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Some pumpkin varieties are well known to us. We often plant them in our own garden or meet them in the supermarket. But there are hundreds of varieties that are less well-known to us. Some of them are only useful as pretty decorations. Their insides are inedible and can even be poisonous. With some varieties, however, we can conjure up delicious autumn dishes without hesitation. We name numerous edible pumpkins and what aroma their pulp promises.

Edible pumpkins

There are countless types of pumpkin. But not all of them are edible. We introduce you to 30 edible pumpkin varieties. Maybe your new favorite pumpkin will be there? Try a new variety.

Varieties from A - B


This pumpkin is about 1 to 1.5 kg in size, is spherical and brightly colored orange on the outside and inside. However, its shell is easy to peel.

  • sweet chestnut aroma
  • ideal for desserts, muffins, cakes and jams
  • also for soups, casseroles and sauces
  • goes well with chili, ginger and curry

Atlantic Giants

Atlantic Giant is one of the varieties that are popular in this country. The gardener can then expect huge, almost spherical fruits. The orange pumpkins are suitable as a whole or decorated with carvings as an autumn decoration. But their yellow-orange flesh, up to 15 cm thick, is also delicious.

  • not so cute
  • tastes moderately like pumpkin
  • for soups and desserts

Baby Bear

A mini pumpkin that fits comfortably in one hand at about 10 cm in diameter. Of course, when prepared, it is just as tasty as its larger relatives. But it also offers a special advantage over other varieties: it can also be cultivated in the smallest of spaces, for example in a pot on the balcony.

  • slightly sweet pumpkin aroma
  • good for soups, puree, jam

baby boo

Another mini pumpkin that not only has an attractive appearance, but is also edible. Its pulp convinces with a strong appearance.

  • it's crisp
  • fruity, sweet and nutty
  • good for sweet, sour, hot and savory foods

Blue Hungarian

Also known as "Bleu de Hongrie", the pumpkin variety is commonly cultivated in southern Germany. Because behind their gray-blue skin hides a very juicy flesh, the consistency of which is reminiscent of potatoes.

  • aromatic in taste
  • does not overcook
  • suitable for braising, baking, roasting, stuffing and pureeing
  • also as raw food in salads
  • the roasted kernels are edible and healthy

notice: This pumpkin should be stored for about four weeks after harvest before it is used as a cooking ingredient.

blue banana

Also known as Gray Banana, it is one of the winter pumpkin varieties. The pumpkins are as long as bananas, but at 5 to 15 kg they are in a different weight class. They have dark yellow, thick flesh that is very firm.

  • juicy and tasty
  • good ingredient for casseroles and soups
  • also for cakes and jams
  • the roasted kernels are a delicacy


The bright orange flesh is tender and creamy like butter. The green shell, on the other hand, is so hard that the knife has to be accompanied by a hammer.

  • sweet with a taste of chestnuts
  • delicious raw
  • does not fall apart, can be filled
  • can also be used for gratins
  • for cakes and jams


The pear-shaped pumpkins are well represented in our supermarkets and are cheap in price. The beige-colored fruit is easy to process because only the bulbous end contains seeds.

  • sweet, nutty, with a light note of butter
  • for soups, cakes, jams
  • for roasting, steaming and stuffing
  • can be seasoned with pepper, salt, nutmeg and garlic
Butternut Squash

tip: Pumpkins that are about 20-30 cm tall are particularly aromatic. If you can't prepare the squash right away, make sure the shell is intact.

Varieties from C - F


The pumpkin has a diameter of about 15 cm. In the trade it is occasionally also offered as "Gorgonzola". The skin remains hard even when cooking, so it should be removed beforehand. Hollowed out, the pumpkin can also be used for serving.

  • mealy, sweet, creamy
  • for roasting, grilling, steaming


The name of this edible pumpkin promises a lot. In fact, the pulp delivers on that promise. Delicata is a summer squash that is harvested immature. Its taste is therefore milder than that of other pumpkin varieties.

