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A single zucchini plant can produce nearly five kilograms of fruit. That's about 50 pieces. To do this, the summer squash must be able to spread. What should be the distance between zucchini when planting?

In a nutshell

  • Zucchini cultivation perfect for gardening beginners
  • low claims
  • high yield
  • Planting distance at least 60 centimeters
  • Pot culture and climbing varieties as an alternative when there is a lack of space


The Latin name of the zucchini "Cucurbita pepo" means "little pumpkin". This is an indication of the relationship to the pumpkin family, but the popular fruit vegetable is not really small. A large zucchini plant with large leaves grows from a main shoot in no time at all.

The summer squash, as the vegetable is also called, is perfect for beginners. Anyone who wants to start growing vegetables will quickly find success with the undemanding plant.

Tip: Zucchini fruits contain a lot of water and few calories. This makes them ideal for losing weight.

site conditions

The optimal zucchini location is:

  • sunny to semi-shady
  • nutritious
  • profound
  • humorous
  • permeable
For the best possible yield, zucchini should get a sunny and wind-protected spot in the garden.

care needs

  • fertilize with compost to start with
  • water regularly
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Do not wet leaves with water to protect against powdery mildew
  • supply once a week with nettle liquid manure
  • mulch with grass clippings

space requirement

Zucchini plants grow very quickly. They just keep wandering through the bed. They quickly occupied an area of two square meters.

Put zucchini plants in a bed that has been fertilized with compost after the ice saints in May. When planting zucchini, plan a distance of at least 60×60 centimeters, but preferably 80×80 centimeters, between the individual specimens. The optimal area for a zucchini plant is one square meter.

Notice: Don't be put off by the large space requirement. Keep in mind that you only need a few plants to meet a family's needs.

Solutions for lack of space

The distance that the zucchini needs when planting quickly shrinks the garden area. If there is not enough space on the bed, you don't have to do without the healthy summer pumpkins. There are clever alternatives:

  1. bucket culture: Zucchini plants thrive in tub culture. Choose large containers that are 30 to 40 centimeters deep. We recommend planting two zucchini plants to ensure pollination. Note the high water and nutrient requirements of the potted plants!
  2. Climbing varieties: The enormous space requirements of zucchini plants have prompted growers to look for alternatives. After all, other plants should also find a place in the garden. A good solution is climbing varieties of zucchini. They grow up to two meters high on trellises.
Keeping zucchini in a bucket can save a lot of space in the garden bed.

frequently asked Questions

What should be considered when sowing zucchini outdoors?

In May you can sow zucchini directly outdoors. When the little plants have sprouted, they need to be pricked out and later planted apart.

What can be the reason if zucchini fruits taste bitter?

The bitter taste is usually a reaction to lack of water. This is common with fast-growing varieties such as courgettes, pumpkins and cucumbers. Water regularly. The water requirement is highest from July to August. Then the plants need water every day, unless it rains heavily.

Which varieties are suitable as bed partners?

Zucchini vegetables pair well with onions, cucumbers, or lettuce. Also keep the planting distance in the mixed culture. Otherwise, zucchini plants make their way without paying attention. We recommend sowing marigolds on the zucchini bed. They attract bees to other pollinators with their bright flowers.

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