Bald patches in the lawn are very annoying as they disturb the overall picture and can make the green look unkempt. However, "holes" do exist in the best lawn and can show themselves even with careful nurturing and care. The only things that help here are repairing and overseeding. Our instructions tell you how to do this. And so that bald spots can be prevented, we also provide the appropriate care tips.


Bald patches in the lawn can appear for a variety of reasons. These include, among others:

1. Age of plants

Grass also ages and can die over time. Older plants often no longer withstand the frost, especially in winter. Yellowed and brown areas or even bare spots appear by spring at the latest. This cannot be avoided even with the best care and only overseeding helps.

2. Missing or wrong care

If the grass lacks water and nutrients, it is weakened. This not only affects growth, but also makes it more susceptible to damage, for example from frost or drought. Regular fertilization, appropriate watering and frequent mowing from spring to autumn prevent and keep the lawn healthy and strong.

3. Sun burns

Bald patches in the lawn can also form when the grass burns. It is important to water it sufficiently and to choose the right time for mowing.

4. Garden furniture

Garden furniture but also other foreign objects on the grass not only leave bruises. If they stay in the same place for a long time, the grass in this area will initially turn yellow or even whitish and eventually die.
The bases of flower pots, benches, chairs and tables, but also, for example, clippings from bushes and trees that have been left lying around can cause such stains. It therefore makes sense to keep changing locations and removing clippings as quickly as possible.

Repair lawn - step by step

If there are bare spots on the lawn, they can be repaired comparatively easily. To do this, you only need to observe the following points:

1. The ideal time for overseeding has come when the outside temperature is consistently around 10 °C and no more severe night frosts are to be expected. A hardy type of grass should be chosen that matches the color of the rest of the lawn. Of course, it would be ideal to use the same seeds for the subsequent sowing as for the rest of the grass. So there are no noticeable differences.

2. First, dead plant parts and roots are removed from the bare spots. Moss and weeds should also be removed.

3. The soil is slightly hooked or roughened so that the seeds can penetrate the soil well. It is important that the overseeding also takes place beyond the border of the bare spot. Otherwise there could be clearly visible gaps.

4. If necessary, the seed is watered slightly to promote germination and growth. In addition, the growth can be helped with fertilizer. It is also good to cover the newly sown area with a very tight mesh to protect the seeds from birds and other animals.

Proper sowing

When sowing, not only is the right time important, but also the type of sowing. So both the when and the how. Because in order to repair the hole in the grass, the seed must be distributed as evenly as possible. There are two variants for this.

For larger areas, a spreader come into use. In the case of smaller gaps, one spreads widely and one spreads lengthways - i.e. from two different directions with a difference of 90 degrees. In this way, a particularly dense and even distribution can be achieved.

Prevent bald spots

Bald patches cannot always be prevented, but the risk can be significantly reduced with the right approach. However, it is necessary to take the following factors into account:


The grass plants need sufficient water and occasional fertilization for healthy and vigorous growth. If you want to make watering easy, use a lawn sprinkler. Special lawn fertilizer, which is spread out with a spreader, is ideal for fertilizing. Iron fertilizer can also be used.


When the grass plants weaken, moss and weeds have an easy time. The more these grow and spread, the more they weaken the grass and can literally choke the lawn as a result. Regular scarifying can help here. The moss is removed and the soil is aerated.


Regular lawn mowing not only benefits the well-groomed appearance. The care measure also ensures that the plants branch out more and thus become denser. This gives annoying weeds and moss less of a chance to spread. However, care should be taken to ensure that mowing does not take place in the blazing sun. Otherwise the cut surfaces could burn.

pressure points

Planters, garden furniture and clippings can cause bruises and discolored spots because they continuously shade the grass. It is therefore advisable to change your location more often. This distributes pressure and shadows more evenly and prevents bald spots.

tip: Special lawn fertilizer is an easy way to add nutrients to the grass. However, it does not represent the optimum. It is better if a soil sample is analyzed first and then the fertilizer is adjusted accordingly.
