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Mistakes are always made when growing peppers. The pepper plants are not planted with the right spacing. If the planting distance is too small, however, there will be less yields and in the worst case, disease or pest infestation.

In a nutshell

  • The pepper plants must not disturb each other at the location
  • Observe the required distance between the mature plants when planting
  • Planting distance in the greenhouse and garden bed is different
  • Plants that are too dense react with stunted growth

Planting distance in the garden bed

In a garden bed with rows of peppers (Capsicum), it is important to consider different planting distances. Because this is not just about the plants reacting with stunted growth if they are too close together. The distances between the individual rows must also be large enough to be able to walk comfortably between the rows. If the plants are too close together, twigs and flowers can be broken off when they are pushed through. Also make sure:

  • one meter between each row
  • at least 80 centimeters
  • Peppers grow in width
  • Spacing in rows 50 cm to 60 cm

Tip: Plant your pepper plants individually in large, deep and wide tubs and place them on the patio or balcony, then you can pull the pots apart and space them further when the plants start to get bigger and need more space.

Planting distance in the greenhouse

The greenhouses for your own use in the garden are usually not that big. Therefore, the distances between the individual pepper plants have to be planned differently here. There is usually no space here to create individual rows:

  • Planting distance 50 centimetres
  • put in a zigzag
  • a plant behind
  • the next diagonally forward
  • the third again diagonally backwards
  • so it can also be easily harvested
  • the plants themselves do not hinder themselves

Tip: If you sow the peppers yourself, they should always be preferred. In a greenhouse, you can also put the seeds directly into the ground. Pay attention to the distance, otherwise you will have to prick later.

plant neighbors

There are many plant neighbors that are good for the development of the pepper plants. But here, too, care should be taken to ensure that a certain distance is maintained. It is therefore helpful to plant a row of peppers and a row of other plants in the garden bed. Because many of the good plant neighbors presented here are smaller than the peppers and could therefore grow stunted or not at all due to a lack of sun or brightness:

  • marigolds
  • Borage (Borago officinalis)
  • Onions (Allium cepa)
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

These plant neighbors can attract insects to pollinate the pepper blossoms or drive away annoying pests with their scent.

A vegetable garden can be created with peas (Pisum sativum), cabbage (Brassica), tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), carrots (Daucus carota), zucchini (Cucurbita pepo), and eggplant (Solanum melongena) alongside the pepper plants.

Notice: Since a greenhouse is a closed area, you can place the pepper plants on one side and a bed with the desired plant neighbors on the opposite side. The plants support each other here as well.

frequently asked Questions

How tall do the peppers grow?

There are many different types of chili to sweet peppers. The varieties differ in the size of their fruits, but most of the plants do not grow very tall. As a rule, the pepper plants only grow up to a meter high. Due to the weight of the branching and the fruits in summer, you should always protect them from the wind and stabilize them with a stick.

How many individual pepper plants should I grow?

That depends on the number of people who also want to reap the fruits. Depending on how many of the tasty vegetables are consumed in your family, it is advisable to count on three to five plants per person for a sufficient harvest in summer. If your household consists of grandparents, parents and two children, then you are welcome to cultivate between 18 and 30 pepper plants.

Do you have any tips for keeping the distances?

Dig the first hole at the beginning of a row. From here, place an appropriate spacer of the appropriate length to the next hole and prepare it. Do this until the end of a row. In order to set the rows straight at the correct distance, you can place short posts at the beginning and end of the row and stretch a rope along which you dig the planting holes.

Is there a difference between red and green peppers?

No, there isn't. The fruits first turn green and then later change to red, yellow or orange. However, there are differences in the size, length and thickness of the peppers. But they all change color.

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