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Tomatoes are considered healthy because they contain many vitamins and minerals. But can tomatoes also be put in the dog bowl without hesitation? An ingredient decides when the round fruits are "dog-friendly".

In a nutshell

  • green tomatoes contain too much poisonous solanine
  • ripe tomatoes are well tolerated and healthy in small quantities
  • ideally cooked and peeled, but also raw or processed
  • Not recommended for certain clinical pictures, tomato allergy also possible

Toxic solanine

During their growth, tomato fruits produce, among other things, a substance called solanine. This solanine is not only toxic to humans but also to dogs. That's why our four-legged friends are not allowed to eat tomatoes that contain solanine. The danger of poisoning exists mainly with green, even partially green, fruits. As the fruit ripens, solanine is broken down and its concentration progressively decreases. After all, ripe tomatoes only contain a little solanine. If the amount consumed is within limits, the small remaining amount is considered harmless.

Identify ripe tomatoes

Fully ripe tomato fruits are not only safe for dogs, they are also healthy. Therefore, they may get a place on the dog menu. But the tomatoes that are fed must be fully ripe. You can recognize ripe tomatoes in your own garden by the fact that they are easy to harvest. Specifically, this means that the handle easily "breaks" at the slightly thickened predetermined breaking point. Other characteristics of a really ripe tomato:

  • it has assumed its typical ripe coloration
  • is red, yellow or black, depending on the type of tomato
  • has no green spots
  • is soft, yields under pressure

Notice: Even a ripe tomato has a green part: the stalk. This should be cut out generously.

Basic rules for tomato diet

Even if ripe tomatoes contain hardly any solanine, a small amount of this substance remains in each fruit. Since it is known that the dose makes the poison, the dog must not be given too many tomatoes at once. No general guideline can be given here, as dogs can differ significantly in weight and size. It is a good idea to start with a small amount of tomatoes, watch the dog, and then gradually adjust the amount. Otherwise, dogs are allowed to eat tomatoes raw and cooked. Various foods with tomatoes may also be fed, provided that the other ingredients are allowed for dogs.

Best: boiled and peeled

Even if dogs are allowed to eat tomatoes raw, they are much more digestible when cooked. It is even better if they are also peeled before feeding, as the peel is difficult to digest.

Tip: If tomatoes come from conventional cultivation, wash them thoroughly under running water for a particularly long time. This is the only way to completely remove any chemical spray residues.

Clarify health concerns

Healthy dogs will be able to eat tomatoes without any problems. If a dog is ill, a tomato feeding should be clarified with the vet beforehand. There is a risk that, in particular, existing gastrointestinal diseases will be aggravated by tomato consumption. The heartburn diagnosis speaks clearly against tomato meals.

tomato allergy

Some dogs can be allergic to tomatoes even if they are otherwise perfectly healthy. Therefore, after the first tomato meal, the pet should be carefully observed. Symptoms of a possible allergy can be:

  • difficulty breathing
  • cough and/or sneeze
  • swelling
  • hives

Tomato plants near the dog

Do you grow tomatoes in the garden or on the balcony and your dog can run around freely? Then be careful, because dogs are curious animals. Dogs may nibble on unripe tomatoes or tomato leaves, which also contain solanine.

Tip: Play it safe and make it difficult for your dog to access tomato plants. For example, by fencing off the bed or keeping the greenhouse door closed.

symptoms of poisoning

It's always good to be aware of the symptoms of solanine poisoning, and thus knowing if your dog is expecting to show them again. Because depending on the amount of solanine taken in, the consequences are by no means trivial. Here is an overview of the observed symptoms, which do not all have to appear at the same time:

  • confusion
  • sleepiness
  • muscle twitch
  • muscle weakness
  • coordination problems
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • diarrhea

Frequently Asked Question

Can I give my dog canned tomatoes?

In principle, it is possible to feed ready-made products. Make sure, however, that they contain neither salt nor sugar. Artificial flavorings and colorings should also be taboo, as they can damage the dog's health in the long run.

What to do if the dog ate green tomatoes

How a dog will react to the amount of solanine ingested cannot be accurately predicted. The severity of the poisoning depends, among other things, on factors such as general health, body size and amount ingested. Don't risk anything by waiting. It is better to consult a veterinarian immediately.

Can I feed a green tomato variety?

Yes. Here, however, it is particularly important to ensure that the tomato is already ripe.

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