Either green or gold, sweet and sour and rich in vitamins and trace elements, it is not for nothing that the kiwi is one of the most popular imported fruit varieties in this country. It is available in German supermarkets all year round. The only question is which country produced the delicious fruit and where German fruit traders get the kiwi fruit from today.
The kiwi fruit has its origins in China, more precisely near the Yangtze River. The Changjiang and Sichuan areas are considered to be the main growing areas. In its country of origin, the fruit is called "Yang Tao", which means something like "macaque peach". However, it is known worldwide under the name of the Chinese gooseberry.
The New Zealanders wanted the Chinese gooseberry to soon become the kiwi. After the fruit became popular on the island nation, the residents named the fruit after the bird of the same name, their national symbol. The renaming is probably due to the fact that the Australian export duties for soft fruit were so high at the time that the shrewd traders came up with a new name without further ado.
Actinidia deliciosa is the Latin name of the kiwi fruit. It grows on a shrub, the cultivated radiate pen, which is a creeper. Only a few countries are suitable for cultivation, as the kiwi plant places high demands on its location. For optimal growth, the shrub needs
- warm summers
- nutrient-rich soils
- mild winter
- no late frosts
- a high rainfall rate
- a lot of sun
The kiwi fruit itself is an oval berry about eight centimeters long and about five centimeters wide. The skin is brown and furry, the flesh is a rich green color with a white center surrounded by tiny black seeds. In addition to the green variety, there are also golden kiwi fruits, which are characterized by a very sweet taste.
notice: Kiwis are among the so-called climacteric types of fruit, as they are harvested unripe and only develop their sweet taste during transport.
growing countries
A trip around the world
Although the Chinese gooseberry grows in Asia, it is cultivated less there. In the meantime it has New Zealand emerged as the world's largest exporter. The teacher Isabel Fraser brought kiwi seeds to her country of origin New Zealand from an expedition to the Far East. There, a grower began to grow the fruit on a large scale, which he did extremely well due to the ideal climatic conditions. Even today, the island of Bay of Plenty in northern New Zealand is considered the country's main growing area.
A little later, the fruit made its way to England, from where it soon became famous around the world. But the shrub also finds suitable climatic conditions for cultivation in some European countries.
- China, country of origin of the kiwi, annual production equals the remaining yield of all other growing nations
- Italy, number one exporter in Europe, second largest exporter worldwide
- New Zealand, gave the kiwi its name
- Iran, is characterized by the high quality of the kiwis
- Greece
- Chile
- France
- Turkey, has only recently been cultivating kiwis, but has optimal soil conditions
Where do German goods come from?
Kiwis are available in Germany all year round. It is obvious that China is the main supplier of the German fruit range, but it is a fallacy. Surprisingly, Germany does not even get a proportion of the fruit from the Far East. The fruits sold here come primarily from Italy, more rarely from Chile and New Zealand. France and Spain also supply the German market. In view of the shorter transport routes, this is certainly more environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, the harvest there does not begin until September, so that kiwis have to travel further distances from overseas in the winter.
tip: If you don't want to buy imported goods, you can also cultivate your own kiwi fruit in the garden. Prerequisites are, of course, plenty of sun and nutrient-rich soil. A south-facing bed is ideal. However, the plant must be brought into the warm room in winter, where it can hibernate protected. Unless you decide on a frost-resistant breed, which can be recognized by the smooth skin. These varieties are usually easier to care for and less demanding. When growing your own, it should also be noted that only the female kiwi plants bear fruit. In addition, the gardener needs a lot of patience: a kiwi fruit only bears fruit after about five years, which is worth harvesting.