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A little manual skill and the right instructions will help you build a small greenhouse. The low cost of materials and quick implementation make building projects in your garden easier.

In a nutshell

  • use a simple framework
  • screw thoroughly
  • cover with plexiglass
  • Note the pitch of the roof
  • fill with plants


A small greenhouse for the garden can be implemented with little effort. All you need is the right materials for the project. Best of all, you can determine the size of the small greenhouse yourself and adapt it to your garden or patio. You have to decide on three specific dimensions:

  • length
  • broad
  • height

The compact dimensions are suitable for storing numerous planters or for small beds. Since the instructions require little manual skill, the size of the greenhouse can be individually adjusted. The following materials are required:

4wooden beams for the length
4Wooden beams for the width
4wooden beams for height
1Wooden strip in the desired length x 20 mm width x 10 mm height
Double web plates for the back
Double grouser plates for the left and right side
Corrugated sheets for the roof
16stainless 4-hole angle connector with the dimensions 40 x 40 x 40 mm
64self-tapping, rustproof screws with a length of 20 mm (diameter depends on angle connector hole size)
self-tapping, rustproof screws with a length of 60 mm
10/plateStainless steel sheet metal screws 4.5 x 45 mm

The squared timbers each have a width of 50 mm and a thickness of 50 mm. This makes them easy to process. The double wall and corrugated sheets can be made of the following materials:

  • polycarbonate
  • PVC
  • plexiglass

Depending on the selected dimensions of the greenhouse, you can either use one large panel for one side or put on two. For example, if you want one side to be two meters long, you can use two panels that are one meter wide instead of one two meter panel. That's entirely up to you. They are available in a variety of strengths. For the small greenhouses, the following are available:

  • 4.5mm
  • 6mm
  • 8mm
  • 16mm
Douglas fir wood

Notice: Use weather-resistant wood for the frame to ensure the greenhouse is strong and durable. Larch, robinia and Douglas fir are well suited and cheap to buy.


In addition to the materials, you will of course also need the right tools to start building the small greenhouse. The following list gives you an overview of the tools required:

  • cordless screwdriver
  • Cordless screwdriver bits (suitable for the respective screw)
  • saw
  • protractor
  • pencil
  • Tape measure or folding rule

Basic structure: building instructions

Now we can start. This mini greenhouse is basically a block of wood that is then glazed with corrugated and double-walled panels. Use the following instructions to build the basic framework for the small greenhouse:

  1. Begin by laying a frame of 4 beams. This requires two beams each for the longer and shorter side of the greenhouse. Just lay out a rectangle or square from these beams as a base. Do not screw the wood together yet.
  2. Now place one of the 4 height bars at each corner. They serve as corner beams for the greenhouse and are attached vertically. The frame timbers are attached to the corner beams using the angle connectors and 20 mm screws.
  3. Note that this method of construction adds 10 cm to each side, since the individual timbers do not lose any of their length. Shorten the timbers accordingly if the greenhouse is otherwise too large.
  4. Screw the top corner joists to the remaining length and width joists. This gives the cuboid or cube-shaped greenhouse the support for the roof. Again, use angle connectors for this.
  5. Now you should recognize a base frame that has the dimensions you want. Check the screw connections and angles again so that the basic structure for the small greenhouse is stable enough.
  6. If necessary, you can attach additional beams as support, for example for the back. If you use a meter length and want to reinforce the backing, simply attach another beam in the middle. This allows longer sides to be effectively supported.
  7. Finally, all you have to do is mount the wooden strip. It ensures sufficient distance for the roof corrugated sheets, so that an inclination of 20° to 30° is achieved. The slope ensures that rainwater can run off more easily and does not accumulate on the roof of the greenhouse. The weight could cause damage.
  8. To do this, simply screw the strip to the longitudinal beam on the back. Use the 60 mm screws at regular intervals for this. The final number of screws therefore depends on the length of the bar. The framework is now in place and it is time for the glazing.

Glazing: building instructions

Once the basic structure is in place, all you have to do is dress it up. The glazing can be done quickly and effectively using the individual elements. Since the basic structure is made entirely of wood and the sheet metal screws used for the plastic panels are self-tapping, you don't have to do any special preparatory work either. The panels for the sides and the roof are always attached in the same way. If you have a helping hand, the following instructions can be implemented even faster:

  • Cut panels as needed
  • Place the double-walled sheets on the scaffolding from the outside
  • use 10 screws for each plate
  • then screw with sheet metal screws
  • Lay the corrugated sheets for the roof on the framework
  • Note the roof overhang of 5 cm on each side
  • protects against rainwater
  • screw
  • note the inclination over the screwed bar

Notice: If you want to glaze part of the front, all you have to do is add another panel.

frequently asked Questions

What should be considered when choosing a location?

Make sure the location is level and sufficiently sheltered from the wind. Since it is not a permanently installed greenhouse, it is not stormproof. Furthermore, rainwater should be able to run off well. Place it so that your plants receive the necessary sunlight.

How can the greenhouse be positioned so that it is storm-proof?

Depending on the location, you have to contend with strong winds. In this case, you should connect the greenhouse to the foundation. This is possible if you have a concrete slab or spot foundation. A wooden terrace is also suitable. Drill holes in the foundation, ideally at the corners of the greenhouse, and attach the cottage using stainless steel angle brackets.

Can a door be installed?

If you want a door, you can equip the vacancy with one. Build a wooden frame that is glazed with a double-walled sheet. You can now place the frame including glazing in the free space and mount it using hinges. Depending on your needs, you can install a simple hook or bolt lock to lock the greenhouse.

What should be considered when installing the light?

If the small greenhouse is to have a heat lamp or general lighting, the main thing to consider is the weight. The lamps should not be too heavy, so as not to put too much stress on the greenhouse frame.

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