow these instructions:

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottle
  • Remove the bottle cap
  • Clamp the rod into the container to check
  • shorten carefully if necessary
  • The rod should then sit firmly in the container
  • remove the stick
  • pull the bottle over the stick
  • Clamp the rod with the bottle into the container
  • Coat the center of the bottle with bait
  • not at the beginning, otherwise the rat will not climb onto the bottle
  • at the end create a slat as a ramp
  • should be applied directly to the neck of the bottle
  • makes it easier for rats to access the bottle

Appropriate bait

An effective rat trap cannot function without bait. Luckily, rats aren't really picky, which makes it easy to trap them. Even small amounts are sufficient as bait. There are a variety of foods that lend themselves to this purpose and may even already be found in your fridge:

  • peanut butter
  • Nut nougat cream
  • Sausage and other meat products (sausage spread also possible)
  • Cheese with an intense smell
  • bread
  • dried fruit
  • nuts
  • Cornflakes and oatmeal
  • sugary goods
Peanut butter, nut nougat cream & cheese (from left to right)

Notice: If you have pets and small children in your household, make sure you place the traps out of their reach. This way they don't take the bait intended for the rats.

frequently asked Questions

Where is the trap set?

In order to catch rats as quickly as possible, place the traps in close proximity to the walkways. You can recognize the walkways by the droppings and the smears of the animals, which are often visible on the wall. You can of course place the trap close to the nest so that the rats discover the bait as quickly as possible.

How often should the trap be checked?

Since these are live traps and the animals should not die in them, check the trap regularly from morning to evening, ideally every hour. Since the animals are nocturnal, the morning is particularly suitable for this. This will ensure that you don't suddenly find a rotting rat in the trap, which will attract other pests.

What must be considered when exposing?

If you catch a rat, you should get it outside as soon as possible. Be sure to release them at least a kilometer away from your living quarters. This makes it almost impossible for the rat to find the building again. When releasing, wear gloves and long-sleeved tops to avoid bites. Cover the animal with a cloth to calm it down.

When are the traps no longer enough?

The traps are mainly designed to catch individual specimens that have settled in your living quarters. Since the traps take up a lot of space, you can't set up too many. If you discover rat droppings of various sizes and numerous routes, you should contact an exterminator immediately. In this case, the danger to a colony is very high and professional help is necessary.

How can a rat infestation be prevented?

To prevent rats from nesting in your living space, you should provide possible entrances with bars or close them with mortar. It is also important to keep garbage cans, cellars and attics closed so that the animals have no access. Make sure that you dispose of food and waste and do not store them openly for a long time. Rats only congregate when food sources are available.

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