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The best way to preserve the aroma of rosemary is to dry it. Without loss of quality, the process takes a few hours or several days, depending on the method.

In a nutshell

  • best harvested in summer
  • Dry whole shoots in the air, in the oven or in the dehydrator
  • store in a dark and airtight place
  • durable for up to two years

harvest rosemary

In principle, you can harvest rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) all year round. However, it is at its most aromatic in the summer months. It also has a positive effect on the aroma if the shrub has had plenty of sun for two days or more before cutting. Since the kitchen herb must be dry when harvested, this is the ideal time

  • mornings (high content of essential oils)
  • on a hot sunny day.

Pruning in the early afternoon is possible if your time does not allow otherwise, or if the morning is cloudy and the rosemary takes longer to dry.

Notice: Harvest rosemary just before it dries, as it loses quality the longer you wait.

Cut rosemary

How many shoots you cut depends on the amount of rosemary you want to dry. In order for the shrub to grow back luxuriantly, you should

  • Cut off a maximum of two thirds of the rosemary shoots and
  • leave a few young shoots.

Tip: Only use sharp cutting tools (knife or scissors) to cut them off and be careful not to crush the needles when cutting.


Regardless of the drying method, prepare the sprigs of rosemary as follows:

  • get rid of dirt (shake off)
  • remove yellow and withered leaves (needles).
  • cut off rotten or damaged parts
  • never wash (danger of mold)


There are several ways to preserve the herb:

  • in the air
  • in the oven
  • in the dehydrator
  • in the microwave

With all methods, the drying process is complete when

  • the needles rustle
  • You can grate the rosemary leaves with your fingers
  • break the branches easily

air dry

Air drying is not only the oldest, but also the most gentle method. You need:

  • scissors
  • (kitchen) twine
  • possibly rubber band


  • Tie 6 to 8 sprigs of rosemary together at the bottom in a bunch
  • alternatively fix with the rubber band
  • hang upside down with the twine

Notice: Since the bunches of rosemary should hang freely, a nail or hook on the wall is not ideal.

The appropriate place is

  • dry
  • warm (ideally: 20 to 30 degrees Celsius)
  • dark (at least without direct sunlight)
  • airy (no draughts)

How long the drying process takes depends on the conditions. The bundles usually take three to four days to dry.

In the oven

The oven is only suitable if it allows temperatures below 50 degrees Celsius. If so, you need

  • a grid (ideal)
  • alternatively: baking sheet plus parchment paper

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Place the rosemary sprigs individually on the grid or baking sheet. When you hang up, be careful not to touch the branches.
  2. Preheat the oven to 30 to 35, maximum 40 degrees Celsius.
  3. Slide the rack/baking tray onto the top shelf of the oven.
  4. Leave the oven flap open a crack so that the resulting moisture can escape.

Depending on the temperature, the process usually takes three to four hours. If this time is not enough, leave the branches in the oven longer and check them regularly.

Tip: Achieve even drying by turning the branches once an hour.

In the dehydrator

To dry, place the individual sprigs of rosemary at a temperature between 30 and a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius

  • without overlap or touch
  • (close) next to each other

on the sieve. If your dehydrator has stackable drying sieves, you can use all layers. After three to four hours, the branches should be dry. Rotating the screens from time to time will speed up the process.

Notice: Do not refill the dehydrator while it is drying, as this will re-wet the branches that have already dried.

In the microwave

The microwave is the quickest way to dry rosemary. However, it is associated with quality losses. you need

  • kitchen paper or
  • a kitchen towel.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Spread the rosemary sprigs individually on kitchen paper or towel.
  2. Cover the branches with a kitchen towel or paper.
  3. Run the microwave on the lowest setting for 20 to 30 seconds.
  4. Open the door to allow the moisture that has formed to escape.
  5. Turn the branches over and then cover them again.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until the rosemary has dried.


You can use dried rosemary

  • in a jar or
  • in an opaque container

store. Put translucent vessels in a dark place. With opaque containers, a bright location is not a problem.

It is best to put the sprigs of rosemary in the bowl as a whole. That way the flavor will last better. However, you should use the dried herb within two years. After that, the aroma is largely gone.

frequently asked Questions

Can I lay rosemary out to air dry?

yes it is possible To do this, place the individual branches individually on a kitchen towel. As with hanging, a warm, dry, and airy spot out of direct sunlight is ideal. After three to four days, the process should be complete. If not, just leave the rosemary sprigs longer.

Can I just dry the needles?

Yes, that is possible. Place the needles on a tea towel without overlapping and cover the whole with a fly net (fly gauze). Place the rosemary in a warm, airy spot out of direct sun. If the rosemary needles have become brittle, you can store them in a container.

Can I store dried rosemary as a powder?

Yes. Pluck the needles from the branch. Then you can pulverize the rosemary needles with a mortar. The powder keeps well in an airtight container in a dark place.

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