Many dogs like cherries (Prunus). If you have cherry trees, you can watch them snatch the fallen fruit. But can dogs eat cherries or are they poisonous? Get information here.

In a nutshell

  • Core contains hydrocyanic acid
  • to feed safely in small quantities without seeds
  • clear signs of intoxication

Cherry Pulp

The pulp of cherries is well tolerated by dogs. If they are offered raw, they are even very healthy for dogs. However, they should not be fed to dogs in large quantities. Especially with sour cherries (Prunus cerasus), stomach problems with vomiting and diarrhea can occur. Therefore, the consumption of cherries should only be allowed in small amounts and only now and then. However, prior gutting is important.

cooked cherries

If you don't want to remove the pits, you can offer your dog different types of cherries cooked. For this, the water must have at least 26 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the hydrocyanic acid in the cores evaporates. They also become softer and easier to digest. But the cherries lose valuable nutrients when they are cooked, which is why they are much healthier raw.

core toxic

Cherry stones are not suitable for dogs to eat. They contain amygdalin (cyanogenic glycosides), which converts to hydrocyanic acid in the body. If dogs bite the seeds or split them with their teeth, the hydrocyanic acid gets into the bloodstream and can lead to sometimes serious symptoms of poisoning. Therefore: always remove the seeds before feeding and, to be on the safe side, remove the stems and leaves at the same time. An exception is eating cooked cherry stones, as described above.

Typical signs of poisoning become noticeable as follows:

  • bright red mucous membranes (especially eyes and mouth)
  • bitter smelling breath (hydrocyanic acid smell)
  • dilated pupils
  • heavy salivation
  • nervous walking about from abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting from nausea
  • Breathing problems and increased breathing rate, which is noticeable by heavy panting
  • Difficulty balancing due to trembling
  • Alternating between getting up, lying down, and rolling over due to cramps
  • tachycardia, slow heartbeat and/or abnormal heart rhythm; in the worst case with fatal consequences (usually only with a large number of seeds or particularly sensitive dogs)
  • Vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation indicate intestinal obstruction (as a secondary consequence)

Notice: If the dog shows clear signs of poisoning and its condition worsens, a veterinarian should be contacted immediately.

eaten cherry stones

If the dog has eaten raw cherry stones, but the amount is unknown, the four-legged friend should be closely monitored for the above-mentioned symptoms of poisoning over the next 24 hours. The bowel movements can also be observed. Dogs often excrete the undigested/unprocessed kernels. Since symptoms of poisoning can only occur if the seeds are chewed, complications are not to be expected in this case.

Tip: Undigested cherry stones can get stuck in the intestines and result in constipation and, in the worst case, an intestinal obstruction. Therefore, pay special attention to the bowel movement.

Preserved and pickled cherries

If you want to feed these to dogs as pickled or canned products instead of fresh cherries, you should refrain from doing so. Usually they are sweetened. In principle, foods with a high sugar content should be taboo for dogs. Sugar disrupts the intestines and the immune system, is bad for the dog's teeth and promotes obesity.

Canned products may also have pits that may not have been removed during the production process. For the sake of the dog, caution should therefore be exercised and the cherries should never be fed to four-legged friends.

frequently asked Questions

Which dogs are particularly sensitive to hydrocyanic acid in cherry stones?

Puppies and small dog breeds are considered to be particularly sensitive. Puppies, because their digestive and immune systems are not yet working properly, and small dogs, in principle, because the amount of hydrocyanic acid has a stronger effect with a lower body weight. Old and sick dogs can also react particularly intensely to hydrocyanic acid. They should be kept away from cherry trees during harvest time.

What is the maximum number of cherries dogs should be allowed to eat?

Basically, the amount of cherries should be well below the normal daily feed ration. Experts set a limit of a maximum of one third of the daily amount of food. Because puppies and small and sick dogs can be more sensitive to the pulp, only two to three pitted or boiled cherries per day are recommended. It is recommended to give cherries like small treats as a special, not everyday snack.

How do I know if dogs have cracked seeds or swallowed them whole?

If dogs tend to gobble their food more often, there is a good chance that seeds have been swallowed whole. You can only know this exactly when all the seeds come out with the bowel movement. If you have not discovered any seeds after the third or fourth bowel movement, pay close attention to any signs of poisoning and inform the veterinarian if necessary.

Should milk be given at the first sign of poisoning?

No. If you suspect poisoning, do not give milk to drink. This "myth" is often spread on the Internet as first aid, but it does exactly the opposite: since milk components are quickly absorbed by the body and get into the bloodstream, the body also absorbs the poison faster and in a much more concentrated form. This can lead to worse poisoning consequences. Please note that the tips and information given here are not based on any medical completeness and do not replace a visit to the vet.