  • sweet and fruity
  • with a light note of nuts
  • ideal for cakes, ice cream, desserts
  • hearty dishes are also possible

notice: This pumpkin is not only rich in water, but also contains a lot of healthy ingredients. For example beta carotene, magnesium and vitamin A.

acorn squash

It is worth roaming the markets in search of this variety of pumpkin. The ribbed fruit is best prepared in the oven.

  • tastes like hazelnuts
  • light pepper note
  • can be baked pure or filled
  • also goes well with pasta

Fig Leaf Squash

Visually, this variety can almost be confused with a watermelon. It is also known as the Siamese ball. The black seeds run through the pulp.

  • tastes sweet
  • ripe pumpkins are suitable for desserts
  • unripe fruits edible as vegetables

tip: Angel hair jam is a specialty made from this type of pumpkin. There are numerous recipes for this on the internet.


Festival is one of the pumpkin varieties cultivated in Germany. The crunchy flesh of the pumpkins, which weigh about 1 kg, is encased in a robust shell. That is why they can be stored for up to half a year.

  • nutty, sweet aroma
  • is edible raw
  • can be fried or baked
  • ideal for making sweet dishes

Varieties from G - L

Yellow hundredweight

This variety is the most commonly cultivated in our country and produces pumpkins weighing up to 50 kg. The yellow flesh has a watery consistency.

  • mild taste of pumpkin
  • suitable for soups and purees
  • also for jams and chutneys
  • can be inserted

heart of gold

This newly grown pumpkin is not only edible, but also decorative with its green and white striped skin. Its flesh is cream-colored to yellowish and slightly fibrous.

  • slightly sweet with a subtle hazelnut aroma
  • can be eaten raw and is nutritious
  • also for casseroles and soups
  • its flavors are also good in desserts


Also known as Uchiki Kuri and Red Kuri, the orange-red pumpkin has become a staple in every well-stocked supermarket. It is also one of the most commonly grown pumpkin varieties in private gardens.

  • sweet and nutty in taste
  • for soups, sauces, vegetable pans

tip: This squash can be prepared with the skin on, as it is thin, soft and edible.


A popular variety of pumpkin in the USA that has been cultivated for more than a hundred years. The fruits weigh several kilos. The flesh is dark yellow to orange.

  • tender, fine-grained meat
  • dry, only slightly sweet
  • for soups, puree
  • for frying
  • delicious in pumpkin pie

Lil' Pump-Ke-Mon

This type of pumpkin was specially bred so that the prepared dish not only tastes delicious, but is also quick to prepare. It can be cooked in the microwave in no time at all. That's why it's also known as the microwave pumpkin.

  • sweet and slightly nutty
  • for filling or baking desserts
  • for preparation in the oven or microwave

Varieties from M - R

Nutmeg pumpkin/ Muscade de Provence

The French, known as gourmets, also find this edible variety of pumpkin delicious. That should also encourage us to try it. The firm pulp is low in calories and there are only a few annoying seeds.

  • has a slightly sour taste
  • combines chestnut and nutmeg aroma
  • for desserts and savory dishes
  • Can also be eaten raw


Papaw is an almost forgotten old strain. The elongated pumpkins resemble the papaya on the outside. Their peel is yellow and very thin. The flesh has a firm consistency and is bright orange.

  • slight sweetness, nice pumpkin aroma
  • suitable for soups, purees and casseroles
  • can be used for desserts
  • Can also be eaten raw when peeled


Patisson is one of the old pumpkin varieties. The pumpkin has an unusual shape, which also earned it the names UFO and Bishop's Cap. There are white, yellow, green and bicolored fruits. The diameter varies between 10 and 25 cm.

  • low in calories and fat
  • a mixture of zucchini and artichoke in taste
  • delicious as a raw salad ingredient
  • can be filled well
  • Skin and kernels are edible
  • can be pickled and preserved

tip: The smaller the pumpkins, the sweeter and more aromatic their pulp. The large specimens are rather neutral in taste.

