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Growing French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) is easy. As a rule, sowing takes place directly in the bed. They can also be grown indoors and planted out later. We will show you how to grow French beans successfully.

In a nutshell

  • heat-loving plants
  • Germination from about 15 degrees Celsius soil temperature
  • Sow in the bed from mid-May
  • prefer from the end of April

bush beans

Bush beans are the low-growing sisters of the climbing pole beans. While the growth of the latter is unlimited, the growth height of Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus, the botanical name of the French bean, is between 30 and 60 centimetres. Like all varieties of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), it also loves warmth. The legumes do not tolerate cold and frost at all.

Cultivation of bush beans

Growing bush beans is easy, as they hardly make any demands on the soil and do not need to be fertilized. As a warmth-loving vegetable, they need a sunny location so that they can develop well. That's why the temperature in this country is the decisive criterion when it comes to the question "sow or plant".

Sow bush beans

In terms of temperature, you should note the following points when direct sowing:

  • Minimum floor temperature: ten degrees Celsius
  • Earliest time for sowing: mid-May
  • latest date for no-till: beginning of July

The sowing depth is about three centimetres. This allows the seeds to use the top layer of warm soil. The germination temperature varies from variety to variety. Some need more heat, some also germinate at "lower" temperatures:

  • 12 to 18 degrees Celsius: Gusty, Saxa, Gondola, Amethyst, Rex, Crockett, Dior, Dorado
  • 15 to 22 degrees Celsius: Domino, Maxi
  • 15 to 25 degrees Celsius: Berggold, Brilliant, Delinel, Sonesta, Speedy

If the soil temperature corresponds to the requirements of the respective variety, bush beans will germinate within one to two weeks. The harvest takes place between July and September, depending on the sowing date. If there is a risk of a cold snap during germination, you should protect your beans with plant fleece.

Notice: In mild regions, bush beans can be sown as early as the end of April.

Prefer bush beans

In addition to sowing in the garden bed, it is also possible to prefer bush beans. As with direct sowing, the temperature is also crucial here. Therefore, the beans should be kept at around 20 degrees Celsius until planting. The ideal locations are a bright window sill or a warm greenhouse.

Proceed as follows to bring forward:

  • Fill small pots with a diameter of eight to ten centimeters with compost
  • Put four to five seeds in each container
  • Setting depth: about two centimeters
  • water well and keep moist

The young plants are placed in the garden bed in mid-May after the ice saints. From this point of view, they have a lead of about two weeks compared to no-till. But preferring is considered to be more complex, since you first have to move plants.

Notice: Since it can be cooler outside than inside in mid-May, you should get the young beans used to the new temperature conditions before planting.

Bush beans in tub culture

The bush bean can also be grown in a bucket on the balcony or terrace. Since the legumes develop a dense root system, you should use a large pot so that the plants feel comfortable.

It is up to you whether you prefer to cultivate the beans in tubs or sow them. Since the plants are cultivated in containers, you can sow the seeds in the final container and grow them indoors. The ideal time is also in this case at the end of April.

frequently asked Questions

Can I overseed bush beans?

Yes, that is possible. But there are also varieties such as Gusty, which develop new flowers by themselves after harvesting. In this case, you can leave the plants in the ground until the last harvest.

Do I have to pay attention to the temperature when reseeding?

As a rule, the weather should be warm enough for the seeds after the first harvest. However, later reseeding can mean that the temperature during flowering is no longer ideal, as it should be between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius.

How are bush beans sown?

When sowing directly, you can sow in rows or in clumps. When row sowing, it is important that you leave enough space between the seeds.

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