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A peach tree (Prunus) in the garden is a dream! When the leaves suddenly curl, the shock is great. Can a cut fight frizziness? We have compiled the information for you.

In a nutshell

  • Curl disease common in peach trees
  • Cause: Fungus Taphrina deformans
  • Characteristics: blister-like deformations, red and yellow discoloration of the leaves
  • Targeted pruning can help
  • choose hardy varieties

The frizz disease

When the peach tree (Prunus persica) shows green leaves and magical pink peach blossoms in spring, the anticipation of juicy fruit increases. The fungus 'Taphrina deformans', the cause of the disease, can end the joy abruptly. It reduces crop yield and can permanently damage the tree. Nectarine and apricot trees are also often targeted by the pathogen.


  • Blistering and red and yellow discoloration of the leaves
  • The leaves dry up and fall off
  • death of shoots
  • secreting a viscous, yellowish liquid (gum flow)
  • Increased sensitivity to frost in the following year
  • crop failure

Notice: Most peach trees are able to survive an infestation of Taphrina deformans. However, the tree is permanently weakened and the harvest is less successful.

cutting measures

If you recognize the first signs of the disease, targeted pruning of the peach tree can prevent it from spreading.

In order not to further weaken the peach tree through the cut, it is essential to use clean tools. We advise disinfecting knives and scissors before use. The injuries can heal faster if the tool is sharp.

  1. Gather fallen leaves.
  2. Remove any leaves showing symptoms of disease.
  3. Cut off affected shoots.
  4. Dispose of all diseased plant parts in the residual waste or in the organic waste, not on the compost!
  5. Water the peach tree with vegetable broth. Nettle or field horsetail broths strengthen the tree. They help to survive the disease and prevent a new outbreak.

Regular fruit tree pruning

Peach trees are among the most demanding fruit trees in the hobby garden. A regular pruning of the fruit tree strengthens the vitality and contributes to a successful harvest. Without pruning, the crown of the peach tree becomes more and more dense, making it difficult for the leaves to dry. This situation favors fungal infections and reduces the formation of new shoots.

Each year, right after harvest, remove about 75 percent of the shoots that bore fruit. Cut off all dead, lignified and damaged parts of the plant. Shorten young shoots to three buds.

Notice: The risk of contracting curling disease can therefore be significantly reduced when cultured in a bucket.

Small peach trees are excellent for this. A dry location under the roof protects against the dreaded fungus in spring. As soon as the outside temperature is permanently above 16 degrees Celsius, you can place the tree in its final place in the garden.

frequently asked Questions

What conditions favor leaf curl on peach trees?

Temperatures between 10 and 16 degrees as well as rainy weather in spring favor the infestation with the harmful fungus. The greatest risk of infection is in the period of bud formation. If the outside temperature is permanently above 16 degrees Celsius, the danger is over.

How to prevent infestation with Taphrina deformans?

Monitor your fruit trees carefully because early intervention can help with many plant diseases. Plant hardy varieties. Good experiences have been made with the varieties 'Bero', 'Dixired', 'Red Ellerstädter', 'Revita', 'Red Vineyard Peach' and 'Saturn'. These peach varieties are attacked less often and cope well with an illness.

Which location is suitable for peach trees?

Choose a sunny and sheltered, but not completely windless location for your peach tree. The buds can thus dry off again quickly after rainfall in spring. Moisture forms the basis for the colonization of the fungus. A professional thinning cut supports drying and additionally strengthens the tree.

Does the fungus affect the quality of the peaches?

The causative agent of leaf curl reduces the formation of buds and flowers and leads to crop losses in the long term. Fewer fruits are formed. Their quality does not change. The peaches are safe to eat.

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