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Broccoli, often spelled broccoli, loves warmth and sun. Another ingredient for a successful harvest is the right planting distance. Because the flowering vegetables need a lot of space. Read here how much distance broccoli needs when planting.

In a nutshell

  • Planting distance important for healthy growth
  • for young plants and direct sowing 50 centimeters planting distance
  • Plant autumn and winter broccoli 60 x 70 centimeters apart
  • Zigzag shape saves space

plant broccoli

You can either sow broccoli (bot. Brassica oleracea var. italica) or place them in the bed as young plants. Whether you prefer the plants yourself or buy them is up to you.

plant young plants

Young broccoli plants look dainty and filigree. Don't be fooled by its delicate appearance, however, as it has spreading leaves and therefore needs space to develop well. The later you plant the broccoli, the greater the distance between the young plants should be:

  • Summer broccoli (planting period mid/late May): 50 x 50 centimetres
  • Autumn broccoli (planting time June/July) and winter broccoli (planting time mid/late September): 60 x 70 centimetres

Tip: Save space in the garden bed by planting the young plants in a zigzag pattern.

Prefer broccoli

To prepare broccoli you need next to the seeds

  • humus-rich seed soil
  • Cultivation pots or multi-pot plates

Once you have filled the seed pots with soil, put one to three seeds in each pot. The setting depth is 10 to 15 millimeters. Then spray the soil with water and place the flowering vegetables in a sunny place at a temperature between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius (necessary germination temperature).

Preparing in so-called multi-pot plates saves space.

Notice: Since sowing in seed pots is all about germinating the seeds, the planting distance plays a subordinate role in this phase.

If you have placed more than one seed in each nursery pot, you must prick out the plants as soon as the first leaves appear. Each plant is placed in a pot with a diameter of between five and seven centimetres. Individually sown broccoli may remain in the seed pots if they are of the appropriate size.

Notice: The young plants can be outdoors from the middle/end of May, when no more frost is to be expected. Choose the strongest specimens.


When direct sowing broccoli, planting distance and pricking out are crucial. Proceed as follows:

  • Dig small hollows in the ground by hand at a distance of 50 centimeters
  • Setting depth: 1.5 centimeters
  • Place 3 seeds in each well

When the first leaves appear, the strongest plant stays where it is. The two weaker ones are removed. You can put them in a pot or dispose of them.

In order to harvest seeds for sowing yourself, the broccoli must first bloom.

frequently asked Questions

Can I also grow broccoli on the balcony?

Growing broccoli on the balcony is possible. Put a plant in a pot with a diameter of 50 centimeters. Since the flowering vegetables have deep roots, the bucket should also offer enough space below.

Is broccoli suitable for the raised bed?

Growing broccoli in a raised bed is a double-edged sword. When it comes to harvesting, there is nothing wrong with planting. If you want to grow several plants, however, it takes up a lot of space in the raised bed, since the distance between the broccoli plants is 50 centimeters, as in the garden bed.

Do the different broccoli varieties have different planting distances?

There is no clear difference. When planting the "Calabrese" variety, however, you can save some space with a distance of 45 centimeters.

Which vegetables are suitable as neighbors?

Broccoli goes well with many vegetables and herbs. Problem-free neighbors are, for example, dill, potatoes, garlic, radishes, lettuce or thyme. Not everyone gets along so well with chillies, tomatoes or strawberries.

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