Red Hundredweight

This pumpkin is a French variety. There it is known under the name Rouge vif d'Etampes. The fruits weigh several kilos and are bright red-orange. The pulp is fine-fibrous.

  • nutty taste, slightly sweet
  • for pumpkin bread and pumpkin puree
  • suitable as raw food
  • for sweet and sour jams
  • as a vegetable

tip: This variety is also good as a carving pumpkin for Halloween. The fruits can be stored in cool rooms until they are used.

Red wart

Red and covered with warts, this is what red warts look like. This makes them an interesting ornamental pumpkin. But it can also be used in the kitchen because its yellow-orange flesh is extremely tasty.

  • sweet, dry, aromatic
  • ideal for oven dishes
  • completely filled as desired
  • peeled as a vegetable accompaniment to fish and meat
  • good in pasta sauces
  • suitable for frying

Varieties from S - W

Small sugar pie

This pumpkin variety is equally edible and so delicious that it's the most popular in American cuisine. But it is also available in this country.

  • very sweet and fruity
  • suitable for cakes and jams as well as soups and purees

notice: This pumpkin is then used to prepare the traditional pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.

spaghetti squash

Unassuming on the outside, but delicious on the inside! The long fruit fibers come off like spaghetti after cooking. So a healthy alternative for spaghetti lovers.

  • mild, slightly nutty
  • Can be combined with strong sauces
  • benefits from the chili, curry, cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar

sweet dumplings

A well-known winter squash originally from Mexico. With 300 to 600 grams per fruit, it is one of the rather small pumpkin varieties. Its shell is white to orange in color and decorated with multicolored stripes. It is also one of the tastiest pumpkins.

  • chestnut-like, slightly sweet
  • also edible raw
  • Salads, casseroles, soups


This Japanese breed means iron bracelet. That's why it's often sold as an Iron Cup. The flesh is thick, yellow-orange and firm.

  • fruity-sweet
  • nutty with chestnut flavor
  • edible with shell
  • ideal for curries

Tondo Chiaro di Nice

An old Italian zucchini variety that also belongs to the pumpkin family. The fruits are harvested once they reach the size of an apple. The flesh of the light green, spherical pumpkins is white and tender.

  • excellent zucchini taste
  • young specimens are delicious in salads
  • also for filling or gratinating
  • older fruits are suitable for soups

tip: If you grow this strain at home, then try its flowers as well. They are just as edible and delicious as the fruit.

turban gourd

Although this pumpkin is edible, it is also often used as a decoration. This is due to its colorful design and the rather unusual shape, which is reminiscent of a turban.

  • ideal for baking in the oven
  • mostly with savory fillings
  • tolerates oriental spices
  • raw inedible
  • but can be pickled raw

tip: Specimens harvested young taste best, while old fruits can be quite bitter.

winter luxury

An almost spherical pumpkin that is suitable for carving, but is also edible. It has medium-firm, yellow-orange flesh.

  • good pumpkin taste
  • for gratins, soups and cakes

More edible pumpkins

Avalon, Big Max, Blanch d' Egypte, Blue Ballet, Brodee, Buckskin, Casius, Casoper, Chestnut, Confection, Cushaw, Expert, Fairy, First Price, Floridor, Futsu Kurokawa, Yellow Crooked, Ghost Rider, Golden Nugget, Green Delicious , Green striped, Gray Star, Hayato, Howden, Jarrahdale, Kamo-Kamo, Kentucky Field, Lakota, Long of Nice, Little Lantern, Lokate Indian Pumpkin, Long Island Cheese, Long Face, Mandarin, Marble, Marina di Chioggia, Melonette, Jaspèe de Vendèe, Neck Pumpkin, Olga, Phat Jack, Pink Banana, Pucchini, Queensland Blue, Racer, Redondo di Tronco, Rolet, Stripetti, Sweet Grey, Sweet Mama, Tabergmoutz, Table Gold, Tom Fox, Tonda Padana, Triamble, Trombolina d'Albenga, Hungarian Fried Pumpkin, Wee-Bee-Little, White Wonder, Yuxiangbinggua and more m.

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